Your Childhood Ruined: Hilarious Parodies of Kid’s Books

The creators of Facebook page @YourChildhoodRuined alter vintage kid’s books, adding the text in order to give the stories a different meaning with a dark comedic effect. Something that drives their passion for this unique art form is people’s disapproving comments, although overall their work is well received. Scroll down to see the best examples and don’t forget to leave a comment about how offended you feel!

The power of farting.

Kid's book parody.

Book parody.

Kid's book parody.

Kid's book parody.

Kid's book parody.

Kid's book parody.

Kid's book parody.

Kid's book parody.

Kid's book parody.

Kid's book parody.

Kid's book parody.

Kid's book parody.

Kid's book parody.

Kid's book parody.

Kid's book parody.

Kid's book parody.

Kid's book parody.

Kid's book parody.

Kid's book parody.

Kid's book parody.

Kid's book parody.

Kid's book parody.

Kid's book parody.

6 thoughts on “Your Childhood Ruined: Hilarious Parodies of Kid’s Books”

  1. These all bring back fond memories of the past. Wish it was 1956 again.

  2. the cat ones got me laughing so hard

  3. avoiding military service once again

  4. the cat ones got me hard 🍆

  5. Hilarious! All of them! Love it!

  6. “That prick gave me fleas”, “guess who has crippling depression” and we can’t forget “winnie the pooh buries the evidence”

    I love dark humor

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