KFC Meme: Typical Night at KFC, According To AI

Walmart is not the only company that is seen as a totally insane place by artificial intelligence. When it comes to KFC, the pictures come out even more batshit crazy…

Typical night at KFC, according to AI.

Typical night at KFC, according to AI.

Typical night at KFC, according to AI.

Typical night at KFC, according to AI.

Typical night at KFC, according to AI.

Typical night at KFC, according to AI.

Typical night at KFC, according to AI.

Typical night at KFC, according to AI.

Typical night at KFC, according to AI.

Typical night at KFC, according to AI.

Typical night at KFC, according to AI.

Typical night at KFC, according to AI.

Typical night at KFC, according to AI.

Typical night at KFC, according to AI.

Typical night at KFC, according to AI.

Typical night at KFC, according to AI.

Typical night at KFC, according to AI.

Typical night at KFC, according to AI.

Typical night at KFC, according to AI.

Typical night at KFC, according to AI.

Typical night at KFC, according to AI.

Typical night at KFC, according to AI.

Typical night at KFC, according to AI.

Typical night at KFC, according to AI.

13 thoughts on “KFC Meme: Typical Night at KFC, According To AI”

  1. Isn’t Photoshop wonderful.
    Not bad, though.

  2. These are clearly fake. There’s not even one cockroach anywhere.

  3. I have complained for years about the foul (no pin intended) sanitary
    conditions at many KFC locations.
    Danke’ Eatliver for showing the world this environmental disaster.

  4. This would be more accurate if it were a Popeye’s.

  5. Believe it or not, I haven’t eaten any meat or chicken since 1984, but yet most of the people who know me don’t even know that. As far as I am concerned, what they eat is their business— not mine and I never make it a point of telling people what I eat. I also do all the cooking and my wife eats meat all the time. There is an advantage to this set-up. Because I do all the cooking, I do all the food shopping. So when I buy her meat, I buy her the best quality. We will have our 31st anniversary next month.
    In my opinion, PETA does more to discourage people from becoming vegetarian than you could ever imagine. You will never convince the members of PETA that though. After all… In their minds they are superior and it is therefore it is their “duty” to educate us poor simpletons. Meanwhile they sit around and try to figure out why so many people ignore them!

  6. I believe it but you have to stop bragging and trashing PETA. Your
    wife is a great motivator having you do all the domestic household
    choirs. Me thinks you’re a prime example of being ***** whipped.

  7. Chicken power

  8. American workplaces are weird.

  9. The one with the brawl reminded me of my incarnation days,
    good times.

  10. A waste of time by the creator and everyone of us who left a comment about this manipulated pile of s… Modesty prevents me from commenting further.

  11. One boring paragraph with numerous spelling, abbreviation, and
    common sense errors.
    Sorry you are so stupid. Do we blame you’re parents, or the educational

  12. A fellow with the name David Pecker should not seek headlines.

  13. Grandpa, it’s not Photoshop anymore. With those programs you actually had to click a lot of buttons and find ways how to manipulate the image.
    AI means you type in some words any 7-year-old or you silly old man could come up with. And then you call yourself a creator. All hail to the algorithm.


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