The World’s Greatest Gallery of Mushrooms That Look Like Butts

Ladies and gentlemen, step right up and get a load of the funniest fungi in town: the butt mushrooms! With their round, plump caps and smooth, cheeky texture, these mushrooms are the greatest thing you will see on the internet today!

Mushroom butt!

Mushroom butt!

Mushroom butt!

Mushroom butt!

Mushroom butt!

Mushroom butt!

Mushroom butt!

Mushroom butt!

Mushroom butt!

Mushroom butt!

Mushroom butt!

Mushroom butt!

Mushroom butt!

Mushroom butt!

Mushroom butt!

Mushroom butt!

Mushroom butt!

Mushroom butt!

Mushroom butt!

Mushroom butts!

Mushroom butt!

8 thoughts on “The World’s Greatest Gallery of Mushrooms That Look Like Butts”

  1. I wonder if humans were derived from this fungus. Would sure explain a lot.

  2. I wonder if mushrooms pass around in their network samples of human feet which smell like sexually aroused Champignons.

  3. And somewhere in the background, Sir Mixalot music begins to play…

  4. Republicans are. That’s why everything they touch rots away.

  5. There should be awards for this kind of thing at state fairs and agricultural festivals. I’ll bet the Druids had a prize.

  6. like Trump’s hair?

  7. Yes.

  8. So, that’s meant by: “I found a big a** mushroom in the woods.”

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