Mantis Meme: Life Is Tough, Being Married Is No Joke

Either you are a human or a mantis, here’s an advice for you, guys: don’t get married, stay single! Maybe casually date, but for the love of God – don’t get married!

Might as well stay and have one more. Wife is going to bite my head off anyway.

43 thoughts on “Mantis Meme: Life Is Tough, Being Married Is No Joke”

  1. Five more days, da da da!

  2. Its gonna be YUUUGE

  3. The quicker we invade Greenland, the sooner we can unconditionally surrender to Denmark, and let them deal with all our problems. 🤣

  4. America wins the battle and loses the war.

  5. Four more days till Trump takes over your lives. Hope you have
    back-up plans for the next four years my yankee friends.

  6. We are sending our Starmer Troopers through out the UK to fortify our island against Trump and protect our minor attracted Mohammedan nonces from harsh language. Our security forces are ready to secretly deploy overseas to bring to heal any individual haters that say bad things about us.

  7. To Da Judge, in a few days 1984 and Idiocracy will finally combine. Except we will have to live it and will not be able to change the channel.
    “We have always been at war with Greenland.”

  8. Invade Greenland? You guys would have to find it on a map first. And since none of you can do that, Greenland is pretty safe.

  9. Stop whining. Orange man isn’t even President yet and thousands of criminal Illegal Invaders are self deporting. Due to the threat of Orange Man, Hamas is ready to release hostages and sign a ceasefire. The US made it a crime for men to participate in women’s sports. They have also removed the LGBTQ BS from schools. The Trans Maoists movement is falling out of style as fast as pink/blue hair and tattoos, leaving messed up little campers everywhere. Globally the Left is more unpopular then at anytime since the cold war. Biden is now officially the worst President in history and Justine Black Face Trudeau has resigned in disgrace. And Satanville California has burned to the ground. Things are the best they’ve been since last time Orange Man was in office. The only ones not happy are the Leftist idiots that got us in trouble in the first place. Enjoy it while you can. The forces of evil are mustering.

  10. Ok, bot.

  11. Reality, didn’t anyone tell you not to mix energy drinks, coke and alcohol?

  12. Back to the comic featured;
    Due to the population crisis in the west, I would like to propose bringing back 4th century harems. If you can afford multiple wives and breed them this will save western societies. Incels should be drafted into the legion to fight for the empire as they are incapable of dealing with life in general. As we know women only are attracted to the top 10% of all men and since the top 10% can afford a wife and the incel can’t, everyone is happy and the incel now has a purpose other then playing video games in their parent’s basement. Further, re-institution of Patriarchal dominance to implement clan discipline needs to be established to prevent the outcome the meme has correctly stated happens in western culture.

  13. WOW! I am flabbergasted with the ignorance on this forum.

  14. “Bob The Magnificent” is a great example of how the Leftist mind works. In slave women in harems and force them to breed. Imagine the mind that wrote all this. The warped outlook on life in general. That’s the Left in a nutshell. And who the Fuc# is this Bob guy already? Nothing but Children here anymore.

  15. Is it true that cold weather can shrink your dink? People
    have told me to be aware of winter like conditions in D.C
    If this is true I may have to squat like a girl to pee. Not
    very flattering for a President.

  16. So, your hands are tiny because of the weather?

  17. And his brain.

  18. Bob talking to himself in superlong posts that no one reads. Man, his life must be a sad one.

  19. At least he wasn’t forced to resign in disgrace after turning an entire country into a global laughingstock. But We know you loved the Black Faced Monkey Boy so yo lash out at another countries successful leader. Pathetic. But what can you expect from Socks fans.

  20. That manly mantis will have more s*x than Bob will ever have.

  21. Bob would lose his head before s*x.

  22. 👍

  23. When your ridiculous ideology is exposed and is now being exterminated globally and all you can do is make elementary school jokes about other peoples successful choices. That’s how you know you are a true sh#t head. Don’t scream too loud tomorrow. Hahaha. Gonna be crying for Four year’s hahahahah.

  24. Yes, the MAGA ideology is the most rediculous and ans stupid thing on the market right now. Failed multiple times in history. But there is still a supply on idiots following it.

  25. It’s spelled ridiculous Lefty and you should get better at reading the room. Leftist ideology has lost in America, Canada, Germany, France, Italy and Britain. No one wants that crazy Trans, DEI BS anymore. And for good reason. But ok.. you’re amazing! Not the sharpest knife in the dishwasher but amazing non the less.

  26. So, you are grammar nazi and a nazi. Ok. 👌

  27. Leftist ideology lost in Britain? They had a landslide victory last year.

  28. Because the British are not as fond of Nazis as the Americans are. They still know what it means to have a fascistic regime at their doorstep. Sorry for that, pals.

  29. Perfect example of out of touch Liberals. Still calling people Nazi’s while their leaders are forced out of office for corruption and incompetence. Your mindless world is gone. No one cares anymore if they ever did. No political power means no political opinion. The people have spoken. You just don’t listen, the trade mark virtue of a Liberal idiot.

  30. Musk made clear which political philosophy he follows. Better train your right arms, Americans.

  31. Train your right arms..? What does that even mean? Bet your right arm gets lots of training..

  32. Roman salute is on the rise in America.

  33. They just revealed they know nothing about the Third Reich. No wonder they voted for their Führer Trump. Bob the Imbecil.

  34. Ok 👌

  35. Bob the peasant.

  36. The “Bob’s” are what mental illness looks like. Sad.

  37. The criminally insane took over America. Where is Batman when you need him?

  38. No, the one who gave 8000 pardons and Justine voters are insane. But 8000 pardons is normal to you right?

  39. Yes, if the next president is a criminally deranged person like Donald Trump people must be protected.

  40. You mean criminals must be protected right? Well over the next few years we are all gonna find out. The pardons opened a pandora’s box of treasonous crimes. And now that the media is being held responsible for their actions and lies we’ll be hearing about all of it. Wish that would happen here. Trudeau and his goons would be jailed.

  41. “Pandora’s box of treasonous crimes”. Saw it in Trump’s luggage when he moved into the White House.

  42. Well watch and see. Wish we could expose all the corruption here as the Americans are doing. But Canadians seem to have no spine for such things. Explains why Trudeau got away with all his and his families corrupt affairs.

  43. Keep hitting the wall fighting imaginary enemies while Trump destroys your freedom.

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