Parenting Win: This Is What Proper Parenting Looks Like

You may think that gentle parenting is the right approach. That’s complete nonsense. You should be very honest and direct with your crotch goblins. Trust us on this one, this site is run by child psychologists after all.

Mom, you're not funny. You can't make jokes. I made you.

28 thoughts on “Parenting Win: This Is What Proper Parenting Looks Like”

  1. Six more days than four years of Trump. You poor yankee bastards.

  2. Another 4 years of greatness. It’s gonna be yuge.

  3. Yuge poodoo.

  4. 4 years without the LGBTQ monp Propaganda being pushed down peoples throats. Oh no! Thats horrible. How will we even survive..

  5. Go to a redneck bar and yell that Trump is a lying bastard and Elon’s bitch. Then try to survive.

  6. Karen probably tried Plan B before little girl was born then put her on SSRI’s and is now considering gender affirming care.

  7. Just like liberals can’t make memes.

  8. Funny how so many Anonymous Bozo’s complain about the gay agenda being pushed down their throats. That is the epitome of unawarness. Or Freudian slip.

  9. The “LGBTQ monp Propaganda” is only pushed down your throat because you are mouthbreather. All normal people are fine.

  10. Right.. cause you love things being forced down your throat and in other places right.. you sicko deviants. But hey, you do you.

  11. No, I don’t. But then I’m not an insecure personality like you.

  12. Sure.. now go cry about another countries leader. You know a country you don’t live work or vote in. Socks damaged your minds so badly.

  13. Still not Canadian. Nevertheless one doesn’t have to. America is broadcasting their idiocracy far and wide. Here you are shouting it into the world.

  14. 4 years of listening to this could actually be harmful to your mind. Sore losers whining on and on. You have a great day tomorrow, us Canadians are celebrating both Trumps win and Black Face Monkey Boys disgraceful exit. Things couldn’t be better!

  15. Today all Americans are losers.

  16. Sure they are.. sad little Leftist with no political power. Cry harder worm.

  17. There are worms in nature that can kill you. I’d be carefull if I were you. 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  18. Always the threat of violence from the Leftists. Why is that? I guess because they can’t win on their ideas so force is their only choice. Leftists, ideas so good they have to be mandated right.. 🙄. Glad that’s all over with now.

  19. Violence? The worm in your brain is a natural thing, dummy.

  20. Yap, the USA are over. From now on… downwards into oblivion.

  21. Yap? Yes yap, yap, yap is all the Leftist can do now. Like Socialism, Radical Leftist ideology has failed miserably. And America is doing just fine. Now Canada needs to make itself great again. Also Germany, France etc.. The EU has gotta go!

  22. The EU isn’t left, halfwit.

  23. The EU is destroying countries with forced illegal immigration if you haven’t noticed. But all that will be gone soon. Trump will correct that problem soon enough. Just Watch. The EU is next on the chopping block because they aren’t getting any more money or military protection if they don’t fall in line. And money is ALL they care about.

  24. Who would have thought an economic union would care about money. 🤯 What a clown.

  25. Their own individual net worth is job one. Globalist scum about to be Trumped. It’s a new world just in 2 weeks. Imagine whats to come.

  26. The 19th century.

  27. Their country. Worry about your own. Maybe build a military so the people you hate don’t have to waste time protecting your ungrateful ass.

  28. So, you say they are the enemy?

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