It Feels So Good To Save The World!

Are you looking for a way to do your part in saving the world and creating a safe environment for your children and grandchildren? Consider buying toilet paper brand that gives 0.02% of its profits to the rainforests!

Are you looking for a way to do your part in saving the world? Consider buying toilet paper brand that gives 0.02% of its profits to the rainforests!

Eucalyptus Leaves: Survival Tip From Bear Grylls

Bear Grylls is a British adventurer and former SAS serviceman known for his survival skills and extreme outdoor expeditions. He became famous for his TV series “Man vs. Wild,” where he demonstrated how to survive in various challenging environments. You should really listen to this guy, he knows what he’s talking about. Koalas don’t like him too much, though.

Plants Outside vs. Plants At Home

Also don’t forget about the pH of the soil. House plants will die even if it’s slightly off. And the light! Don’t forget about the light! Too much is bad, too little is even worse.

Mmmm, concrete. Cozy. Is this tap water? I'm allergic.

Dark Humor: How Bad Do You Want To Know The Test Results?

Why doctors like dark humor and so many doctor memes are filled with it? Doctors deal with serious and often emotionally charged situations on a regular basis, and dark humor can be a way for them to cope with the stress – it’s a way for doctors to confront and process difficult topics and situations in a way that feels more manageable. There: now you know while joking about death and illness is actually a good thing!

How bad do you want to know the test results? I'm dying to know! What a coincidence!

Man In a Dress Telling Stories To Kids

And let’s not forget that this dude in a dress hung out with 12 other guys and never got married. Also right before he left he asked one of his best dudes if he loved him… Three times. It’s kinda suspicious, isn’t it?

And let's not forget that this dude in a dress hung out with 12 other guys and never got married. It's kinda suspicious, isn't it?

Patience Is a Virtue: It Always Pays Off

Do you really think that pigeons are pooping on your car by accident? Don’t be naive. They hate you so much that they’re actively hunting your car to ruin it 10 minutes after you’ve finished washing it.

Do you really think that pigeons are pooping on your car by accident? Don't be naive.