Obvious Signs That Humanity Is Rapidly Getting Dumber

These photos provide proof that humanity is getting stupider really fast and not much one can do to slow it down. Let’s face it: we are doomed.

Dumb sign for dumb people.

Dumb sign for dumb people.

Dumb sign for dumb people.

Dumb sign for dumb people.

Dumb sign for dumb people.

Dumb sign for dumb people.

Dumb sign for dumb people.

Dumb sign for dumb people.

Dumb sign for dumb people.

Dumb sign for dumb people.

Dumb sign for dumb people.

Dumb sign for dumb people.

Dumb sign for dumb people.

Dumb sign for dumb people.

Dumb sign for dumb people.

Dumb sign for dumb people.

Dumb sign for dumb people.

Dumb sign for dumb people.

Dumb signs for dumb people.

Dumb sign for dumb people.

Dumb signs for dumb people.

Dumb sign for dumb people.

57 thoughts on “Obvious Signs That Humanity Is Rapidly Getting Dumber”

  1. These signs are because of past Darwin Award winners.
    Amazing how commom sense seems not so common.

  2. Good thing I don’t have children. They would suffer under the regime of all those idiots like I do already.

  3. Signs of life from Joe Biden!

  4. “Obvious” signs? NO. Just signs written by Democrats and other Leftists.

  5. A few years ago, I joked Idiocracy was becoming less of a movie and more a documentary, I’m now disturbed this is now appearing to be the case in many places like the US, UK, Brazil, Poland, Australia, etc.

  6. You forgot the land of Justine. Have you ever looked into his Mom? Just like Obama’s. She had a… well let’s just say a morally casual attitude. Ask The Rolling Stones. ALL of them 🤣😂

  7. You just keep drinking that miracle bleach cure and you’ll be okay.

  8. The guy with the blue-haired-girlfriend-fetisch also has a justin-fetish. Imagine him beating the meat every evening over his magazine and newspaper cut-outs of Justin Trudeau in front of his basement wall wearing a blue wig. That’s Trump supporters.

  9. The clearist sign people are getting dumber is all the people who still believe Joe Biden didn’t steal the election. Only an idiot would deny that.

  10. The clearest sign people are getting dumber is all the people who still believe Trump won the election. Only an idiot would believe that.

  11. Those are Trump brains in the first picture. Of course they contain nuts.

  12. bleach = freedom juice

  13. 13 days since the Amerikan hostage crisis began. 15 Amerikans dead.

  14. Victoria and NSW voters need signs like this. Embrace the suck;

    Scotsman, in their homeland, or deported to penal colonies overseas and their children are just as dumb as a rock.

    @Land Lord: Scotsman are white so this is a intersectionally correct comment.

  15. Not enough. There are hopes for more.

  16. blabbering stuff international readers won’t get. You are on the wrong platform, uhm… mate.

  17. @Anon #0
    CNN, MSNBC, MSM readers won’t get. Many dialing in from tyrannical regimes on TOR and VPN off country will.

  18. @Anus #2
    Not a fan of of the Limeys or the Frogs. But God bless the British and the French in this endeavour. Showing the world how it’s done.

  19. Nah.

  20. Yeah, the British. Masters of shooting their own leg. Brexit.
    Anyways. Still no ones knows what you are talking about. Yet you bore everyone with your hostage story. You were asked to explain yourself on several occasions. But you didn’t answer. That shows you are a meaningless troll. And boring.

  21. You can’t nail water to a tree.

  22. Meaningless troll. Can’t even explain what he is talking about. Just blabbering what he read on Qanon. Fake.

  23. The Biden hostage crisis. Or are you zealots going to keep blaming Trump? What was I thinking.. EVERYTHING is the fault of the right here. Even when the Left is 100% in charge of the Federal Government.

  24. Haha. Everyone on this site is a “meaningless troll”. That’s the whole point of the site. Or are you brain damaged enough to believe ANY of the crap on here is doing anything. It’s all as meaningless as a dog fart. Grow up.

  25. Stop licking the frogs 😁

  26. Its for the generations to come. So they won’t think all people were idiots like antimaskers, trumpvoters or antivaxxers.

  27. Take your Ivermax and shut up.

  28. So.. what exactly is an “antivaxxer? Anyone who wants more study of the current jabs their being forced to take? The studies don’t end til 2023, so…. I wouldn’t call those who only want to have informed consent antivaxxers. People have the right to know the down sides of the vax and Governments are being pretty stingy with the facts. I’ll worry about it in a year… or two. Want to see what happens end of 2022. Bet the view will be clearer. But by all means you have the right to jab away.

  29. Well, it IS Trumps fault. Denying the truth won’t change reality.

  30. Antivaxxers, esoterics, nazis, all the same lot. The nazis tried alternatives against the established “jewish” medicine. Their patients died away like flies. Then they changed their mind an kicked all esoterics and antivaxxers out. After the war those people crwaled back into the light of day. Still spreading their deadly essential oils, globuli and other horse sh*t.

  31. @anonymus.
    US residence i guess……….

    so lay of the frogs!

  32. The clearest sign people are getting dumber?

    Every post to every humor site descends into political bullshit

  33. Are you also going to wait till the medical studies on covid have finished before you get covid?

  34. Get multiple jabs. Get and spread Covid anyway. Covid will be stalking mankind forever now. Natural immunity is the way to go. Suck it up butter cup.

  35. It is far smarter to develop natural immunity after the jabs.

  36. Vaccinated super spreaders are the ones spreading all the new variants to the world. Natural immunity is the only way to go. Vaccines are unnatural and will produce Marek’s disease type problems in vaccinated people soon.

  37. To be honest, the clear sign that people are getting dumber is that they still believe there is any election in US. And since dumb people don’t understand irony, we are all trolls that pretend to be Trump/Obama Biden Ladden supporters

  38. You have misunderstood a distorted interpretation of a study on viral disease in chickens. The author of the original study recently stated, in response to people like you, that “Nothing in our paper remotely justifies an anti-vaccine stance. That misinterpretation – if it causes people to choose not to be vaccinated – will lead to avoidable, and tragic, loss of life.”

  39. Remarkable how most of these are written for Americans

  40. newsletter for analysis you won’t find anywhere else.

    Email Address
    Email Address
    PBS NewsHour

    By — Nsikan Akpan

    This chicken vaccine makes its virus more dangerous
    Science Jul 27, 2015 3:01 PM EDT
    The deadliest strains of viruses often take care of themselves — they flare up and then die out. This is because they are so good at destroying cells and causing illness that they ultimately kill their host before they have time to spread.

    But a chicken virus that represents one of the deadliest germs in history breaks from this conventional wisdom, thanks to an inadvertent effect from a vaccine. Chickens vaccinated against Marek’s disease rarely get sick. But the vaccine does not prevent them from spreading Marek’s to unvaccinated birds.

    “With the hottest strains, every unvaccinated bird dies within 10 days. There is no human virus that is that hot. Ebola, for example, doesn’t kill everything in 10 days.”
    In fact, rather than stop fowl from spreading the virus, the vaccine allows the disease to spread faster and longer than it normally would, a new study finds. The scientists now believe that this vaccine has helped this chicken virus become uniquely virulent. (Note: it only harms fowl). The study was published on Monday in the journal PLOS Biology.

    This is the first time that this virus-boosting phenomenon, known as the imperfect vaccine hypothesis, has been observed experimentally.

    The reason this is a problem for Marek’s disease is because the vaccine is “leaky.” A leaky vaccine is one that keeps a microbe from doing serious harm to its host, but doesn’t stop the disease from replicating and spreading to another individual. On the other hand, a “perfect” vaccine is one that sets up lifelong immunity that never wanes and blocks both infection and transmission.

    It’s important to note childhood vaccines for polio, measles, mumps, rubella and smallpox aren’t leaky; they are considered “perfect” vaccines. As such, they are in no way in danger of falling prey to this phenomenon.

    But the results do raise the questions for some human vaccines that are leaky – such as malaria, and other agricultural vaccines, such as the one being used against avian influenza, or bird flu.

    Marek’s disease has plagued the chicken industry, it causes $2 billion in losses annually for fowl farmers across the globe. The virus attacks the brain, spawns tumors in the birds and comes in different varieties or “strains”, which are classified as “hot” or “cold” based on their brutality.

    Andrew Read, who co-led the study, had heard about the severe effects of the hottest Marek’s strains before his lab started studying the disease about a decade ago, but even he was surprised when he finally saw the virus in action.

    “With the hottest strains, every unvaccinated bird dies within 10 days. There is no human virus that is that hot. Ebola, for example, doesn’t kill everything in 10 days,” said Read, who is an evolutionary biologist at Penn State University.

    Clip from the New York Times announcing the a vaccine for Marek’s disease, February 30, 1970. Photo by
    Clip from the New York Times announcing the a vaccine for Marek’s disease, February 30, 1970. Photo by The New York Times.

    In recent years, experts have wondered if leaky vaccines were to blame for the emergence of these hot strains. The 1970s introduction of the Marek’s disease immunizations for baby chicks kept the poultry industry from collapse, but people soon learned that vaccinated birds were catching “the bug” without subsequently dying. Then, over the last half century, symptoms for Marek’s worsened. Paralysis was more permanent; brains more quickly turned to mush.

    “People suspected the vaccine, but the problem was that it was never shown before experimentally,” said virologist Klaus Osterrieder of the Free University of Berlin, who wasn’t involved in the study. “The field has talked about these types of experiments for a very long time, and I’m really glad to see the work finally done.”

    Read’s group started their investigation by exposing vaccinated and unvaccinated Rhode Island Red chickens to one of five Marek’s disease strains that ranged from hot to cold. The hottest strains killed every unvaccinated bird within 10 days, and the team noticed that barely any virus was shed from the feathers of the chickens during that time. (The virus spreads via contaminated dust in chicken coops). In contrast, vaccination extended the lifespan of birds exposed to the hottest strains, with 80 percent living longer than two months. But the vaccinated chickens were transmitting the virus, shedding 10,000 times more virus than an unvaccinated bird.

    “Previously, a hot strain was so nasty, it wiped itself out. Now, you keep its host alive with a vaccine, then it can transmit and spread in the world,” Read said. “So it’s got an evolutionary future, which it didn’t have before.”

    But does this evolutionary future breed more dangerous viruses?

    The close quarters of industrialized chicken farms are breeding grounds for Marek’s disease. Vaccines keep the disease in check, but don’t stop infections or transmission. Photo by Edwin Remsberg/via Getty Images.
    The close quarters of industrialized chicken farms are breeding grounds for Marek’s disease. Vaccines keep the disease in check, but don’t stop infections or transmission. Photo by Edwin Remsberg/via Getty Images

    This study argues yes. In a second experiment, unvaccinated and vaccinated chickens were infected with one of the five Marek’s disease strains, and then put into a second arena with a second set of unimmunized birds, known as sentinels. In particular, the team was interested in a middle-of-the-road strain called “595” and whether it would become hotter.

    It did. The virus spread to sentinel birds nine days faster if it came from a vaccinated chicken versus an unvaccinated one. In addition, sentinels died faster when exposed to vaccinated chickens versus unvaccinated chickens.

    “One way to look at that experiment is that shows vaccinating birds kills unvaccinated birds. The vaccination of one group of birds leads to the transmission of a virus so hot that it kills the other birds, said Read said. “If you vaccinate the mothers, the same thing happens. The offspring are protected by the maternal antibodies of the mother and that allows the virus in the chicks to transmit before they kill the host. So they transmit and kill the other individuals.”

    This trend persisted when the team tried the experiment in a setting meant to simulate a commercial chicken farm.

    “At the moment, the vaccines are working well enough, and you can vaccinate every bird,” Read said. “There are 20 billion birds on the planet at any time; the vast majority are Marek’s vaccinated.”

    However, both Read and Osterrieder worry about what might happen if Marek’s continues to change or if its vaccines were to fail.

    “If the virus continues to evolve, then it could be pretty devastating for the chicken industry, which is suffering quite a bit right now in the U.S. with the influenza virus,” Osterrieder said.

    Like Marek’s vaccines, vaccines for avian influenza are leaky. For this reason, they’re banned from agricultural use in the U.S. and Europe. When bird flu breaks out in these western chicken populations, farmers must cull their herds. However, Southeast Asia uses these leaky vaccines, raising the possibility for virus evolution akin to what’s happened with Marek’s disease.

    “In those situations, they’re creating the conditions where super hot avian influenza could emerge,” Read said. “Then the issues become what does that mean when it spills over into other flocks, into wildlife or into humans. Avian flu is the setting to watch for evolutionary problems down the line.”

    Bird flu isn’t alone. The world’s first vaccine for malaria, which was recently approved by European Medicines Agency, is also leaky. Vaccines for HPV and whooping cough can leak too; however it is unknown if this scenario creates more dangerous viruses for each of these diseases.

    “Our concern here, primarily and foremost, is whether this is going to happen with any of the vaccines that we give to people,” said molecular biology James Bull of the University of Texas Austin, who specializes in the evolution of viruses and bacteria. “But there is a lot we don’t know about how the scenario with Marek’s could apply to newer human vaccines.”

  41. To quote the original researchers once more: “In our lab experiments, we worked with variants of Marek’s disease virus that were so lethal they would kill all unvaccinated birds in 10 days or fewer. So prior to the vaccine, the birds died before they could transmit the lethal variants to other birds. But we found that the first-generation vaccine protected the birds from dying. In other words, the Marek’s-infected chickens lived and were thus able to spread the highly virulent strains to other birds.” You are hopefully aware that covid.does not kill 100% of its victims before they are capable of spreading the virus. Hence your “deduction” is BS.

  42. PBS News Hour 🤣😂

  43. So you rather let Granny and Grams die than get the vaccine for all. We are not chicken. Well, you maybe. Needles…

  44. Most of them can’t read though. There are so many illiterates in the U.S. that the government forbids studies about it and doesn’t give out numbers out of shame.

  45. Cant be trump brains, they’re not smooth enough

  46. “Right-Wing Radio’s ‘Mr. Anti-Vax’ Marc Bernier Dies Of Coronavirus
    His final tweet compared the vaccination effort to Nazism.”
    Looks like his immune system was in fully rightard mode.

  47. “Texas Anti-Mask ‘Freedom Defender’ Caleb Wallace Dies Of COVID-19
    “Whether he was a hardcore conservative or not, he was an amazing man,” his wife, Jessica Wallace, said of the 30-year-old father of three young girls.”
    Amazingly stupid it seems. Wearing a mask and getting a simple vaccine could have saved 3 kids from growing up without a father.

  48. Your contortion of facts is the problem, not PBS News Hour.

  49. Americans are the only ones strong enough to handle the abuse. Plus they are only doing what they are paid to do like good little Soros foot soldiers. The real question is, once the rest of the world reaches the literacy level of Americans, will EatLiver finally start making fun of them?

  50. Concerning the psychotherapy business and the amount of medication in the U.S. Americans are not handling anything very well… A country running on pills.

  51. Stop and just listen, Trump is bad, Biden is good, need I say more. In the US there are a lot os anti-vaxxers and they are only doing themselves bad by not having the Covid Vaccine and are putting themselves and other Anti-Vaxxers into more danger and they all want the pandemic to end but are just dragging it on and on, in other words they are doing the opposite of what they want, I am double vaxxed and proud of it and it is more safe for anti-vaxxers to get vaccinated than not get vaccinated and have a chance of dying. So in the end it is good to do what is right and get vaccinated so all of us can start doing what we love like going to movie theaters and parties

    P.S. I am not from the US and I perfectly understand all of the jokes in the article therefore that comment is false.

  52. I completly agree

  53. You’re right and everyone should get vaccinated

  54. Personal favorite is the sign explaining the meaning of the red and green men to “pedestrians”.
    All they need now is a sign explaining what a pedestrian is, and they are good to go.

  55. Dear Mother Clucker; STFU

  56. Y’all are adorably stupid. You don’t even know the most basic aspects of how the adaptive immune system works, but y’all are acting like you’re smarter than people who spend their lives studying this shit. I bet you guys think an APC is just a military vehicle.

  57. Keep in mind these people think it’s brave and patriotic to pretend black is white and up is down. There’s nothing in the world dumber than a right winger. They’re truly the lowest filth the planet’s ever seen.

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