Police officers don’t give a damn who you know. Don’t try to intimidate them with your fancy contacts. It will only make you look stupid.
59 thoughts on “Your Contacts Won’t Help You During a Police Stop”
Trump has contacts in the Kremlin!
So the Kremlin started fake support for Harris. Trump and Putin are so transparent.
Everytime you stop a Republican in traffic…
Trump and Putin are Larry and Moe, where’s PRC curly?
A vote for me is – – – – well a vote for me.
And me. 😈
Good lord these trump-obsessed commentards are so dumb
Sure, Drewmitri. 🧻
@anon- are ‘the Russians’ in the room with you right now? They might be under your bed. You should go look. LOL
Enough about American politics. What’s going to happen to our country. The Liberal’s are too weak, to selfish, and too beholden to corporate interests to fight for the Canadian people. Our election has to take place before October 2025 and now that the New Democrats have pulled support from Trudeau early elections are more likely. And Justine and his corrupt croonies are out no matter what. What an abysmal failure he has been for Canada. Maybe if people start paying attention to whats going on at home instead of US politics we can not screw it all up again this time. Prolly not though. Orange Man and Commie Kamala seem to be all this site does anymore. And Americans don’t even go on this site to read all the hysterical propaganda and hate against them. It’s crazy. But, hey, it’s a living right Boys. Evil Country Killing Bastards.
This won’t be up long.
I haven’t been around much for a couple of years. Same terrible jokes. (exact repeats even) and the same trolls spewing crap at each other. So sad.
Good job trolls. At least you are making someone some easy money.
You understand your hypocrisy right? Youre here….trolling….making someone easy money!…kinda sad really!
Do you have an AR-15 in your trunk for killing school children like every good American conservative?
Looks like Bob was wrong again! Keeps making silly claims that never come true……almost as if……he was a complete moron, like all rightards!
Killing school children is a fact of life. We need more guns at schools.
Let’s make laws that law abiding people will follow. That will fix the gun issue. Maybe we should make murder illegal? Then people will have to behave.
Maybe establish gun free zones around schools and other areas? That means no one can bring one.
If we do those things it will end the mental health issues and criminals will no longer hurt people. Wow, you solved it! I mean you already got rid of all the the mass shootings by POCs, gays and trannies by simply burring the stories, this should work too.
Crazed kid, already known to FBI for a year, left to his own devices, blows up just in time for election propaganda, that’s not convenient, not at all… 🤔🗳️
“shootings by POCs, gays and trannies” Wow, what a low form of life you are. Your Nazi greatgranddad would be proud.
Bob is gay himself. Not uncommon for a conservative to overcompensate and hate his fellow trannies. So much pressure.
“shootings by POCs, gays and trannies”
Pointing out the truth hurts. Every time it isn’t a straight white man it disappears from the news cycle rapidly. They won’t even speak if the identity, race or other woke categories because it doesn’t fit the narrative. This doesn’t only apply to mass shootings, of which we will have many in Chicago you’ll never hear about.
The shooting has to fit the gun control narrative or it doesn’t get reported. Just like the thousands of times a year that someone with a concealed carry permit uses the gun lawfully and prevents the death or death of others. Or uses the weapon to protect family and property. Liberals HATE that. They want you scared and dependent on Government not standing up to criminals on your own.
Thousands of times a year with some hero? That must be why we hear about it all the time on fox news.
Or maybe its just some other made up ..baloney by some trolls who want to tell you what liberals think, but they clearly don’t know.
So sad.
“shootings by POCs, gays and trannies”…. blah, blah, blah.
It’s not the liberals with the HATE. They don’t want you scared. That’s somebody else… Gee a wonder where this guy gets it from.
What do you get when you mix social media with politics? Idiots! You thought it was gonna be a joke huh?
I would have said a conservative like ol bob but same thing!
If “POCs, gays and trannies” start shooting you can be sure there is a history of conservative bullying, discrimination and abuse behind it.
Conservatism is the root of all the evil it condemns.
Anyone who argues ‘liberalism v conservatism’ is just a useful idiot for an elite that stays in power by pitting morons against each other
Your solution?
“If “POCs, gays and trannies” start shooting you can be sure there is a history of conservative bullying, discrimination and abuse behind it.”
Sorry, but is that an excuse? There’s no excuse for anyone to commit such an evil act and no matter what, they bear responsibility. Many people have crappy lives, they don’t commit such acts.
The comment was about the media handling of such things. If it doesn’t fit the narrative, it is just a blip on the radar.
Liberals are the real haters.
If you have the slightest disagreement with the littlest thing, Instant Hitler.
So you can excuse the conservatives for hate but not the liberals? Because you never seem to mention when the conservatives screw up! Bit of a hypocrisy here folks!
Wasn’t Hitler on the right? Yes he was, right there with thee ol conservatives! Let’s say the world is super far left so extremely left its over the edge just like you guys say it is…..notice no one is being put in concentration camps? Notice how no one is forcing you onto a train and taking your wife and kids from you? Anything you can come up with that would entail an extremist left regime is gonna look like a kiss from mother Teresa when you compare it to the extreme right! That’s where you find suicide bombers and people gunning down mosques and gay bars! That’s where you’ll find people mowing down protestors with their cars…..the far right is far worse than the far left! I’ll take being told I’m a bigot because I don’t believe in the hubba baloo about more than 2 biological sexes over being made to wear a special star and loaded onto a train because I don’t believe in God, anyday!
I’m waiting for the conservatives typical “brainwashed” comment! Because if youre right about anything and you can prove a conservative wrong…..youre just brainwashed, I guess!
Hitlers political party was the National Socialist German Workers Party. Socialists. And no concentration camps.. but no free speech or you go right to jail. All media speaks in one voice and it always sounds like Bernie Sanders campaigning for Democrat Communism. And no you are not brainwashed. You are just lazy. Lazy people hate capitalism because it’s hard.
That’s no excuse. That’s a causality. Republican crime is real.
The NSDAP wasn’t a socialistic party. Same as it wasn’t a workers’ party. Stop telling that incompetent lie. It was marketing to get votes from the working class. Same as Trump rallying in the rust belt. The man never worked in his life and doesn’t give a sh*t about people. Any people. Only his own neck and bank account.
Once Hitler was in power conservatives were quick to join to the NSDAP. Mostly democrats, socialists and communists died in the concentration camps. There were more badges than stars. There were also a lot of triangles for political prisoners.
Republican firing at cars and people on the interstate in Kentucky. He’s on the run.
Might be Bob.
Those that claim that Nazis were socialist because of there name also get confused when there is tuna in the Chicken Of The Sea can and there is no money inside the
Payday wrapper. But then they will argue that the Republicans are now the working man’s party as they fight unionization and refuse to raise the minimum wage.
The problem is American mentality. It’s self-centered, opportunistic and egoistic.
“If I can’t have a union no else should have it, slavery is happyness.” “If I can’t have healthcare no one else should have it, thoughts and prayers.” “If I can’t have minimum wages no one should have it, or less.”
Americans are like the Ferengi in Star Trek.
They don’t want to fight exploitation. – They want to be the exploiters.
Hitler is socialism…..when it’s perpetrated by the right!!! Do you see the problem? It’s the right!
By all definitions the NSDAP is a right wing party. Always has been. The name means nothing. The republicans are called after the republic. Yet they are working on a monarchy for the U.S.
You can say Hitler’s side was left or right all you want with 80 years of reflection. Look at what they did. Look at their ideals. Look at the purpose and methods. It reflects the current left. They just don’t have someone charismatic (as evil as he was) to follow.
2024 Lefties = Fascist Party by design
No, it doesn’t. No matter how often you lie. Halfwit.
Lying rightarded Bob is lying. No surprise.
Democrat Fascist Party and they love it. That is until it turns on themselves. Ask Bumblin’ Biden. If he knew what was going on, he’d be pissed.
Bob gets his left and rights confused! He meant right! The right is indicative of Nazi like behavior just ask the folks at ICE! Or is it the gestapo?
The Nazis wanted everything the right wants now!
No immigration!
Old school values from the past!
Only one colour of human!
Lgbqt is bad!
Cancel anything that criticizes them! (This is a left problem too)
Lock away people you don’t think belone with a secret service…..ICE!
Is say the Nazis share conservative values more than liberal values!
I’m German. Everyone knows the Nazis were far-right fascists. That’s a facts agreed on worldwide. American voters know nothing about politics and history. Their news are entertainment and their history is fairytales. The American education system is a wreck thanks to conservative austerity measures and neoliberal philosphy that schools have to be run like a company when their purpose never have been profits. Same as in all conservative ruled countries on the globe. End of discussion.
The “right” in the 1930s Germany is in no way the “right” in 2024. Even what was considered centrist in 2000 is now considered “far right” in 2024.
In relation to the US, anyone with the slightest bit of objectivity can see who is actually performing the actions and idealism of fascism and the Nazi’s.
A list was given detailing the ideological views of the Nazis in comparison to the modern American right! A nice objective list!
Yes, Republicans are. Point proven.
Democratic Brownshirts longing for the good days when their Adolf was taking over. I’m pretty sure your Brownshirts thought they were justified in their actions too. Remember this as you regurgitate your pro Hamas slogans.
All your stupid Hitler adoration aside …..a democratic person is one who upholds the principles of democracy! You republicans want fascism in the form of trump! It’s cute how your attempt to relate Hitler to the Democrats is a clear sign you have nothing valid to say! You need to belittle others to look good am I right? Classic school yard bully tactics!
Trump has contacts in the Kremlin!
So the Kremlin started fake support for Harris. Trump and Putin are so transparent.
Everytime you stop a Republican in traffic…
Trump and Putin are Larry and Moe, where’s PRC curly?
A vote for me is – – – – well a vote for me.
And me. 😈
Good lord these trump-obsessed commentards are so dumb
Sure, Drewmitri. 🧻
@anon- are ‘the Russians’ in the room with you right now? They might be under your bed. You should go look. LOL
Enough about American politics. What’s going to happen to our country. The Liberal’s are too weak, to selfish, and too beholden to corporate interests to fight for the Canadian people. Our election has to take place before October 2025 and now that the New Democrats have pulled support from Trudeau early elections are more likely. And Justine and his corrupt croonies are out no matter what. What an abysmal failure he has been for Canada. Maybe if people start paying attention to whats going on at home instead of US politics we can not screw it all up again this time. Prolly not though. Orange Man and Commie Kamala seem to be all this site does anymore. And Americans don’t even go on this site to read all the hysterical propaganda and hate against them. It’s crazy. But, hey, it’s a living right Boys. Evil Country Killing Bastards.
This won’t be up long.
I haven’t been around much for a couple of years. Same terrible jokes. (exact repeats even) and the same trolls spewing crap at each other. So sad.
Good job trolls. At least you are making someone some easy money.
You understand your hypocrisy right? Youre here….trolling….making someone easy money!…kinda sad really!
Do you have an AR-15 in your trunk for killing school children like every good American conservative?
Looks like Bob was wrong again! Keeps making silly claims that never come true……almost as if……he was a complete moron, like all rightards!
Killing school children is a fact of life. We need more guns at schools.
Let’s make laws that law abiding people will follow. That will fix the gun issue. Maybe we should make murder illegal? Then people will have to behave.
Maybe establish gun free zones around schools and other areas? That means no one can bring one.
If we do those things it will end the mental health issues and criminals will no longer hurt people. Wow, you solved it! I mean you already got rid of all the the mass shootings by POCs, gays and trannies by simply burring the stories, this should work too.
Crazed kid, already known to FBI for a year, left to his own devices, blows up just in time for election propaganda, that’s not convenient, not at all… 🤔🗳️
“shootings by POCs, gays and trannies” Wow, what a low form of life you are. Your Nazi greatgranddad would be proud.
Bob is gay himself. Not uncommon for a conservative to overcompensate and hate his fellow trannies. So much pressure.
“shootings by POCs, gays and trannies”
Pointing out the truth hurts. Every time it isn’t a straight white man it disappears from the news cycle rapidly. They won’t even speak if the identity, race or other woke categories because it doesn’t fit the narrative. This doesn’t only apply to mass shootings, of which we will have many in Chicago you’ll never hear about.
The shooting has to fit the gun control narrative or it doesn’t get reported. Just like the thousands of times a year that someone with a concealed carry permit uses the gun lawfully and prevents the death or death of others. Or uses the weapon to protect family and property. Liberals HATE that. They want you scared and dependent on Government not standing up to criminals on your own.
Thousands of times a year with some hero? That must be why we hear about it all the time on fox news.
Or maybe its just some other made up ..baloney by some trolls who want to tell you what liberals think, but they clearly don’t know.
So sad.
“shootings by POCs, gays and trannies”…. blah, blah, blah.
It’s not the liberals with the HATE. They don’t want you scared. That’s somebody else… Gee a wonder where this guy gets it from.
What do you get when you mix social media with politics? Idiots! You thought it was gonna be a joke huh?
I would have said a conservative like ol bob but same thing!
If “POCs, gays and trannies” start shooting you can be sure there is a history of conservative bullying, discrimination and abuse behind it.
Conservatism is the root of all the evil it condemns.
Anyone who argues ‘liberalism v conservatism’ is just a useful idiot for an elite that stays in power by pitting morons against each other
Your solution?
“If “POCs, gays and trannies” start shooting you can be sure there is a history of conservative bullying, discrimination and abuse behind it.”
Sorry, but is that an excuse? There’s no excuse for anyone to commit such an evil act and no matter what, they bear responsibility. Many people have crappy lives, they don’t commit such acts.
The comment was about the media handling of such things. If it doesn’t fit the narrative, it is just a blip on the radar.
Liberals are the real haters.
If you have the slightest disagreement with the littlest thing, Instant Hitler.
So you can excuse the conservatives for hate but not the liberals? Because you never seem to mention when the conservatives screw up! Bit of a hypocrisy here folks!
Wasn’t Hitler on the right? Yes he was, right there with thee ol conservatives! Let’s say the world is super far left so extremely left its over the edge just like you guys say it is…..notice no one is being put in concentration camps? Notice how no one is forcing you onto a train and taking your wife and kids from you? Anything you can come up with that would entail an extremist left regime is gonna look like a kiss from mother Teresa when you compare it to the extreme right! That’s where you find suicide bombers and people gunning down mosques and gay bars! That’s where you’ll find people mowing down protestors with their cars…..the far right is far worse than the far left! I’ll take being told I’m a bigot because I don’t believe in the hubba baloo about more than 2 biological sexes over being made to wear a special star and loaded onto a train because I don’t believe in God, anyday!
I’m waiting for the conservatives typical “brainwashed” comment! Because if youre right about anything and you can prove a conservative wrong…..youre just brainwashed, I guess!
Hitlers political party was the National Socialist German Workers Party. Socialists. And no concentration camps.. but no free speech or you go right to jail. All media speaks in one voice and it always sounds like Bernie Sanders campaigning for Democrat Communism. And no you are not brainwashed. You are just lazy. Lazy people hate capitalism because it’s hard.
That’s no excuse. That’s a causality. Republican crime is real.
The NSDAP wasn’t a socialistic party. Same as it wasn’t a workers’ party. Stop telling that incompetent lie. It was marketing to get votes from the working class. Same as Trump rallying in the rust belt. The man never worked in his life and doesn’t give a sh*t about people. Any people. Only his own neck and bank account.
Once Hitler was in power conservatives were quick to join to the NSDAP. Mostly democrats, socialists and communists died in the concentration camps. There were more badges than stars. There were also a lot of triangles for political prisoners.
Republican firing at cars and people on the interstate in Kentucky. He’s on the run.
Might be Bob.
Those that claim that Nazis were socialist because of there name also get confused when there is tuna in the Chicken Of The Sea can and there is no money inside the
Payday wrapper. But then they will argue that the Republicans are now the working man’s party as they fight unionization and refuse to raise the minimum wage.
The problem is American mentality. It’s self-centered, opportunistic and egoistic.
“If I can’t have a union no else should have it, slavery is happyness.” “If I can’t have healthcare no one else should have it, thoughts and prayers.” “If I can’t have minimum wages no one should have it, or less.”
Americans are like the Ferengi in Star Trek.
They don’t want to fight exploitation. – They want to be the exploiters.
Hitler is socialism…..when it’s perpetrated by the right!!! Do you see the problem? It’s the right!
By all definitions the NSDAP is a right wing party. Always has been. The name means nothing. The republicans are called after the republic. Yet they are working on a monarchy for the U.S.
You can say Hitler’s side was left or right all you want with 80 years of reflection. Look at what they did. Look at their ideals. Look at the purpose and methods. It reflects the current left. They just don’t have someone charismatic (as evil as he was) to follow.
2024 Lefties = Fascist Party by design
No, it doesn’t. No matter how often you lie. Halfwit.
Lying rightarded Bob is lying. No surprise.
Democrat Fascist Party and they love it. That is until it turns on themselves. Ask Bumblin’ Biden. If he knew what was going on, he’d be pissed.
Bob gets his left and rights confused! He meant right! The right is indicative of Nazi like behavior just ask the folks at ICE! Or is it the gestapo?
The Nazis wanted everything the right wants now!
No immigration!
Old school values from the past!
Only one colour of human!
Lgbqt is bad!
Cancel anything that criticizes them! (This is a left problem too)
Lock away people you don’t think belone with a secret service…..ICE!
Is say the Nazis share conservative values more than liberal values!
I’m German. Everyone knows the Nazis were far-right fascists. That’s a facts agreed on worldwide. American voters know nothing about politics and history. Their news are entertainment and their history is fairytales. The American education system is a wreck thanks to conservative austerity measures and neoliberal philosphy that schools have to be run like a company when their purpose never have been profits. Same as in all conservative ruled countries on the globe. End of discussion.
The “right” in the 1930s Germany is in no way the “right” in 2024. Even what was considered centrist in 2000 is now considered “far right” in 2024.
In relation to the US, anyone with the slightest bit of objectivity can see who is actually performing the actions and idealism of fascism and the Nazi’s.
A list was given detailing the ideological views of the Nazis in comparison to the modern American right! A nice objective list!
Yes, Republicans are. Point proven.
Democratic Brownshirts longing for the good days when their Adolf was taking over. I’m pretty sure your Brownshirts thought they were justified in their actions too. Remember this as you regurgitate your pro Hamas slogans.
All your stupid Hitler adoration aside …..a democratic person is one who upholds the principles of democracy! You republicans want fascism in the form of trump! It’s cute how your attempt to relate Hitler to the Democrats is a clear sign you have nothing valid to say! You need to belittle others to look good am I right? Classic school yard bully tactics!
I’d wager your about 10? Maybe 12 years old?