Puns That Are So Silly, They’re Actually Funny

Everybody loves puns, jokes, and silly drawings. So illustrator duo Ralph Lazar and Lisa Swerling decided to combine those three things in two books – you can get Volume 1 and Volume 2 on Amazon. Check out some of the best examples below!

Everybody loves puns, right?

Everybody loves puns, right?

Everybody loves puns, right?

Everybody loves puns, right?

Everybody loves puns, right?

Everybody loves puns, right?

Everybody loves puns, right?

Everybody loves puns, right?

Everybody loves puns, right?

Everybody loves puns, right?

Everybody loves puns, right?

Everybody loves puns, right?

Everybody loves puns, right?

Everybody loves puns, right?

Everybody loves puns, right?

Everybody loves puns, right?

Everybody loves puns, right?

Everybody loves puns, right?

Everybody loves puns, right?

Everybody loves puns, right?

Everybody loves puns, right?

15 thoughts on “Puns That Are So Silly, They’re Actually Funny”

  1. Is this something I’ve never seen here before or is Alzheimer setting in?

  2. This is some new definition of the word “funny” which I was previously unaware of!

  3. The horse was leading by a nose but then he blew it.

  4. At one time there were 100,000 troops there. It had dropped to about 2500 with the end in sight. That was when senile Biden decided that instead of carefully removing the rest of the troops AND THEIR HIGH TECH EQUIPMENT, he would disregard his advisors and rush the final few out. The end result was this fiasco which ONLY HE is responsible for. China will now get their hands on high tech equipment and helicopters, reverse engineer them, and copy them, (which they are very good at) The Taliban will also be using that equipment, free of charge, thanks to senile Joe. The man’s brain is equivalent to that of retarded chipmunk’s. The people who voted for him are even worse. Their attempts to spin him out of this are hilarious!
    “People get the government they deserve, and they deserve to get it good and hard.” – H.L.Mencken

  5. You mean something funny and original?
    It sneaks in sometimes, between the dad jokes and the reposts.

  6. That is because you spend too much time here. Go visit some other sites.

  7. So blind of hate against the free people he even can’t answer to the right meme. Alt-right can’t help themselves. Trump and the GOP are the enemy of the free people. So full of lies. It was Trump who negotiated the removal of the troops. It was scheduled to happen even earlier but got delayed several times. Biden only finished what Trump started. And as ususal Trump’s plan was sh*t.

  8. Hmm, how come I read some of these in my head in the voice of Stewart Francis?

  9. more puns?

    A penguin was travelling with his car, the engine check light came on.
    he drove to a car repair in the next town. The mechanic said he can check it out, he should come back in an hour to discuss the findings.
    So the pengiun walked into town and since it was a nice day, he decided to get a cone of ice cream.
    With that he went back to the car repair.
    the mechanic said: It looks like you blew a seal.
    The Pengiun: No, that’s just ice cream.

  10. A. Eatliver didn’t create these.
    B. Copying jokes from LaffyTaffy wrappers and adding poorly drawn cartoons, just like EatLiver, isn’t original, new, or funny.

  11. Biden threw out Trump’s plan because it would have made Joe look weak to his commie Democrat sycophants to use anything of Donald’s.

    Donald had a peace treaty, Joe Biden is a bitch who’s needy

  12. Donald had no peace treaty and none of his plan ever worked. His stable genius plans rather killed 600,000 American citizens.
    The Taliban focked him over. Their religion tells them they are allowed to lie and betray non-believers. So Donald’s great deal was as usual hollow sh*t. But this time he got screwed himself.
    You are blaming Biden for the pile of sh*t his predecessor left him. Typical republican tactics. Everytime a republican was president a democrat has to repair the country or the world and gets bashed for it by the perpetrators. That was as foreseeable as it is weak. Many predicted this before the election right here on this site anyway.

  13. Biden is executing Trump’s plan exactly as it was intended. In Chaos. That’s the spirit of Trump.

  14. These aren’t puns.

  15. Some of them are really punny.

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