In England They Drive On The Left

18 thoughts on “In England They Drive On The Left”

  1. Dat, rattus, anteater, lolsfor. You suck. Go away.

  2. :~{

  3. In England they drive on the left.
    In Mother Russia the left drive you.

  4. What did I ever do to you? P.S. Learn to spell my name.

  5. I actually liked Lolsfor. Maybe I’ll change my nickname.

  6. What?
    Russia and formerly CCCP stopped being socialist when Stalin took over. From there it was an criminal oligarchy.

  7. What about hein?

  8. Birdseed. You suck. Go away.

  9. That would be decidedly nyet. Not going anywhere.

  10. Russia is rich country, have paved road. In Latvia we drive on dirt road through potato field.

  11. @birdseed

    I don’t live in the UK! You suck, birdseed, and the UK is actually going away from the EU.

  12. @Latvia
    You lucky… in Ukraine I drive over turnip field… I drive through houses… roads are mined.

    Of course I do have a tank.

  13. Why should I go. I am awesome. All this faking is just a sign of admiration and envy.

  14. Tanks that die on a parade.

  15. @Dat
    Yup I envy you so much I’ve carved Dat on my privates

  16. Russia? Loads of roads in the UK are like that at the moment, the councils will fix them on the cheap, then by this time next year, they’ll be knackered again…

  17. Looks about right for the roads in Wiltshire. B

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