Stay Safe!

Work from home during Coronavirus outbreak!

24 thoughts on “Stay Safe!”

  1. The first thing to be done is to change Trump’s home. As long as he is the ‘great leader,’ nothing will be done to stop the virus. He activated emergency laws, but refuses to use them to enforce the production of face masks, ventilators and other desperately needed equipment. He is more concerned in blaming others than in solving the problem, as usual. Did he, like Burr and some other top republicans, dump his stocks a month ago when they were briefed on the likely pandemic?

  2. he has a brain tumor leave him alone

  3. Your stupidity reached an unprecedented level not ever recognized. The war era law was activated exactly to build necessary supplies. Your Trump Derangement syndrome needs to be treated asap.

  4. I hope you’re saying the archeologist for doing that. The president is correct for saying whoever can work from home, do that.

  5. what ever orange man says is always bad, where have you been?

  6. Yes, work from home…. and then go vacation in Florida and all the national parks!

    What could possibly go wrong.

  7. #boomereraser

  8. “Concerned in blaming others”….. true! That’s his m.o.
    “Dumped his stock”……possibly, but lots of people did that. That’s why the market has been tanking.
    “activated laws but refuses to use them….” – Does anyone know what has actually happened since he activated the laws?

  9. Burr was dumping his stock before the tanking, telling the public that the US was well prepared for corona while saying behind closed doors ‘There’s one thing that I can tell you about this — it is much more aggressive in its transmission than anything we have seen in recent history. It’s probably more akin to the 1918 pandemic.’

    Trump’s words: “I only signed the Defense Production Act to combat the Chinese Virus should we need to invoke it in a worst case scenario in the future,” and “Hopefully there will be no need, but we are all in this together!” He has not done anything useful yet.

    @anon, You blame my TDS, I blame Trump’s Desastrous Stupidity.

  10. Brain tumor? That’s not Joe Biden.

  11. Your president would say anything. Just rattle his head and new meanless words will come out.

  12. You’re a gullible person

  13. The Washington Post of March 21: “There’s a drastic wartime tool at President Trump’s disposal to try to get hospitals what they need, but Trump has been reluctant to use it despite bipartisan pressure. He again said Saturday he would not invoke it.”
    @anon, your misplaced trust in the great pretender and his propaganda stations is killing people.

  14. I keep getting shadow banned when I say;


    Removed by LandLord in 3-2-1

  15. All the above are examples of “Going off Topic.” Seems to be the way life has changed.

  16. You do know this is a “comic” site and such?

  17. ok boomer

  18. It is Tuesday, nearly a week after signing the Defense Production Act, and there is news by the head of FEMA that Trump is finally going to use the Act: to enforce the production of 60,000 test kits. As if that is all that is needed to stop the pandemic.

  19. @Dianod: You sound like quite an expert. Please enlighten us on what Trump should have done/be doing to “stop the virus”. Use specific examples, not ambiguous rhetoric.

  20. @Caption Oblivious: Have you ever noticed that when the phrase “ok boomer” (always without the comma) is used that it is some fact that a millennial doesn’t want to acknowledge?

  21. I am not an expert, just somebody with common sense.
    The president should have done the blatantly obvious: enforce companies to start producing the equipment needed in hospitals, like tests, PPE, ventilators and the like. That is what any sane president would have done the minute after signing the Defense Production Act. Without tests you have no idea who is infected and where the infection sources are, and without equipment you can not help the patients. He should call in assistance from the military, they know how to handle the logistics of getting the stuff at the right place. Governors and mayors can order lock-downs, but only the president can enforce production and efficient distribution.
    He should listen to his medics, in stead of promoting an unproven drug as the miracle cure.
    He should stop pretending that everything is under control and over in two weeks — it will take much longer, as you can see in other countries.
    He should lead the country in stead of declaring himself not responsible.

  22. Ah, then you’re a know-it-all. According to you and other like you, Trump is the cause of every problem that exists today. Of course, you just flat-out ignore the fact that Obama’s decision to eliminate the ability for private labs to do independent testing, requiring tests be sent to federal labs, dramatically increased the time for medics to obtain test results. With quicker return on tests there may have been an increased ability to control the spread. I assume that you also protest Trump’s overturning of that requirement, because, well, Trump.

    Aside from the ludicrous testing requirements, who else has Trump blamed for this mess? Use specific verifiable examples, not inflammatory rhetoric.

  23. Trump is not the cause of every problem today, he just made it way worse than it could have been. Trump was informed in January and February that this was likely going to be serious epidemic.But in stead of taking action when it was clear that the virus had arrived in the US, he kept ignoring it and called it a hoax that would quickly blow over.

  24. Trump: “No, I don’t take responsibility at all. Because we were given a — a set of circumstances, and we were given rules, regulations and specifications from a different time. It wasn’t meant for this kind of — an event with the kind of numbers that we’re talking about.” These rules were introduced by G.W. Bush. Obama thought about changing them but in the end didn’t. To the best of my knowledge, Trump hasn’t changed them either, yet.
    Following the outbreak of H1N1, within a month of the first case in the US there were 1 million people tested (guess who was president). Under corona, it takes twice as long for one-tenth of a million.

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