When Classic Comic Books Meet Modern Love…

Featured below are creations by artist and provocateur Peter Nidzgorski. He asks his followers to suggest sentences or quotes which he then adds to a specific classic comic book panel. His theme is modern love. Or rather a satirical take on the shallow, fickle, empty sex, selfie-obsessed and self-destructive nature of modern love, which is probably something most people can relate to.

Our what?

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Photoshop Artist Makes Eminem Smile, The Results Are Really Awkward

Photoshop artist Mike Brown, whose Facebook intro says “make someone smile every day,” decided to test this theory and shared a gallery of Eminem in various “before and after” pictures. The original photos portray Eminem as we know him best: serious, pissed off, or straight-faced. The doctored pics give a startlingly different vibe, however, with the addition of an outrageously cheesy grin creating an amusing but at times terrifying look.

Eminem looks really creepy with a photoshopped smile.

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Deepest, Darkest Fears

A series of funny and extremely horrifying fears shown as series of cartoons created by Fran Krause. He draws his fears and those that people submit. If you like his work and wish to support him, you can buy his book on Amazon… and don’t forget to leave your very own deep, dark fears in comments.

This is one of my deepest, darkest fears...

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