Climate Crisis Averted: Paper Straws Will Save The World

Keep doing your part in fight against climate change and use paper straws! It makes all the difference.

This a cruise ship "Icon Of The Seas". While underway, it burns 350 tons of fuel per day. That's over 100,000 gallons a day. But it's OK because we're using paper straws now.

19 thoughts on “Climate Crisis Averted: Paper Straws Will Save The World”

  1. I would love to have stock in the oil company supplying the fuel.
    I will be able to count my money while sucking a cola through a
    paper straw.

  2. Plastic items like straws, bottles, bottle caps, plastic bags etc, etc
    are being eaten by sea creatures killing thousands yearly. Air
    pollution is horrible, and getting worse, but plastics are even worse.
    All single use plastics should be banned world wide. Back in the sixties,
    and before we did not have all these plastics, and got along well without

  3. @Anon#1
    “And what it all comes down to
    Is that everything’s gonna be quite all right
    ‘Cause I’ve got one hand in my pocket
    And the other one is flickin’ a cigarette”

  4. was fun while it lasted

  5. Air pollution is NOT getting worse. The air is far cleaner now than in the 70’s. In fact it is so clean that there will now be MORE and stronger hurricanes.

    “NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) has a new study that shows less air pollution is helping to create busier hurricane seasons.”

    You don’t have to take my word for it. Just look it up yourself instead of automatically swallowing the leftist main stream media B.S. They care more about controlling people than they do the environment.

  6. Ever heard of CO2?

  7. Based on the annual report from NOAA’s Global Monitoring Lab, global average atmospheric carbon dioxide was 419.3 parts per million (“ppm” for short) in 2023, setting a new record high.

  8. In the US and Europe combined, about 200,000,000,000 plastic straws were used per year. That’s a lot of straws… Many people each making a small contribution makes a big difference – one of the few advantages of overpopulation ;)

  9. Oh good, it’s more woke virtue signalling BS – exactly what I come to this website to get away from.

  10. To the idiot above blasting us with a NOAA study they didn’t read, air pollution acts as an atmospheric coolant, less pollution means more climate change which means more hurricanes! Stop cherry picking data that you THINK makes your bullshit smell like roses!

  11. Saying overpopulation has an advantage because there is a bigger impact is equivalent to saying paying more in taxes is better because you’ll get more back at the end of the year!

  12. CO2 acts as an atmospheric green house gas, more CO2 means more climate change which means more hurricanes.

  13. If you do not benefit from paying taxes you either don’t live in a democracy or you’re rich enough to afford your own private highways, schools, power plants, army, communication infrastructure, water supply, etc..
    If you don’t live in a democracy I feel sorry for you. If you’re filthy rich you should take your responsibility to contribute to your fellow citizens and give them a share in roads, education, electricity, protection, information, water, etc..

  14. @drawyourstraw: It’s a common misconception that rich people are filthy – probably started by envious peasants. It’s quite the opposite. We use high end toiletries and hygiene products well out of financial reach to the common dreg.

  15. you climate types are all fags

  16. Your mom called me a fag too, but only because she was pretending my cock was a cigarette!

  17. Not often a guy will admit to be hung like a cigarette. Hope you didn’t
    poke her eye out.

  18. I am not a climate type, just using my brain. Complaining that there is not enough disease-causing granular air pollution is plain dumb.

  19. It’s the rich who produce by far the most polution.


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