The Complete Guide of Mormon Missionary Positions

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, commonly known as the Mormons, believe in the importance of sexual purity and place a strong emphasis on marital fidelity. They teach that sexual activity should only occur within the bounds of marriage between a man and a woman and that any sexual activity outside of marriage, including premarital sex and homosexuality, is a sin. The church also teaches that marriage should be for life and that divorce should only be considered in extreme circumstances. Photographer Neil Dacosta has created the book of Mormon missionary positions together with art director Sara Phillips. The series shows two Mormon missionaries as they surrender to carnal same-sex lust while fully clothed. Please let us know in the comments below if this parody is in bad taste or Mormons shouldn’t be excluded from this site!

This is how Mormons do it.

This is how Mormons do it.

This is how Mormons do it.

This is how Mormons do it.

This is how Mormons do it.

This is how Mormons do it.

This is how Mormons do it.

This is how Mormons do it.

This is how Mormons do it.

This is how Mormons do it.

This is how Mormons do it.

This is how Mormons do it.

This is how Mormons do it.

This is how Mormons do it.

This is how Mormons do it.

This is how Mormons do it.

32 thoughts on “The Complete Guide of Mormon Missionary Positions”

  1. Yup, gotta play safe and wear a helmet.

  2. These are for heterosexual couples also I assume.

  3. Pic no. 1
    Oops, sorry Bruce, would you mind doing a 180 for little ole me?

  4. “Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you for my sake.”
    Matthew 5:11

  5. At least they’re not Jehovah’s Witnesses. I go blind if I saw that.

  6. They look like gay IT geeks gone wild

  7. Religious yet you visit this site. Kind of hypocritical.

  8. Why do I have to see this? Not even funny.

  9. Don’t look, or is that too easy.

  10. I thought this site was supposed to be of funny pictures/memes. This is not funny or even entertaining. Just pathetic.

  11. “To truly hock a loogey, one must not retrieve the phlegm from the throat, but from the soul.” Snotty, RoN:2

  12. It’s not them. It’s you.

  13. From some of the answers here it seems that many mornons are regular visitors on this site, yet do not enjoy the joke once it’s on their benefit. On the other hand, from the thumbs up – thumbs down situation, it seems that many enlightened people are very happy to make mormons uncomfortable. In a way they wouldn’t do to LHBT or people of colour for example.

  14. Especially the morons…I mean Mormons.

  15. What a robust and engaging comment. Hats off to you.

  16. Haha now do Jews

  17. yeaah. How low can you go?

    Pretty low apparently.

    Note – No need to find something extreme to trigger the snowflakes. Even the comics and bad jokes make them rant about conspiracy theories.

  18. It enlightens many to make religious nuts uncomfortable. Mormons included. I’m one of them. Joy.

  19. Ask a Jew. They know a lot of jokes about themselves.

  20. The weak minded are always easy to trigger.

  21. And easy to push into taking gene therapy that alters your DNA, shortens your life span and makes your sterile. The pure bloods just snicker and sale their seman and plasma for double now. So if it’s not true why are they paying double for uncontaminated human juices? Hmmm..

  22. Idiots selling other idiots fluid for crazy prices…. that’s not really good evidence for being the “smart ones”.

    Note – it’s NOT gene therapy, doesn’t shorten your lifespan or alter your DNA. Lay off the fake news, you’ll feel better.

  23. Not idiots. Women who want healthy babies. Don’t blame us if that’s what the companies are paying. The question is why are they paying it? You know. Stop pretending you don’t GMO.

  24. The traditional standards are pretty good. Much less likely to get STDS, be a single parent, or choose to murder a baby.
    Promiscuous sex is just creepy.

  25. Can any body help me to laught?

  26. The Mormon Kama Sutra

  27. The gays must be super blessed then.

  28. You must be a blast at parties.

  29. Incredibly bad taste, but as we know Leftists consider themselves superior to all and thus incapable of being offensive. It’s everything I would expect from this site.

  30. Kinda funny ngl

  31. Yeah, that’s a remake of a posters based on BL novel @Founder of diabolism@ featuring the main characters. Bicycle instead of the donkey. ;)

  32. Sorry you have to make fun of something so special

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