Russian Mafia Gravestones

169 thoughts on “Russian Mafia Gravestones”

  1. I can’t wait til this trend comes to America.

  2. I can wait.

  3. Few of these would stand out as gangster headstones, not like in Venezuela and Colombia where they pray to dead gangsters like saints and have little wooden dolls made of them.

  4. please tell me these are photoshopped

  5. What questions me here, is if they wanted it too look like this while alive, or it was the duty of their mates. In any case, i see nothing funny or deserving to be judged here. Death of anyone requres respect..

  6. Yes, let’s be nice and respectful to murderers and career criminals.

  7. looks like someone lost their marbles…

  8. Adepts of thermorectal cryptoanalysis.

  9. This is nothing compared to the Mexican cartel graves. At least these guys have a tacky etched marble stone and not a 6000sq foot grave with AC and pool.

  10. Russians!!! Non-cats!!! I love it!!!

  11. All would seem to have met violent ends, if the ages of the people depicted on the gravestones show them around the time of their death. And the death these predatory wastes of protein balanced with what they did during their lives merits exactly the same respect each gave for the people they preyed upon, which is to say, less than zero. Buying the loyalty of the relatively few common people who do the grunt work for these monsters by giving them slightly better lives does not begin to compensate for the harm and suffering of the much greater number of victims that they lived off of.

  12. Its remarkable what lasers can do these days.

  13. it was there, century ago.

  14. 4th row, right: Daewoo? Seriously?

  15. Russians are such weirdoes… lacking all kinds of taste.

  16. It wasn’t bullet proof…

  17. Many of them have their cars on their gravestones, some actually have separate gravestones for the cars. Probably just shows their greedy and shallow nature, but it makes it look like these creeps actually were buried in or with their cars. Maybe the car bombs were so powerful that it was impossible to separate the remains?

  18. messi was russian?6th pic

  19. Big timers, rolling with daewoos and shit (pic5)

  20. By the way all the cars have the ukrainian registration numbers, this is the Ukraine, not Russia

  21. Ooooh… so that’s how it works? And here I was thinking that respect is something you have to earn. Let me grab a gun and start shooting untill I get respected.

  22. @EUro
    That’s exactly what happens when idiots get to have loads of money: they make their own culture.

  23. YES, their cars ARE buried with them!!! They would have it no other way!

  24. they are still russian mafia scum. They are in most countries.

  25. That is the dumbest thing I’ve heard. You earn respect. These guys died like rats they are.

  26. Mostly poorly dressed fat guys, smoking.

  27. Yeah, I guess Mexican bandidos do it more artfully. Here the only thing is ‘here lies a guy who had robbed enough to get a car / a cottage’. To me the funniest photo is the one with two guys sharing one car.

  28. Lyrics engraved in the 2nd photo:
    ‘Living, you can act whatever you like
    Talk whatever you like
    But from time to time
    Cast a glance at my grave’.
    He means it!

  29. Most of them probably killed by lung cancer?
    Oh, and I suggest a new topic: Russians love Adidas!

  30. Oh,NO!!!!

  31. Spookyy

  32. yeah, and it’s volvo… :D

  33. No worse than the photos on Italian graves! A lot of THEM look like they’ve been taken at the funeral parlour – post mortem!

  34. Lucky there was a likeness, (statue) of him BEFORE he was smashed by that giant boulder.

  35. The soldering iron users?

  36. Some are Jews. Generally speaking it is The Kitsch International Show with definite “soviet” underworld mentality, in South America they have a different taste, but it’s all the same crap.

  37. Proof that all the blood money in the world can’t buy good taste.

  38. Lol

  39. You are mistaking! There are only Russian car numbers Dmitry

  40. Every country is worthy of its achievements.

  41. This style is used not exactly for mafia. In my city there are graves like that for civil people too, like wrighters or singers
    Russia, Kazan

  42. There are awesome poem (on the stone):
    In our life
    We can’t avoid losses
    You should know those things which blooms
    Aren’t only roses

  43. Most of the cars license plates on the gravestones are originally Ukrainian.

  44. Seem so)

  45. There only two cars where you can see that have a Ukrainian license plate: The Daewoo en the Mercedes on the last pic. The other cars have no visible license plate or have a Russian one.

  46. Oh nooo !

  47. on the first foto its definetly RUS number

  48. @Anonymous only two of entire four that we can recognize there

  49. not only criminals are stupid in your country )

  50. Only one

  51. No, they are real.
    90-s in Russia was sucks.

  52. “singers” like Wolodymyr Croog?

  53. Many of them died in 90s. Car was a luxury. Even Dawoo. Ukranian car numbers… Yes, Ukraine and Russia are twins. Same people, same culture, same mentality. I see many mafia graves in my city (Donetsk). We (civilian people) don’t like that kind of “taste”. Do not think that it is normal for russians. We hate that kind of taste and we hate those criminals. They just stupid murders. By the way… Many of them are not russians. You call “russian” all the people from USSR. Many of these gangsters have armenian, azerbaygan, georgean, jew, gypsy nationality.

  54. no….

  55. Mostly, car on gravestone meens that a guy was killed by/with the car – road accident or something. But Daewoo… yes… OMG. Russian guy from Kazakhstan

  56. This perfomance is sign of Respect from their fellows (pazani). In russia it called “virazit uvaghuhu pavshim bratanam”.

  57. Awesome

  58. Actually I’m from Georgia and since we’re post-soviet country unfortunately we have the same type of Georgian Mafia Gravestones, I think they’re just shameful, what kind of a person puts on a portrait of a mafia AND most importantly behind him a church…what bugs me out the most is that there are still some people left who will like these stuff -_-

  59. No way! It’s not photoshop, it’s real! I have seen some similar things in Savelovo (130 km North of Moscow). The expensive graves were even protected by cages! Such an irony: they lived uncatched by law, free, not behind bars, but after death they lie in cages!
    Here some more examples:
    Gipsy mafia baron’s graves in Ukraine:
    Gipsy graves in Moscow (Kuzminki):
    Gipsy graves in Novosibirsk:
    Gipsy barons in life and in grave, Romania:
    The last one remind me a movie “Borat from Kazahstan” (actually big part of it was filmed in Romania)

  60. on 9th row, beer cans just in place

  61. No, it’s true. The 90ies in Russia was cool.

  62. These “other” people were a part of russian youth.

  63. Yes, that’s true. Whole world think Russians are stupid! That’s why the world all the time loose…

  64. So it goes, lads, so it goes.

  65. Since all of us look at there graves – they got what they wanted – trace of their existence. It is tacky but it makes sense to me

  66. even though the graves might look similar across countries, it doesn’t mean people are same too. Ukrainians and Russians aren’t twins, same people or culture (watch the news and you’ll see what I mean! that’s common saying to justify Russian terror on its neighbors)!

  67. And who says that they were bdefinitely gangsters?

  68. You don’t have stone big enough for your fat asses :)

  69. Almost have of number plates are Ukrainian. It doesn’t matter, actually. People in both countries are the same.

  70. In Volgograd whole avenue of monuments.

  71. The number plate of a car seems to be Ukrainian. Looks like, it was a luxury car there.

  72. Most of them were not Russians, Ukrainians and even not mafiosi. Cars on the gravestones is an attribute of the Gypsies. In ex-USSR lives about 1 million of Gypsies

  73. I think that fashion emerged from Caucasian nuovoriches some 40 years ago-there are many tasteless ugly gravestones in Baku,Tbilisi,Yerevan and so on/Later it spread in Southern regions of USSR-Rostov,Odessa etc/the princes from mud and dirt and their relatives expressed their mean idea of personal geat achievements like money-power>car,private house-by the collapse of soviet empire new type of parazites-gangsters mobsters rather openly became the part of that quazi establishment—-for instnce in Baku mst of such gravestones belong to common people having money or rich relatives even if they are not gangsters-

  74. russia, wild and stupid country

  75. Not only are these totally real but they are very very common. Several of these on every small local cemetery. Seen many of those. A car going down the road to or from a church – a very common topic.
    All except the first one which really stands out. Haven’t seen anything like it.

  76. Well, you can do it without lasers. People still can do things with their hands.

  77. What fun. Some Russian guys in this tread try to reveal the Ukrainian trace. As if trying to justify the happening. War is everywhere, I see.
    But the fact is that lack of taste is an international problem. Those people under those gravestones had similar perception of what the sign of well-lived life is.

  78. You are stupid

  79. I am sorry, but this is not Russia! This is Ukraine! Dnepropetrovsk ! This is very famouse photos. Not everybody who speaks Russian is Russian! Make a research before you write your comments.

  80. This is Ukraine,darling! Dnepropetrovsk!!!

  81. Vanity fair. Miserable and stupid people…

  82. I can not help but notice that none of these guys looked very old. It must be a dangerous profession.

  83. I think this is pretty much a mix of both countries.

  84. no , they are real

  85. Of course they all been killed.. massive stones done by their mates… thats how they showed respect.

  86. A cross on the gravestone won’t make up for a life of crime….


  88. No, these are real

  89. I noticed their transportation of choice was a Mercedes. At least they died with class

  90. pro-tip: this page is best scrolled through listening to Alice Cooper’s “Poison”

  91. This was a terrible but a wonderfull time.

  92. Yeah bro, we hate it, I mean all normal people hate that kind of stuff. Please do not think it is normal for Russia or Ukraine!

  93. The six of can be found by link below and all of them are from Dnepropetrovsk, Ukrainian city. The current dnepropitovian “derhzala” Kalamoyskiy, who was born Dnepropetrovsk, has been making his treasure there since 1986 and who should be lie something out of there as some of this guys linked to his bratva.

  94. Is not only Russia!
    This is Ukrainian photo too.
    Car namber detected.

  95. this is no russia, it’s ukranian ppls, because autos number registerd in UA

  96. Russia sucks tomatoes…

  97. One of those is ukrainian , anothe are russian

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