Awkward Beauty Pageant Queens From The 20th Century

Sausage, atomic bomb, and magic marker: the vintage beauty pageant queens covered (and were covered in) all kinds of unusual stuff. Why don’t we get these kind of beauty pageants nowadays?

Weird beauty queen from the 20th century.

Weird beauty queen from the 20th century.

Weird beauty queen from the 20th century.

Weird beauty queen from the 20th century.

Weird beauty queen from the 20th century.

Weird beauty queen from the 20th century.

Weird beauty queen from the 20th century.

Weird beauty queen from the 20th century.

Weird beauty queen from the 20th century.

Weird beauty queen from the 20th century.

Weird beauty queen from the 20th century.

Weird beauty queen from the 20th century.

Weird beauty queen from the 20th century.

Weird beauty queen from the 20th century.

Weird beauty queen from the 20th century.

Weird beauty queen from the 20th century.

Weird beauty queen from the 20th century.

Weird beauty queen from the 20th century.

Weird beauty queen from the 20th century.

Weird beauty queen from the 20th century.

Weird beauty queen from the 20th century.

Weird beauty queen from the 20th century.

27 thoughts on “Awkward Beauty Pageant Queens From The 20th Century”

  1. Today, women’s groups would be having shit fits claiming sexual exploitation.
    Don’t dare show your curves, long shapely legs, or amply breasts, you will be attacked
    by pissed off mousy women libbers.

  2. The problem aren’t the clothes. Women know that. The problem are men that interpret such clothing as an invitation for sexual harrasment. Even demanding women to wear such clothing.
    If you don’t understand this, you are part of the problem. It is as it is.

  3. We need to send a tank and 5 guys up to Canada to liberate it.

  4. Remember last time the US tried to attack Canada? Ouch.

  5. How beautiful! *So* much nicer than fat, ugly, angry twerkers.

  6. Not that you are a masterpiece of the Lord…

  7. Why are all the pictures black an white?

  8. Probably because they are old and since then many of these pageants are considered stupid.

  9. How very christian of you.

  10. Because HIStory is racist.

  11. Feminists are racist Karens who only care about their whiteness.

    The American feminist movement used a classic bait and switch tactic. Even though prominent white feminists offered Black women a seat at the table, their campaign failed to progress their interests. If the women’s movement is the Milky Way galaxy, Black women became Pluto, cast out of planetary legitimacy.
    Many people assume the women’s movement uplifts all women because, after all, birds of a feather flock together. However, looks can be deceiving. The women’s movement historically prioritized the needs of white, affluent women, denigrating Black women.
    Feminism failed to address the unique intersection of sexism and racism Black women experience. The agenda prioritized strengthening women’s liberties as opposed to universal civil rights for Americans.
    Society pulls Black women in two different directions, each with a unique magnetic force. They fought alongside white feminists throughout history to improve women’s lives and alongside Black men to make advances in the Black community.
    Black women lack the resources to land a full-throated fight against sexism while ignoring the role of systemic racism. White women have the privilege of never needing to consider their race when fighting for their rights. Likewise, Black men never have to fear their sex holding them back socioeconomically

    The American feminist movement used a classic bait and switch tactic. Even though prominent white feminists offered Black women a seat at the table, their campaign failed to progress their interests. If the women’s movement is the Milky Way galaxy, Black women became Pluto, cast out of planetary legitimacy.
    Many people assume the women’s movement uplifts all women because, after all, birds of a feather flock together. However, looks can be deceiving. The women’s movement historically prioritized the needs of white, affluent women, denigrating Black women.
    Feminism failed to address the unique intersection of sexism and racism Black women experience. The agenda prioritized strengthening women’s liberties as opposed to universal civil rights for Americans.
    Black women cannot separate their womanhood from their race
    Society pulls Black women in two different directions, each with a unique magnetic force. They fought alongside white feminists throughout history to improve women’s lives and alongside Black men to make advances in the Black community.
    Black women lack the resources to land a full-throated fight against sexism while ignoring the role of systemic racism. White women have the privilege of never needing to consider their race when fighting for their rights. Likewise, Black men never have to fear their sex holding them back socioeconomically.

    Douglass cut to the central fallacy of the white suffragist push — that African-American women could magically separate their blackness from their femaleness (Staples, 2018).

    Black women want to battle sexism and racism to create a more equitable society. However, fighting a battle on two fronts has led to two ineffectual campaigns instead of one successful one. Black women have become an ally to everyone without having one group that wholeheartedly allies itself with them. They poured in gallons of effort but only produced a few drops of progress.
    If feminists want to overcome failure, they must encompass anti-racism as a primary agenda item, equal to the fight for equal pay and reproductive freedom. Likewise, if Black men want the Black Liberation movement to succeed, they must embrace the legitimacy of fighting against misogynoir.
    As long as the civil rights movements center only on self-interest instead of universal civil liberties, they will continue to ostracize Black women and other marginalized groups.
    Black women cannot separate their Blackness from their womanhood any more than a blue jay can separate from its indigo hue. Fredrick Douglas spoke at length about the unique circumstances Black women endure.
    When women, because they are women,” he said, “are hunted down through the cities of New York and New Orleans; when they are dragged from their houses and hung upon lampposts; when their children are torn from their arms and their brains dashed out upon the pavement; when they are objects of insult and outrage at every turn; when they are in danger of having their homes burnt down over their heads; when their children are not allowed to enter schools; then they will have an urgency to obtain the ballot equal to our own — Fredrick Douglas at 1869 meeting (Staples, 2018).

    Douglas understood what many white feminists failed to understand — that sex and race are inseparably Black women’s qualities. White women refused to condemn injustices across the board and thus made poor allies. The feminist movement attempted to separate the inseparable.
    White women are like “Lucy” from the iconic Peanuts comic strip. Fans will remember she repeatedly held the football, encouraging him to run towards her and kick it. Each time Charlie Brown ran, building up speed, only to be disappointed because Lucy yanked the ball away at the last minute. Black women are the Charlie Brown of the women’s movement because white feminists often offer an olive branch but instead give toxic oleander. Instead of deliverables, Black women received stagnation and neglect.

  12. They’re in color for everyone else. Must be your computer is breaking.

  13. Those fake videos of cops beating the sh&# out of innocent peaceful protesters are amazing. There are so many from so many different angles it’s like they really are Nazi thug scum and not lovable ol law abiding police. Technology is so amazing.

  14. Couldn’t happen with out the support of the Canadian people. And here the world thought Canadians we’re decent people. Now we know the true nature of these monsters and their Marxist Czar Trudeau.

  15. I won’t read all that nonsense. And you need a job. It’s urgent.
    And spend some thought about normal women named Karen. What it does to them when you use their name as a cliché and an insult.
    On the other hand, without reading your sermon, I guess you don’t spend much thought about others.
    Mommy didn’t love you.

  16. “fat, ugly, angry” Sounds like Anon#1’s mom.

  17. Editing is everything. American right learned it from the Russians.

  18. What lunatic would read that book of shite? – Or better what lunatic would write that?

  19. I bet that old lady got good money for her fake news show.

  20. That would be a total waste of a tank and like four and a half guys…

  21. Some people won’t believe the truth even when it bashing them in the face with a fascist knee.

  22. Did all those woman turn your Incel self down?

  23. imho, that’s not a catfish

  24. Sausage Queen has a completely different meaning today I think.

  25. I showed them by falling down and cracking my skull but they still insist it’s safe, smh.

  26. You must be quite flexible to hit yourself with your knee in the face so hard. Wasted talent.

  27. All of mankind will eventually be white.

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