Your 2022 Horoscope

It’s time to find out what the sky has in store for your zodiac sign for the 2022. You might be surprised!

Find out what the sky has in store for your zodiac sign for the 2022!

Find out what the sky has in store for your zodiac sign for the 2022!

Find out what the sky has in store for your zodiac sign for the 2022!

Find out what the sky has in store for your zodiac sign for the 2022!

Find out what the sky has in store for your zodiac sign for the 2022!

Find out what the sky has in store for your zodiac sign for the 2022!

Find out what the sky has in store for your zodiac sign for the 2022!

Find out what the sky has in store for your zodiac sign for the 2022!

Find out what the sky has in store for your zodiac sign for the 2022!

Find out what the sky has in store for your zodiac sign for the 2022!

Find out what the sky has in store for your zodiac sign for the 2022!

Find out what the sky has in store for your zodiac sign for the 2022!

32 thoughts on “Your 2022 Horoscope”

  1. Betelgeuse is about to go super nova. Possible gamma ray burst to irradiate the planet. Black and brown people most affected.

  2. Was expecting something a little more imaginative.

  3. Same as last year… cool.

  4. Hey people believe the media so why not astrology. It’s about as accurate.

  5. why do you people act like people liking/believing in astrology is a crime its your opinion that its fake, like religion let people believe what that want and feel is right omg

  6. Eatliver FINALLY got one correct.

  7. Not true. Try again in a few thousand years moron.

  8. Same procedure as every year, James.

  9. It’s not an opinion that astrology is fake. It’s a fact that astrology is fake.
    There’s no possible way for the positions of stars hundreds of light years away to affect your life.

  10. And the “burst” won’t kill anyone. Killer gamma bursts are produced by black holes in beams. So it’s really bad luck to get hit.

  11. Thanks, antivaxxers. + one year pandemic. Blow yourselves up.

  12. The downvote says all, mate. We have flying cars, but peoples’ heads are still in 1521.

  13. Religion is poison. You judge people by their zodiak? You have been poisoned.

  14. Except they send an asteroid your way. But that’s physics, not astrology.

  15. @Anon#1
    Gamma Black Holes?

    You freak’n racist!

  16. @Anon#2
    I prefer the term PureBloods. We are weary of the GMO’s as their clots break loose and cause strokes ‘n such causing hostile behaviors.

  17. I only believe The Narrative. The Narrative is decreed by The Atlantic. If The Atlantic says astrology is a crime then I believe it.

  18. A neutron star cruising through the SOLhood can ruin your day.

  19. What’s the Atlantic? An ocean, I know. What else. I read the bible and came to the conclusion it’s poisonous.

  20. Believe in Bob. Bob is the only true thing in Life. Bob is the one. All Hail Bob.

  21. Our fundie atheists have been spewing the same toxic nonsense for two decades, why would you expect today to be any different?

  22. No Prob, with Bob!

  23. Our fundie atheists have been spewing the same toxic nonsense for two decades, why would you expect today to be any different?

  24. @PureSpooSue non-dementos prefer the term Cannibal Zombies for you and your ilk; succinct and accurate

  25. This is an even bigger waste of time than a real horoscope.

  26. If your mind was critical you couldn’t stand being a christian.

  27. I guess it means his mind is in critical condition.

  28. “Purebloods” she writes nipping on her bourbon after she took a deep drag on her cigarette, ivermectin still in her system. Rediculous people. Noone mourns the stupid.

  29. There is no “real” horoscope.

  30. We all remember what happened to the last people that called themselves purebloods. Well, most antivaxxers do have a love for nazis. Just look at the protests. Hand in hand they march against reality.

  31. Amazing horoscope! I especially love the part that says “Distant stars won’t affect your life in any way”.

  32. Your fantasies speak for themselves.

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