Gallery of The Most Metal Animals Ever

If you think you are the ultimate metalhead, you haven’t seen these hardcore animals. Though some animals are just born with naturally rocking features and colors, others have unique traits that make them even metal-er (which is now officially a word). Scroll down to see the full list of awesome animals that lean toward the dark side.

Heavy metal animal.

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Funny And Sad Examples of How Media Manipulates The Truth

Lately more and more people are finding it harder to stay well informed because it is getting more challenging to determine which news are accurate. We gathered some examples of how media can use different techniques of deception to trick you into seeing exactly what they wanted you to see. As you will discover, perspective really is everything! It all goes to show that a healthy dose of skepticism goes a long way, and getting your news from a wide range of different sources is essential get to a more rounded view of the world we live in.

The dangers of a one-sided story.

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Twitter Users Share Their Most Awkwardly Embarrassing Situations

Whether it be farting at a funeral, bumping into an ex, or asking somebody when they’re due when they’re simply fat, we’ve all found ourselves in awkward situations at some point in our lives. But there’s awkward, and then there’s awkward, and as you can see from this cringeworthy list, some people take it to a whole new level.

Just tried a coat on in TK Maxx. It was the coat of a customer trying on another coat. I can never leave the house again.

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Worst Halloween Costume Knock-Offs Ever

Halloween is just around the corner and most costume stores are filled with the same 20 outfits, but some design companies have found a way around this with fresh, slightly off-brand Halloween costume knock-offs that aren’t really fooling anyone. Scroll down to see the funniest and stupidest of them all.

A-lad-in a costume.

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Awesome Couples That Absolutely Won Halloween

Out of ideas and considering avoiding Halloween parties and staying home with your SO? Fear not, we’re here to share some of the greatest couples costume ideas ever to give you an inspiration to leave your comfy couch and attend a Halloween party after all.

The perfect harmony Halloween costume.

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