TikTok Meme: Immature Women Are Really Annoying

What’s with the babytalk? She looks at 30 years old. It’s time for her to finally starting to use proper words. It’s not a TikTok, it’s a watch, dummy.

Have you seen my TikTok? It's called a watch. How old are you?

22 thoughts on “TikTok Meme: Immature Women Are Really Annoying”

  1. Call it whatever makes you comfortable, but yes, I’d love to see your TikTok.

  2. Don, you are a married man. Oh, that never meant anything to you.
    He never challenged that he did pay Stormy Daniels.
    I wonder how all the Christian Fundamentalists can support Trump. Family as in mob?

  3. @effendi- you should really seek psychological help for your Trump obsession. It’s not healthy.

  4. I would love to see Trump as the next President of the U.S.
    He is as shitty as all the other presidents before, but way more funny. I love to read the news about him.

  5. @Effendi
    Conservatives have no backbone. That means they can’t bend as much as their morals.

  6. Funny. They accuse Trump of what they are already guilty of.
    Of all the things they claim he did, they had to alter the law to bring him to court for what?
    Eight years of the most vicious attacks against a billionaire and his family and that’s it?
    Treasonous accusations and actions against him by sitting members of government with no repercussions.

    If only the Trump family was as fine of a moral example as the Bidens…

  7. Your “fine moral example” was involved in a mere 4,000 legal cases before entering politics.

  8. Seen her Tik Tok?

    Bet he just wants to see her Foo Foo, the dirty little Bastard.

  9. I have seen a lot of Tik Toks. But that is not what I call them.

  10. People love trump because they fear reality! Trump has told them of a magical world where climate change and covid are not real and that makes them happy! Science gives them bad news so why listen to science? Trump literally said CFCs leaving an aerosol can inside your building couldn’t possibly make it outside and affect the ozone, also told you to inject bleach to fight the covid that isn’t real, also told the president of Puerto rico to handle their country ( he was the president of Puerto rico) He says everything they want to hear and more! Basically, he has turned America into the “my little pony” of politics and now we have a bunch political bronies running around screaming at their version of Justin Bieber!

  11. Joe Biden is mentally capable of holding the role of POTUS. As a democrat I must insist that he is a smart and able.The intellect he exhibits in private meetings and conversations is so far beyond normal intelligence that his cognitive ability should never be in question. 40 years of productive, innovative and honest community service and self sacrifice while promoting the equity of minorities. A fine, unblemished record as a loving family, and I mean loving family man, and servant.

  12. Nobody is suggesting Biden is far beyond normal intelligence. But your man calls himself “a very stable genius.”

  13. Biden is old. Doddery but still fit enough to lead a country. Trump is a dement narcissist. If he wasn’t unfit before he now is. Hint: He never was. And bribed doctors won’t convince the public otherwise.

  14. Go Biden bots go! Beep Boop 🤖

  15. Go trumpet blowers go! Blow his little orange ego!

  16. So what is Biden actually running on besides Orange Man Bad? He can’t run on his record because it’s just failure after failure. His approval rating is the lowest in history. As is the approval rating of his VP and 76% of Americans don’t believe he’s fit to serve.

  17. His approval rating is low, but his actual record is pretty decent — the opposite of Trump. “It may be hard to pinpoint exactly why there’s a substantial gap between Americans’ perception of the economy and the reality of the data. It’s possible that the situation could be influenced by the lingering sting of inflation. This has paradoxically emerged as a greater concern among poll respondents over the last 3 years, even as the rate of inflation has declined back toward more typical levels. Beyond that, it’s common for the media and news organizations (not to mention social media) to prominently feature negative stories while downplaying or ignoring positive outcomes or resolutions. This is partly due to the fact that readers and viewers appear to engage more with negative news, a psychological phenomenon known as “negativity bias.” This can lead to a skewed understanding of what’s going on in the economy.”

  18. In truth, we probably shouldn’t blame Biden himself, he’s not in control. He is a malfunctioning puppet. Jill should be charged with elder abuse. He has no idea what is going on. What do the adversarial counties think of us when they see this wet Muppet lost on every stage? It certainly isn’t strength or confidence. The VP is so bad he’s a “better” option.

  19. So you vote the orange puppet with Putins hand up his a*s?

  20. Russia Russia! Haha. You’re BS isn’t working anymore. Stop being a Leftist automaton. Your ideas failed. Again. And it’s beautiful to witness.

  21. The US doesn’t know what Trump and Putin talk about, because Trump does not want these discussions to be written down. As innocent people do.

  22. Germans 1932: Stuff is expensive due to a global economic crisis. Let’s vote Hitler. He’ll make everything better. How bad can it be?
    Americans 2024: Stuff is expensive due to a global economic crisis. Let’s vote Trump. He’ll make everything better. How bad can it be?

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