Your joke is offensive. Please remove this post. You’re making fun of real stabbing victims.
Your joke is offensive. Please remove this post. You’re making fun of real, non-stabbed salads and all salads which are cut instead of stabbed. And clearly discriminatory against pasta salads, bean salads, etc. We’re seeking class action representation in this matter. Better call Saul Goodman.
You are just not funny, Haha.
He never will be. Racist fascists have no sense of humour. Even the Germans have more sense of humour. And that says a lot.
I do have sense of humor
Hi mom. Bring down some food but no salads. Liberals can’t find humor in salads. Or much of anything else for that matter.
@Racist-Fascist Nope.
@Haha Another failed attempt…..
Orange man bad
Putin pressed orange man. Orange man likes yellow juice.
Orange man bad
Stop that, libtards!!! Stop insulting my beloved leader!!!!!!
Hi, anonymous.
Orange man says bad things, CNN is right. Orange man is fascist. Orange man bad.
As old as salad. *yawn*
Your joke is offensive. Please remove this post. You’re making fun of real stabbing victims.
Your joke is offensive. Please remove this post. You’re making fun of real, non-stabbed salads and all salads which are cut instead of stabbed. And clearly discriminatory against pasta salads, bean salads, etc. We’re seeking class action representation in this matter. Better call Saul Goodman.
You are just not funny, Haha.
He never will be. Racist fascists have no sense of humour. Even the Germans have more sense of humour. And that says a lot.
I do have sense of humor
Hi mom. Bring down some food but no salads. Liberals can’t find humor in salads. Or much of anything else for that matter.
@Racist-Fascist Nope.
@Haha Another failed attempt…..
Orange man bad
Putin pressed orange man. Orange man likes yellow juice.
Orange man bad
Stop that, libtards!!! Stop insulting my beloved leader!!!!!!
Hi, anonymous.
Orange man says bad things, CNN is right. Orange man is fascist. Orange man bad.