“The Lion Sleeps Tonight” Is Now Playing In Your Head

Did you know about this rare psychological disorder? Now you have it too, because currently “The Lion Sleeps Tonight” is playing in your head. You’re welcome.

The urge to sing "The Lion Sleeps Tonight" is always just a whim away... a whim away, a whim away, a whim away...

28 thoughts on ““The Lion Sleeps Tonight” Is Now Playing In Your Head”

  1. Crazy bas&$@D leave the meth alone. Also, get a hair cut!

  2. Conservatives. Always focussing on the wrong thing. No wonder they can’t get any job done. You can’t see the problem without vision.

  3. Good thing we have the liberals, who else is gonna preach against bullying and hatred but adhere to both as a valid tactic to get what they want! Can’t wait to be bullied into thinking there is more then two biological sexes! Don’t want to have a classification system in science that offends anyone’s feelings! So thank goodness for the liberals, where feelings matter more than reality!

  4. The big pharmas spent billions to brainwash the mass so their government spent several billions to fight something that is now classified as flu-like.
    Don’t forget: drugs are no longer effective once their patent is expired. We always need more expensive and newly patented drugs or everybody dies.

  5. It’s “now classified as flu-like” because it mutated to that point, halfwit. You shouldn’t post about things you don’t comprehend.
    And there are more than two sexes. There are women, men, and then there is you: the common moron.

  6. It didn’t “mutate” to become flu-like. There’s this thing called natural immunity. We just got in contact with it and the “magic” happened. The experimental vaccine was optional to ease the process of acquiring natural immunity. It’s always OK to refuse to take experimental drugs. Children and healthy people didn’t *need* it.

    Ivermectin is neither for horse nor dangerous, it just doesn’t give billions to big pharmas like the optional experimental vaccines did. And the CDC was ordered by the courts to remove the propaganda saying it’s for horses.

    Masks and social distancing were made up things to fight covid with no scientific support (as stated under oath in the US congress).

    Closing the economy didn’t help to fight covid and caused the major shift of wealthy from poor to riches as our generation has ever seen.

    But the most disturbing thing was to see how quick reasonable people gave in to corrupt billionaire companies just make a political stand and “own” those they hate just for voting in a different candidate.

  7. There is not one paragraph in your post that comes close to the truth, halfwit. You should work for the Russian government’s press outlet.

  8. I don’t think they care about the truth, that YouTuber they watched told them it’s all a lie and had very convincing evidence, well convincing for a 6 year old but enough for most idiots like the ones that end up here!

  9. Now the confused brain enters in complete denial mode as self protect mechanism to maintain at all cost the narrative it wants so hard to believe.

    “Everything you say is wrong 😭😭😭”

  10. I think he’s a Ruzzian troll from St. Petersburg. He isn’t good enough for high profile targets like Youtube, X, or other social networks. That’s why his superiors appointed him to comment sections on meme sites. And he even fails here…

  11. He would do well in a StormZ-unit.

  12. Easy way to know when Trump is lying, his lips are moving.

  13. Trump is a lying racist misogynist.

  14. During Trump, your gas tank only held $36.
    Now it holds over $90.

  15. You are confusing oil prices with the IQ of the US president.

  16. Since when does the president of the US define oil prices? Better talk to your gas provider.

  17. Holly crap, Trump finally spoke the truth. At his Vegas rally he told
    his faithful he does not care about them, only their vote.
    Crazy old bastard will now deny he said this.

  18. Rightards are like sheep. They are used to the abuse.

  19. They are more like the battered spouse, “I’m sorry I keep running into your fist. Did it hurt.”

  20. Hunter Biden guilty. No chance for a pardon from Dad.
    That would never happen under Trump. He pardons everyone. Criminals of all kinds, thiefs, rapists, human traffickers, murderers, domestic terrorists. As long as the money is flowing. We understand each other.

  21. Why are you people SO obsessed with American politics.. must be a Chinese Bot farm working overtime.

  22. Cool Fact: If you took away 99,9% of the discussion about Trump or Biden, nothing would be lost. That’s around 1 Billion hours humans spend on crappy discussions instead of doing something meaningful.

  23. Like complaining about it? Is that meaningful?

  24. Don’t talk about Trump so his crimes will be out of peoples’ minds and forgotten.

  25. Beep beep bot bot.

  26. Use washing machine chip for better function.

  27. We love Biden Beep Beep Bot Bot

  28. You are malfunctioning. So are all Trumpers though. 🤣

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