Teletubbies From Hell: What If Teletubbies Was Horror Movie?

Remember Teletubbies? That cute kid’s show used to be quite popular on TV? What if it was a horror movie instead? Let’s see what it would look like, according to AI image generators!

Teletubbies from hell.

Teletubbies from hell.

Teletubbies from hell.

Teletubbies from hell.

Teletubbies from hell.

Teletubbies from hell.

Teletubbies from hell.

Teletubbies from hell.

Teletubbies from hell.

Teletubbies from hell.

Teletubbies from hell.

Teletubbies from hell.

Teletubbies from hell.

Teletubbies from hell.

Teletubbies from hell.

Teletubbies from hell.

Teletubbies from hell.

Teletubbies from hell.

Teletubbies from hell.

Teletubbies from hell.

Teletubbies from hell.

35 thoughts on “Teletubbies From Hell: What If Teletubbies Was Horror Movie?”

  1. Not as scary as the actual show.

  2. This is what political supporters of any party look like! Soulless creatures!

  3. The personification of conservative values.

  4. How can you squeeze politics into these nightmare AI generated photos? You should really talk with someone. Seriously.

  5. I thought they were a horror movie???!!!

  6. The ones on the TV show are creepier.

  7. Biden’s policies are working!
    During Trump, your gas tank only held $36.
    Now it holds over $90.

  8. The real horror are freedom deaths sponsored by the GOP and NRA. You are not save at home, your children are not save in school. They want you to live in fear. Like cattle.

  9. Since when does the U.S. president dictate oil prices on the world market? Better ask Trump’s buddy Putin why he had started an illegal war so oil prices would go up.

  10. The Purple Tele-Tubby LBGQT special rights szooo zumm blah bluum zoocks zoom zha dog faced pony soldier, to save democracy zzzzz….. zzzzzz….zzzzz.

  11. Seems you have a mental breakdown. Better visit the ER for rightards at your local vet clinic.

  12. The ER for leftards is where you can get a whole new set of genitals! Too bad their all out of balls. You guys could use some balls! Oops I assumed your gender, Now get offended and cancel a TV show to prove how in control you are.

  13. He can’t even come up with ideas of his own. Pathetic. He’s not a good sport.

  14. Biden head butting the Pope is far more disturbing.

  15. Everything religion-related is disturbing. That’s why conservatives are always disturbed.

  16. What’s the difference between a liberal and a pile of shit? The pile of shit doesn’t get hurt feelings! Also it doesn’t smell as bad!

  17. Republicans don’t get hurt feelings?

  18. Does Canada even have a Republican Party? Heavy sigh.. Your never gonna be significant. Sorry. Your just not. Your joke of a Prime Minister is all the world sees. Maybe work on that “A”.

  19. Heavy copium consumption by our sock-fetishist friend. 😂 You’re btw. But I guess grammar is woke and leftist. 🤣

  20. You shouldn’t use “but” after a period! “However” would have been grammatically acceptable. So nope, grammar doesn’t seem to be a woke or leftist thing at all. In fact, i’d argue that intelligence is more concentrated amongst those found in the center.

  21. Pretty sure he’s a non-native speaker. Still better than any rightard. :-D

  22. Doesn’t matter if their a native speaker or not! You don’t insult someone’s grammar while being incapable yourself! very uncouth.

  23. Try proofreading your own comment prior to posting it, you smooth-brained Cretin.

  24. Priceless. 🤣

  25. Let’s all agree on the fact that we all are too stupid for grammar. 🤦‍♂️

  26. Smoothed brained cretin? Did we step on the set of “Big bang theory”? That’s about as lame as my grandpas third leg!

  27. Charlie Gordon, when do you proof read something other then prior to posting it? Is there proof reading after posting it? You’re a redundant muppet and I hope your mother isn’t alive to see what you’ve become.

  28. To proofread before posting or not to proofread before posting, that is the question. Clearly too difficult for Yup.

  29. Proofreading shows good manners towards the reader.

  30. I think anonymous is having difficulty with the semantics. Its okay there little guy! Its not that the circus is gone, they just don’t want you clowns anymore.

  31. I think there more than one Anonymous. Because I did not write all postings.

  32. Shut up anonymous!

  33. What if Eatliver was good website…

  34. Wed find a way to bring it down to our level!

  35. A good website would ban all anti-Trump, anti-Putin, anti-fascist comments and represent our conservative, anti-democratic, totalitarian-fascist, radical-religious, seditious terrorist, racist and inhumane world views.
    That would be a good website.

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