How NATO Really Works

How Europeans think NATO works vs. how it really works.

40 thoughts on “How NATO Really Works”

  1. I’d be content to turn Germany and Japan loose, bring our assets home and let the order of things unfold naturally.

  2. You made most of NATO members not to have nukes and such and made everyone dependend on the U.S. as a political agenda. So deal with it, ‘Merica. You always wanted to be the boss. Now you have a responsibility.

  3. Nukes are expensive and only the competent should have them, you wouldn’t give your 5 year old a loaded gun would you? Can’t have the Greek defense forces running nukes around in pickup trucks and Piper Cubs, that’s plain retarded.

  4. America always wanted to be the leader and the N°1 and now you say it’s our fault? No. You are not going to pick your personal narrative.

  5. Part of the problem is that Americans DO give their five year olds loaded guns, as well as anybody else who wants one irrespective of whether they’re mentally competent to have one without committing mass murder at the nearest school or shopping mall.

  6. Your countries are failing and you have no one to blame but yourselves. Stop whining and fix it!

  7. Says the guy with a failed coup last year…

  8. “Can’t have the Greek defense forces running nukes around in pickup trucks and Piper Cubs”. Yeah, cos if they got into a war with somebody, they might actually use ’em, right? Drop ’em on cities and kill hundreds of thousands of civilians and stuff.

  9. The GOP would give the U.S. to Pootin freely. So, what’s the point of NATO if they win the next election?

  10. That can’t be right. Americans don’t get to have white hair, they die in Highschool shootings.

  11. Americans love greek. Especialy in the bedroom.

  12. True, many do. Only in America. Freedom deaths.

  13. Talking about other countries isn’t going to fix things. This might be why your failing. Lack of self responsibility and whataboutism. Now try insults, see how that doesn’t work either. Boneheads.

  14. Yes, America loves to judge about other countries. Home of the entitled. Better sort their own business out before that.

  15. The like one big comment troll never seeing what the others see while looking at us and too unaware to even try. Just yelling “We’re #1!!!”

  16. The nice thing about NATO is that it has worked very well. Only one member has ever had to ask the others for help. Guess which one…

  17. Patriots are often just idiots. There is a fine line. Many Americans aren’t people for fine things.

  18. *cought* usa *coughcough*

  19. I see the problem now. You can’t fix stupid. Go Dutch Farmers! The rest of the countries.. your next.

  20. Dutch farmers in Europe have protested many times in many countries for many years. It’s their freedom right to do so. This is nothing special and not a sign of riot and decay like in the U.S.
    Sorry, to crush your dreams… nah, I’m not sorry.

  21. Correction: Farmers in general – not Dutch farmers specifically. Why would they protest elsewhere – except Brussels maybe? I think I made it clear.

  22. Read European history. NATO was formed to protect the non-Iron Curtain countries from Soviet aggression. At the end of WW2 only the US had the means to do that. Should we have shrugged and said ‘good luck Europe – we pulled your butts out of a ‘totalitarian’ fire AGAIN so now you’re on your own’ or did we do the correct thing by leading the way over the socialist sympathizers in Europe which allowed its people a chance at freedom? If you live in Western and Central Europe today you should appreciate you had that and realize that the Golden Goose is dying now so you need to step up for yourselves or learn to speak Russian and Chinese.

  23. And you were afraid to have communists at your Atlantic doorstep.

  24. You’re Government’s are tyrannical and becoming more authoritarian everyday and you sit and do nothing. It’s great entertainment for us but so said to watch you knuckleheads succumb. You’re children, if you bothered to have any, will curse you for what you’ve let happen to them.

  25. Too bad Americans are not made of the right stuff these days. Half of the country would rather join the former KGB minion Putìn than work for freedom.

  26. This next election will show you exactly what direction the US is heading. To the right as fast and as far as it can go. Free countries are leaving the tyrannical Left behind. Like socialism/communism it’s a failed ideology.

  27. Americans aren’t welcome in Europe. Go home America and sort your own problems out. We don’t want you in Europe 😁

  28. Of course they are welcome. As long as they behave like human beings who believe in freedom and democracy. We like these Americans.

  29. USA under the conservatives is on the path to tyranny. The Republican Party will steal the vote. Like every fascist regime in history. The truth is, there is no communism or socialism in the U.S. It’s just a smoke screen to blind people. Religion will rule America. Judges are already ordered by radical evagelicals how to interpret, warp and pervert the law. Conservatism and freedom exclude each other. Enjoy the christian Iran. Only a question of time that Americans will flee to Mexico and Canada. But conservatives have no problem shooting people in the back.

  30. In a poll in the late 90’s 87% of Americans wanted out of ALL countries Militarily. Withdrawal all troops and let the countries do for themselves for once. Paying to defend all these weak and whiny countries prevents them from having a better life. Those numbers have gotten larger. They don’t want to be there anymore then you want them there.

  31. What prevents Americans from having a better life is greed and envy against their neighbor. That’s why it is stuck in 19th century.

  32. America can easily be defeated by any country. All it needs is a clown army.
    Historical fact: A single orange clown nearly brought the country to its knees and killed hundreds of thousands of Americans in the process.

  33. Take care of us for free so we don’t have to spend money on a military because we’re selfish leeches and as thanks for that we’ll hate you and trash you every chance we get. Pathetic parasites. The US should scrape them off the bottom of their shoes like dog excrement.

  34. And be with open flanks themselves in the end. Yeah, smart move. Did the stable genius Trump tell you this? Holding a gun and being a great soldier are two different things.

  35. No. You’ve been parasites feeding off the American people since the end of WWII. Everyone knows that, especially the American public because they pay for it. You need them. They do not need you. Your a burden. One Americans are tired of.

  36. Parasites

  37. Traitors

  38. both americans and europeans are bad…
    Only we japanese are the best of the best, since we know the school of Okuto..

  39. The Dems are busy trying to give the US to China by deliberately sabotaging our economy and social fabric. Did you just arrive here from another planet? Ray Charles could see what’s going on these days.

  40. Historical fact. A senile puppet and his party’s predecessor have done far more to undermine the United States than anything Trump ever did on his worse day. The main reason the anti-Trump people hate him so much is because he wasn’t a politician, he was an egotistical bully of a businessman who knew how to get results that benefited the nation and refused to sell us out. Why don’t you try reading the conservative news as well as your leftist tripe? You’d have a more than one perspective to consider and just might begin to see that although both sides are full of it, the Republicans are the lesser of two evils in the long run.

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