Latest Menswear Collection by Spanish Fashion Label Palomo

Featured below is a men’s fashion collection by Palomo Spain: a Spanish company that offers a really odd take on how menswear should look in the future. What a time to be alive…

538 thoughts on “Latest Menswear Collection by Spanish Fashion Label Palomo”

  1. Looks ridiculous smh

  2. No creativity just plain sick.

  3. S I C K ! ! !

  4. “obamanation”.. :-)

  5. Morgan– I would like to know your Scripture reference pertaining to these outfits. I feel you are taking scripture out of context (as many do). The Bible does not say the clothes you wear are an abomination. Women were not to adorn themselves with gold jewelry and other fancities because in their day they would be dressing like the enemy nations that worshiped idols. God wanted them to stay pure to himself. Followers of Yahweh are to dress modestly and not ostentatiously. God is the judge of what is an abomination to him. He gives us guidelines to follow. That being said, while I don’t agree men should wear outfits like that as they are not appealing to me I can not judge a man who chooses to–that is between him and God. The models in the pictures do not look pleased wearing these outfits but maybe that is part of the marketing plan–these men are paid for the job–whether they actually would buy the products we don’t know. As believers in Christ we do have to stay open-minded to the changing world so that we can know how to connect to it– not give in to it. We are to stay grounded in God’s teachings but we can’t be so close-minded and judgmental that we push people away from God’s love. We need to be the sweet loving aroma of God to bring people to Him and let God guide them toward any changes. God guides each of us on our individual journeys– we are to support each other and encourage each other… not condemn each other.

  6. Sick!!!

  7. All these people look drugged. This is so sad.

  8. I’m waiting for women to look like women again… Girly and feminine, the sort of girl men melt over……..and for men to be sexy and masculine… Something to ‘swoon’ over, ha! ha!
    Sadly, this doesn’t cut it. I DON’T care about this ‘shock’ type dribble…just another venue to sell clothing to gullible buyers who are trying DESPERATELY to be first to wear the so called ‘fashion Statement’…
    Ever notice the styles repeat themselves every 30 years or so with slight modifications, so it’s the Designers idea? The reason for that is, they have run out of new ideas.
    Just like the Movie Industry keeps re-hashing old Movies… No new ideas… There’s nobody left that is innovative… Nobody “up and Coming” to lead the crowd… Welcome to the decline of Civilization, ha! ha!
    I think these Designers are so Desperate to make a Buck, they will make ‘ bilked fools’ out of every sex…

  9. Obamanation?!!
    You have no clue how accurate your
    faux pas is! He could happily be 1 of the models :D
    The comments I’ve read- are spot on-(excepting the hellfire brimstone thumpers.)
    A sad statement of fashion.

  10. What is masculinity? Should they be driving trucks or chopping down trees? Arm wrestling?
    Drinking steins of beer? Sure men and women are bioligically different but im afraid the concept of “masculinity” you are clinging to is merely a social construct and changes with the fashion of the time and varies from culture to culture. Sorry, mate, but your “masculinity” is the next person’s “douchery”.

  11. Just as you are rehashing your old tired stereotypes of gender roles? Nobody is forcing u to date a guy who is wearing this stuff.

  12. But it’s cool for priests to rape kids?

  13. Because it’s a man’s role to work and look after the family while wifey stays home and looks after the kids? What year is it, mate?

  14. They look pretty confident, professionally competent and comfortable with themselves, Phyllis… you are the one with your panties in a bunch over what someone else is wearing… meanwhile u can clearly see these guy’s panties remain unbunched. Find a charitable and altruistic outlet for your faith rather than condemning those who you deem not to be worthy of your god.

  15. Did the pretty frills and bows frighten u?

  16. … for doing their job and getting paid? And ugly? Where’s your modelling contract, “bro”?

  17. Gail… Satan’s work is frills and bows? Hell must be very pretty. See ya there, Judgy Judgerson.

  18. What should men be wearing? You do know that high heels were originally men’s clothing, right. It’s just fashion mate… if you dont like it, don’t wear it.

  19. No perverts in the church. No, sir!

  20. Judy Winter it’s called cross dressing *because* of the restrictive social constructs defining gender roles – the same social constructs that prevented women from voting, perpetuate inequality for women in tbe workplace and tacitly endorse violence against women by men.

  21. Lol… tell her it’s men wearing clothes that are traditionally considered female attire… tell her its not your cup of tea but, hey, people are different and she’ll likely see many things in her lifetime which may not align with her values but that’s unavoidable because its a big and diverse world we live in and some people won’t like her choices too and thats ok because not everyone is the same and nor do they have to be.

  22. Actually, yes, drugs were involved . . . . . why do you ask?

  23. I’ll die before I step into this “future!”

  24. honestly you are overreacting – it’s just clothes

  25. If you are seriously shaken by this fashion you are very likely a closet homosexual. And I don’t like homosexuals.
    Kidding, I love my homosexual friends and relatives! :)

  26. PEOPLE, you SERIOUSLY need to take English 101! More and more supposedly English speaking people are butchering the language! PLEASE, take the class!

  27. OMG this is hilarious, probably we are seeing the next Scary Movie outfits. This is not fashion, this is lack of inspiration. I think fashion has to be about beauty and all i see here is grotesque.

  28. God help us

  29. einfach nur krank sorry

  30. All righty, I 100% support transgender people, gender benders, androgyny, etc etc, but most of these look hideous imo. WTF? And their facial expressions look like a joke, most of them. I hope it’s parody and not a legitimate attempt at fashion.

    But wtf does this have to do with the Bible? All they are doing is wearing a certain type of clothing. Is there somewhere in the Bible that says that men can’t take photos in their underwear or wear dresses? There is plenty of insane, demonic stuff advocated by the Bible, but I highly doubt even that piece of junk complains about this clothing. The Bible is evil, though.

  31. Yeah. This is terrible. I think it must be a joke.

  32. Gender paradise.

  33. Can you speak other then English?

  34. Cracked pot paradise. Thank heaven for little boys, little boys not made for little girls…

  35. Wow, so entertaining to read the comments here. Thank you, “real men don’t care what others wear” for making me laugh out loud at your responses. It is amazing to me how closed minded and condescending people are simply from looking at some pictures. Love and light to ya all anyway.

  36. I guess I am the odd one out on this one…I think it is the most brilliant statement yet to the absolute shitstorm the repugnant right, hand and hand, with the church to force this sad and outdated social constructs that fit their narrow minded, small and twisted beliefs for so very long. BRAVO!! How completely delicious! Sorry, I have been waiting for far too long for the industry to create such a complete OFMG what the fu*k did I just see? A commenter posted above about their eyes bleeding…and there is the beauty of that experience…to make the point that WHATEVER is to come in this journey of exploration: EFF YOU right in the brain through your eye sockets…your approval is not requested and your participation may not be your choice! Its a NEW WORLD FOLKS! Thank the gods!

  37. i dont know what they are but they re not men and thats not fashion

  38. Just plain hideous. Those poor boys look like they could do with a few good dinners.

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