IKEA Blue Bag Outfits Is Something People Are Now Doing

Some little part of internet population seems to be jumping on the idea of turning the furniture giant’s famous blue bag into must-have fashion accessories and unique clothing. From face masks and dresses to shoes and thongs (no, really), there seems to be no limit to what DIY projects people can make with IKEA blue bag.

IKEA blue bag fashion.

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Funniest Reactions To GameStop Stock Inflation by Wallstreetbets Reddit

Here’s a brief explanation: after many years of steady decline, GameStop was not doing well and their stock was extremely low. Then, they hired some new board members and the stock went up a bit. Hedge funds observing the phenomenon decided to “short” GameStop stocks to make a lot of money when it failed. Then the /r/Wallstreetbets subreddit caught wind of their scheme and started buying GameStop stocks like crazy, hugely inflating the price of the stock so some hedge funds lost all their money.

/r/Wallstreetbets vs. GameStop vs. the real Wall Street.

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Corgi Mixes Look Like Just Corgis In Disguise

Apparently, a Corgi crossed with another breed looks like a corgi disguised as the other dog. Ever seen a Corgi mix with a Husky? Perhaps you’ve always dreamed of owning a Corgi crossed with a Dalmatian? Either way, the results are pretty funny and may surprise you!

Corgi mixes are pretty funny.

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