10 Questions Stupid Atheists Can’t Answer

These 10 simple questions will destroy any smartass atheist who thinks that he’s smarter than everyone. Atheists: 0, God: 1. Checkmate, atheists!

Question that atheists can't answer.

Question that atheists can't answer.

Question that atheists can't answer.

Question that atheists can't answer.

Question that atheists can't answer.

Question that atheists can't answer.

Question that atheists can't answer.

Question that atheists can't answer.

Question that atheists can't answer.

Question that atheists can't answer.

67 thoughts on “10 Questions Stupid Atheists Can’t Answer”

  1. We must embrace wild animals, because they may be in our morning taco.

  2. We midt embrace stupid dumb fu#!s

  3. You really didn’t pay any attention in evolution classes, now did you?

    And keep praying to your god (which ever the one it is of the 6000 people have prayed to). My daughter had an imaginary friend as well when she was 6 years old, but now she is 8, she knows it was bullshit. A lot of adults still need an imaginary friend, I’m fine with that. But do not claim the above is any proof for a god. It is proof of stupidity.


    An Antitheist.

  4. Until recently, I almost thought theists no longer ask these stupid uneducated questions.. I thought, well it’s 2022… And then I tuned in to the Atheist Experience call-in show.. I was wrong.

  5. Take it easy, whoever is the author, he or she was obviously making fun of creationists.

  6. So in the beginning there was nothing?
    And then it exploded?

    Isn’t that the central premise of the BIG bang?

  7. Unless you can say what was happening before the Big Bang or explain what the expanding universe is expanding into then it’s all just academia patting each other on the back for nothing.

  8. Well the Big Bang theory describes the early development of the universe, it doesn’t try to explain what was there before. Science can only tell us that the universe started to expand at this point based on the data we have from the observable universe. It’s the beginning of time and space.
    But since existence requires time (and space), the question is: how could there have been ANYTHING before the expansion began…

  9. The problem is that the start of the universe, the start of life on earth, etc. is just to complex to understand. Simplifying things to say there is a large force is far easier and comfortable to accept, I was told by the gnome in my back garden.

  10. @Josef – These make rounds on social media and the creationists think they are valid arguments.

    Hershal Walker, GOP candidate even used that first one in one of his speeches and his fans applauded.

    Anti-intelectualism has gone too far! The movie idiocracy is coming true.

  11. Ohhh… are we going to compare that statement with everything in the bible?

    The earth is not the center of the universe. It’s not 6000 years old. etc, etc.

    If you have to go back to something that happened like 10 billion years ago to find evidence that science isn’t accurate, then science is doing pretty well.

  12. Considering the comments from “enlightened” libs on this site, I think that is proof enough that man descended from the ape. The fact that they were “woke” and “enlightened” enough to elect a senile buffoon as the worst president ever president is further proof. I have the feeling apes no longer want to be associated with libs. Quit insulting them.

  13. Biden may not be the best president the US has ever had but Trump was by far the most corrupt, unintelligent and incompetent president.
    Humans did not descend from apes. Humans and apes had a common ancestor, a subtle difference which a significant number of people seem completely unable to understand.

  14. I don’t know why we can’t have a God who chooses to create the universe using what we call the Big Bang, or why we can’t have a God who enables evolution as a way for species to adapt to changing conditions.

  15. Love Theists and their Serial Killer God Of The Gaps. How do they rember to breath in and out. Go Matt Dillahunty!

  16. Have fun getting your bullet in the back of the head when the Dominionists and their pagan-cum-atheist muscle ( Proud Boys, Three Percenters, East Overshoe Militia and Drinking Club, uzw ) come for you New Atheist dinglberries.

  17. You have to remember there were many different “humans” who breed with each other to create us, the last man standing so to speak. So we descended from those “humans” who were not “apes”. You also have to remember that Epstein didn’t kill himself and that we are all some kind of Breakfast Taco.

  18. Creationists are morons. Of course they think these are valid arguments. They also think horse worm pills help against a virus.

  19. Because it’s not about God or the Big Bang. It’s about political power over people who do not agree with you.

  20. Trump is living proof. He’s a living fossil and more primitive than modern man.

  21. You are dealing with conservatives. Your facts will bore them and the the shooting begins.

  22. Proud boys and the other lot are christian terrorists. You seem confused.

  23. No humans were ever apes? The first human was born human. His parents were apes. Like yours.

  24. There is no such thing as an evolutionary tree. It’s more like a bush

  25. Tell us ore about this bush.

  26. What he means is that all of our ancestors had intercourse with each other. So there were hybrids all over the place. That’s why many people today still have Neanderthal or Denisova DNA in their genome. And who knows what else because we can’t identify DNA of even older hominides.

  27. Correct. That is what I meant. Not claiming to understand it though. I do understand the importance of the different Breakfast Tacos coming together to form the ultimate Breakfast Tacos that we see to.

  28. We have a God who did this and that. And every century or so science figures out that this God did less and less. Or as Laplace answered Napoleon’s question where God is in his model: there is no need for that hypothesis.

  29. Ok incel.

  30. This website is a rich source of information for any anthropologist wishing to study protohuman behavior solely based on the comments alone.

  31. “Before the Big Bang” means nothing, time was created BY the Big Bang (read S. Hawking).

    “The First Man” means nothing, evolution is very slow, about 2.5 millions of years to Sapiens (read Yuval Noah Harari).

  32. Trump can barely read. Do you think his followers will read books?

  33. There logically HAD to be matter around before the Big Bang in order for it to be compressed into a singularity is the way I understood it. What caused the prior existing Universe to collapse upon itself and does it happen over and over again are solid questions. I think the prior universe was filled with Breakfast Tacos. It would explain alot. Like how an obviously senile man who is unfit to serve continues to embarrass the US publicly over and over and the Democrats just continue to act as if thats normal. Makes me hungry for Breakfast Tacos just thinking about it.

  34. No, it doesn’t. Matter is condensed energy. So, there was just energy.
    No tacos. No idiots. Idiots like you are a lower type of matter that comes out once higher matter has consumed tacos.

  35. Good one, but I don’t think you are correct. Where did this energy come from and what type of energy was it. Things don’t just “exist”. Creation is required so.. what happened? Enquiring minds want to know..

  36. The apes no longer want to be associated with libs and the libs don’t want to be associated with you tRumpers either. So its even. Too bad you didn’t evolve.

  37. Energy is energy. You might want to know what form of energy? I don’t know. I think we have to give science a bit more time to figure that out.
    Where did it come from? Maybe it has always been there. Maybe it came from somewhere else. To answer that we must understand how energyy works first. Same as above. We possibly just scratched the surface of the universe.
    What makes you think “creation” is required? Und who or what “created” the “creators”?

  38. Can everyone just calm the fk down!

    CLEARLY, these are neither arguments for or against atheism, crestionism, evolution, religion or anything else.


  39. Yes, we all laugh at creationists.

  40. I have a hard time rectifying Darwinism and Thermodynamics.

  41. Not a creationist. Just tire of the arrogance of academia pretending to know things that they don’t. Its why Science progresses most with funerals.Allows new fresh ideas and different ingredients for the breakfast tacos.

  42. For all those quoting Hawkin Et Al and saying there was no time before the big bang.. You best get explaining what ‘before’ means coz that implies some sort of time scenario. Just saying.

  43. If the pagans, atheists, and devil worshippers were all burned at the stake by The Church in the Bright Ages then why do we have so many pagans, atheists, and devil worshippers annoying the decent people today? Checkmate, ineffectual pseudo radical wankers!

  44. Creationism is no fresh idea. It’s quite moldy. And it’s made up. Because you can falsify any creationistic “idea”. Science is not about “ideas” or “opinion” but about facts.

  45. Reminds me of those creationists who buried stuff and dug it up to show their world proof for their theories.

  46. Pretty sure pagans, atheists, and devil worshippers are the decent people today. Probably always have been.

  47. There are examples of evolution around if you just kept your eyes open.

    If chihuahuas exist, then why are their still wolves? ‘Cause wolves still live in the wild. Chihuahuas were created by selectively breading different descendants of wolves. It’s very similar to species evolving to change size when there is an advantage in the wild. ( selective breeding would occur because the animals that are a different size are more likely to survive and breed. )

    Other signs of evolution – The coronavirus has evolved into delta and omicron variants. They are more contagious, so they reproduce more and become dominant.

    Also, ask a farmer about super weeds. ( or google them.) Some weeds have evolved and are no longer impacted by herbicides.

    Science is real whether you believe in it or not.

  48. Corona doesn’t exist for those people. It’s not an argument for them. *facepalm* They are lost. Braindamage.

  49. A well manicured monkey is fun to play with.

  50. As far as I understand, (possibly) there was no time as we perceive it now, but there might have been a “different time” with a different frame of reference. Essentially, the Big Bang “created” “our time” by creating an universal frame of reference.

  51. All you neck beard incel atheists circle jerking each other in here is proof evolution got it wrong.

  52. This is a joke or a parody. It has to be. It is so dumb, it is hilarious!

  53. this should really be titled “10 stupid questions atheist don’t waste their time answering”

  54. If the world is billions of years old, why is it only 2022?

    Because the Gregorian calendar that we use was only started 2,022 years ago. People 2000 years ago didn’t know the earth was that old. They actually believed God made it not long before they were born.

    This is possibly the dumbest question anyone has ever asked.

  55. Have you ever sen a mountain form?

    No. Because most formed millions of years ago based on geological events, earthquakes, ice ages etc. Do you expect one to just form in the high street and reach 10,000 feet in a few hours?

  56. rember?

  57. Biden has Covid, again. How many times is this now? Approval rates are low, dementia starting to show even they hop him up on drugs… COVID! He has to isolate. Good thing he had so many jabs to protect him from contracting Covid… never mind. Maybe he and Fauci can be buried together.

  58. Lets hope so

  59. AND SOON!!!!!

  60. You are proof evolution is wrong

  61. Materialism is a religion to reject life is designed

  62. Mmm, and don’t forget, cats are dog food that hasn’t been caught yet.

  63. Yeah? What’s in YOUR wallet? Not more money than under Trump? What’s in your fuel tank? Not more fuel than under Trump. What’s on your dinner table? Not the same amount or quality of food than under Trump. Wake up and smell the real sellout – it’s deliberate.

  64. You’d have to be supremely ignorant to compare God to an 8 year old’s imaginary friend. Do you have no understanding of human history? Human history cannot be separated from the existence of God. True history you ignore, but modern fantasy you believe. The existence of God is self evident. The very existence of the creation testifies of a creator. You tell yourself lies to justify your pursuit of sick, sinful urges that you know God would not approve of. People lie hardest when they lie to themselves.

  65. The idea that creationism lacks any valid evidence and was created by stupid, narrow-minded Neanderthals is pathetic.

  66. That’s not evolution, that’s breeding. You didn’t turn it into a different species entirely through the process of time, you merely changed some of it’s physical properties. That’s microevolution, if we still have to use the term. There is no proof of actual microevolution.

  67. Here’s a question that actual atheists can’t answer: If, hypothetically, the Big Bang Theory was created from a string of existing universes, where did that beginning universe come from?

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