So This Company Sells Jeans That Look Like You Pissed Yourself…

Is this for real? Unfortunately, yes. Wet Pants Denim is a real company that will sell you a pair of jeans that look like you just pissed yourself. New jeans will cost you $75, however you can send them jeans that you already own and they will piss-stain them for $30. From their website: “In an effort to reach a wider customer base and do our part to reduce textile pollution, we’re happy to provide the imagery of authentic urinary incontinence, on a pair of jeans that you already own, at a fraction of the cost.”

Jeans that look like you pissed yourself.

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Twinkle Tush: a Jewel That Covers Your Cat’s Butt

The Twinkle Tush is essentially a little necklace that you can wrap around the base of your cats tail that has a little jewel that hangs off it to cover your cat’s butthole. What’s worse than having some people over only to have your cat walk out in the room flaunting it’s uncovered butthole all over the house? As your guests see your cats anus, your mother faints to the floor and your grandmother gasps in horror. If only there were a better way… Simply put the butthole necklace over your cat’s tail and the shame your cat walks around with will be hidden from view! The only problem: when cat goes to take a dump, you’re going to end up with a butt bling full of poop.

Cat butt bling.

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