Not a Cellphone In Sight, Just People Living In The Moment

None of the Internet and all of the ignorance! Don’t you miss the old days when humans were in harmony with nature and with each other?

I miss the old days with not a cellphone in sight, just people living in the moment.

7 thoughts on “Not a Cellphone In Sight, Just People Living In The Moment”

  1. The old man is living in the last moment

  2. That’s what conservatives want for you. A simple life.

  3. And liberals want it to be complicated, what’s your point?

  4. Humans will never live in harmony with the likes of Trump around.

  5. Vikings.

    Making Alfred great again.

  6. Better complicated than dead, halfwit?

  7. Ya youre going to end up dead like all the other times the conservatives were in power! Can you fear monger harder?

    I’m legit asking, can you?

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