Men are like GPS systems – give us clear directions, or we’ll confidently lead you to the middle of nowhere, proclaiming, “You have reached your destination!” If you want us to buy ketchup, just say so. No need to use confusing language.
75 thoughts on “Ketchup Meme: Shopping List Misunderstanding”
These Republican jokes are being overdone of you ask me!
HaHaHa, but it looks like bacon which is an affront to our preferred guests! Cannuck land is still an object of the empire and is not outside our reach, remember Pavel Durov comic site. No one expects the Spanish Inquisition! The Starmer Troopers are on their way.
The only good thing about rising sea levels is that one fine day all of England should be covered.
Never ask a Trumper for help. Your situation will get worse.
The guy who keeps using the phrase “starmer troopers” is a registered sex offender!
He forgot to blame Trump for getting ketchup on the shopping list.
Maybe he knows it was actually climate change.
I can tell by the way Kamalaballa looks at me that she wants me.
I have faced this problem with so many women in my life. I will
resist this attempt by her knowing she will use a quickie to black
mail me like hundreds of others have already done.
I will have her squealing in lust during our debate next month.
The left can’t meme ™
Pretty sure Trump didn’t had to write a shopping list ever in his life. He’d rather hire people for that and then fail to pay them. Later they end up in a ditch. “Suicide.”
And Biden is capable of literally anything at this point?
The suicide and single person auto accidents is a Clinton thing. One example of these suicides was a person that managed to hang themselves with arms tied behind their back and a fatal gunshot wound to the head. “Nothing to see here! Please move along… Nothing to see!”
I’m not talking about Biden or Clinton. Whataboutism fail. And I’m pretty sure both know how to write a shopping list, use a shopping card and can buy stuff themselves. Trump does not.
Bacon decreases the chance of a people randomly exploding
Id take a dementia ridden Biden over any Republican! At least Biden has the class to take me out for dinner before he bent me over!
You got that wrong. Biden is senile, Trump has dementia. That still makes Biden the better choice.
Biden could be missing a head and still have more brains than a Republican!
Jokes aside.
Would you let Biden boil water and make a simple cup of tea in your home unattended?
Logically, it would make no sense for Trump to do any grocery shopping. When you are rich and powerful you have other people do these things for you because your time is the most valuable asset and if they have to waste their time doing menial tasks it is a tremendous waste of money NOT to have people handle it for you.
Can’t wait to see Trump literally _doing_ time. Just to show how valuable it is.
Just a question.
When Trump goes to jail will his secret service people
jump in the shower with him?
He’d probably get the whole shower room for himself. Because he is so rich and powerful. 😂
Bob up date: The surgery went well but there have been some complications. We hope to go home soon, but will not return to US until he can travel. Thoughts and prayers are welcome.
After arresting that 11yo boy, our democracy is finally safe.
Biden should be in jail. It’s a shame his own side had to admit he was mentally unfit to stand trial. Somehow he is still allowed to sit out the last six months of his presidency while on constant vacation. Nothing on his calendar. Perhaps his VP should step up and start doing something.
I apologize for my mistake in the last post. After arresting the second 11yo child, our democracy is finally healed.
Trump played golf for his whole presidency or visited autocrats to admire them and did nothing else. What’s your point?
Trump was diplomatic. How dare he meet with other leaders whether friendly or not. Very Presidential.
Biden could never even do an 8 hour day or 4 day work week and his schedule reflects it. Before the debate his was on vacation 40% of the time and that doesn’t account for him calling it a day before 2pm half the time.
Your currently installed candidate hasn’t handled a single adversarial question for 40 days.
Do you think Karmula could hold a serious conversation with Putin and be respected? Trump had the testicular fortitude to meet with the leader of North Korea on his turf. Could either Liden, Karmula or Walzzzz handle themselves in that situation? With minimal cackling?
Kamula is following Biden’s campaign strategy. Hide!
These weak idiots can’t even show respect and go to a memorial for military families. Trump showed up. They wanted him there.
End wokeness. End weakness.
Well to end weakness we’d have to end you! Your ignorance is a stain on intelligent life everywhere! You don’t hold a candle to Kamala, she’s out their getting shit done and youre here…..begging us to agree with you! How pathetic!
Republicans are like insects…..good for a few things but gross and beneath us! Sometimes their so annoying and numerous you gotta put a bowl of money mixed with water out…they just drown!
When you say trump had the balls to meet with Kim… meant colluding right? Cause that’s what he did you silly goof! He didn’t need balls theyre on the same side!
Didn’t trump tell the veterans to go F#$& themselves? Yes he did!
Keep repeating your lefty lies.
The past 4 responses couldn’t pass an MSNBC fact check. Perhaps some day you’ll stop drinking the Kool Aid, Flavor Aid for those of you in Jonestown.
Kamala had to bring in a white man for support of her pretaped CNN “interview” tonight. Good thing there won’t be any tough questions or ones she didn’t know about in advance.
She says nothing, she does nothing.
She is there for no reason other than Biden had to pick a beige woman.
DEI = Didn’t Earn It
MSNBC fact check?
I’m surprised, I thought you only knew the Bannon fact check.
a “beige woman” being head of your next government ist killing you? good.
Beige woman is what was prescribed. It shouldn’t matter but the Dems see it as a top qualification.
Lol cute how republicans think they fact check! That’s why you guys like trump? Knowing full well he supports pedophilia, meanwhile Kamala is the one who started the bureau of children’s justice… protect them from Jeffery Epsteins friends….like trump, Who knew little kids were being smuggled by Epstein. It’s okay…..this is false….trump would never stoop so low …..right? Like grabbing women by the p*ssy? You can tell a fish to climb a tree and you’d get the same result as you would telling a Republican to think!
Your wrong! A fish would have an easier time climbing the tree than the Republican would thinking!
They had a fact checking system monitoring last night’s 18 minute pre-recorded “interview”. It nearly exploded.
Don’t care if she’s beige or purple. Her Daddy was a Communist. Her family not only owned slaves but bought and sold them basically running the local slave market. She is a confirmed communist just like Bernie Sanders no matter how hard they try to memory hole those old California news stories in the LA times. People know exactly who and what she is. The media can shamelessly cover and campaign for her all they want. Just as they did for Biden and Killary. But, like it or not, and I don’t like it, Trump is going to be the next President. Lie and cry all you like. Fake polls be dammed, she cannot win over the American people with meaningless word salads, zero policies and her own history. She owns the Biden Administration try as she might to wipe if off her shoes like the dog sh@# that it is. Start practicing your REEEEEEE! Because that’s all we’re gonna hear for the next 4 years.
Lol, this clown thinks Post-Keynesian economics and communism are the same thing! I’m going to assume it was too complicated of a read so you just slapped the typical communist brand on it due to ignorance! Babble troll, babble! Let me guess, Justin Trudeau is Castro’s son?! Typical tin foil hat wearing muppet trying to tell everyone Kamala is bad because she has coloured skin! Try and hide your racism silly! Also she actually does have a policy, it’s protecting children from pedos! It’s aiding poor people who lack opportunity! What has always been the conservatives policy? Making money for their rich friends, then telling all their poor constituents it was the liberals who did it!
VGH has seriously declined since I was last here. Have to put valuable’s in your pillow case when you sleep. Out soon.
The only ones who care about skin color are the Left. These are the same people who hear the word monkey and immediately think Black People! Normal people think monkey, but not the Left. Everything is based on race. Identity politics rules their minds. It’s why it’s M pox’s instead of the real name Monkey Pox. Because the word monkey is racist in their tiny little brains. Go to the US. Visit cities run by the left and cities run by the right. You can’t argue with your own eyes. Or maybe you could. But it won’t matter. I don’t want either of these people to be President of the US so you can’t lump people into your box of deplorables as the Left does. This “Your either with us or against us mentality” is childish and frankly dangerous. Trump is going to win. Sorry. Like Hillary, people just don’t like Kamala. 28% approval rating. Lowest in history. But now, just weeks later she’s the great beige hope. Not. Gonna. Work. And they know it. Look at them panicking to put in regulations to limit his power before he gets in. They know.
Yup, ignore everything I pointed out you were wrong about! Keep doubling up on your stupidity, I’m sure someone’s paying attention!
He puts a lot of effort in telling everyone he’s not racist! Wonder why?
Anyone posting on X will be deported to Brazil and arrested
Hey Bob, how’s it going?
Uch any kiddos with your buddy trump today? Good thing Kamala exists to put you creeps away!
“Trump” and “diplomatic” don’t go well in one sentence. He alienated every ally the U.S. ever had and autocrats saw him as a usefull idiot. Therefore he was quite useless as a president.
Good thing you mindless freaks can’t vote in the US. Commie Kamala might win. Borders are wonderful things. And Trump will close theirs tight. Keep the trash out.
Trump in a nutshell. Keep the resources out. Keep the business out. Keep the allies out. Let the enemies in.
The wall is not to keep Mexicans out. It is to keep Americans in who will try to flee the Trump regime. Berlin wall vibes.
Trump’s personal North Korea…
I hate Trump because the media fed me content to hate him after he ran against Democrats, even though he was loved by the same people beforehand. I’m an independent thinker.
I see Bob is still on about people from Canada talking about America! But Bob lives in America illegally! According to Bob! He never address d that little fact to be honest!!!
So Bob… is being an illegal immigrant?
If you like trump then you support pedophilia considering he has zero problems with it! Kamala actually started the bureau of children’s justice to protect kids from people like trump! So go ahead….like trump and show us your true colours! Try and worm your way outta this stinky hole you dug yourselves trumpies! Stop touching little kids or supporting people who do you sick freaks!
Trump is gonna close the borders tight? Like last time? Like he built that wall he promised? I’m gonna assume you think Elon Musk is a genius even though he hasn’t done anything he said he was gonna do yet, You Americans sure are gluttons for punishment!
Pseudologia Fantastical. The usual.
Awwww sweety lost the fight so has to resort to calling us liars! Dawwww poor thing! Maybe Trump will make it illegal for us to be right all the time! You can put your hopes on that of you like pumpkin!
Bob, the loser.
HEY!! Get out of mom’s fridge, and get back in the basement.
Bob, the fat loser.
Pretty sure Bob is overweight. 👍 And not because of health issues.
Bob is not a fat slob, just a bit chubby.
Who the Fuc@ is Bob?
The village idiot.
Bob must have pegged you lefties to delight
Like an ant under my shoe. 😂😂😂
Bob keeps trying to pretend to be another person….not working Bob! You smell Bob! You leave a stench behind!
Bob! Your fan club, “The Pegee’s”, are asking for you again.
Copy paste troll!
The lowest form of troll!
So what? Anonymous keeps pretending to be… anonymous. Aaaaaaaa! Such a child. They should age restrict this site for you. What a little baby 🍼. The comments section is mine! Mine I say! My Mom said so. What a puss.
You okay Bob? You having a stroke there bud? You never seem to make sense but then tell everyone it’s because their not smart enough?! Did you leave your sign with “end of the world is nigh” at home Bob?
Bob is mad, we should let Bob cool off!
He can take it. He’s tough according to his own stories.
Why give him a rest? He doesn’t give anyone else a rest. No quarter. Arrrrr.
Bob! Your fan club, “The Pegee’s”, are asking for you again.
These Republican jokes are being overdone of you ask me!
HaHaHa, but it looks like bacon which is an affront to our preferred guests! Cannuck land is still an object of the empire and is not outside our reach, remember Pavel Durov comic site. No one expects the Spanish Inquisition! The Starmer Troopers are on their way.
The only good thing about rising sea levels is that one fine day all of England should be covered.
Never ask a Trumper for help. Your situation will get worse.
The guy who keeps using the phrase “starmer troopers” is a registered sex offender!
He forgot to blame Trump for getting ketchup on the shopping list.
Maybe he knows it was actually climate change.
I can tell by the way Kamalaballa looks at me that she wants me.
I have faced this problem with so many women in my life. I will
resist this attempt by her knowing she will use a quickie to black
mail me like hundreds of others have already done.
I will have her squealing in lust during our debate next month.
The left can’t meme ™
Pretty sure Trump didn’t had to write a shopping list ever in his life. He’d rather hire people for that and then fail to pay them. Later they end up in a ditch. “Suicide.”
And Biden is capable of literally anything at this point?
The suicide and single person auto accidents is a Clinton thing. One example of these suicides was a person that managed to hang themselves with arms tied behind their back and a fatal gunshot wound to the head. “Nothing to see here! Please move along… Nothing to see!”
I’m not talking about Biden or Clinton. Whataboutism fail. And I’m pretty sure both know how to write a shopping list, use a shopping card and can buy stuff themselves. Trump does not.
Bacon decreases the chance of a people randomly exploding
Id take a dementia ridden Biden over any Republican! At least Biden has the class to take me out for dinner before he bent me over!
You got that wrong. Biden is senile, Trump has dementia. That still makes Biden the better choice.
Biden could be missing a head and still have more brains than a Republican!
Jokes aside.
Would you let Biden boil water and make a simple cup of tea in your home unattended?
Logically, it would make no sense for Trump to do any grocery shopping. When you are rich and powerful you have other people do these things for you because your time is the most valuable asset and if they have to waste their time doing menial tasks it is a tremendous waste of money NOT to have people handle it for you.
Can’t wait to see Trump literally _doing_ time. Just to show how valuable it is.
Just a question.
When Trump goes to jail will his secret service people
jump in the shower with him?
He’d probably get the whole shower room for himself. Because he is so rich and powerful. 😂
Bob up date: The surgery went well but there have been some complications. We hope to go home soon, but will not return to US until he can travel. Thoughts and prayers are welcome.
After arresting that 11yo boy, our democracy is finally safe.
Biden should be in jail. It’s a shame his own side had to admit he was mentally unfit to stand trial. Somehow he is still allowed to sit out the last six months of his presidency while on constant vacation. Nothing on his calendar. Perhaps his VP should step up and start doing something.
I apologize for my mistake in the last post. After arresting the second 11yo child, our democracy is finally healed.
Trump played golf for his whole presidency or visited autocrats to admire them and did nothing else. What’s your point?
Trump was diplomatic. How dare he meet with other leaders whether friendly or not. Very Presidential.
Biden could never even do an 8 hour day or 4 day work week and his schedule reflects it. Before the debate his was on vacation 40% of the time and that doesn’t account for him calling it a day before 2pm half the time.
Your currently installed candidate hasn’t handled a single adversarial question for 40 days.
Do you think Karmula could hold a serious conversation with Putin and be respected? Trump had the testicular fortitude to meet with the leader of North Korea on his turf. Could either Liden, Karmula or Walzzzz handle themselves in that situation? With minimal cackling?
Kamula is following Biden’s campaign strategy. Hide!
These weak idiots can’t even show respect and go to a memorial for military families. Trump showed up. They wanted him there.
End wokeness. End weakness.
Well to end weakness we’d have to end you! Your ignorance is a stain on intelligent life everywhere! You don’t hold a candle to Kamala, she’s out their getting shit done and youre here…..begging us to agree with you! How pathetic!
Republicans are like insects…..good for a few things but gross and beneath us! Sometimes their so annoying and numerous you gotta put a bowl of money mixed with water out…they just drown!
When you say trump had the balls to meet with Kim… meant colluding right? Cause that’s what he did you silly goof! He didn’t need balls theyre on the same side!
Didn’t trump tell the veterans to go F#$& themselves? Yes he did!
Keep repeating your lefty lies.
The past 4 responses couldn’t pass an MSNBC fact check. Perhaps some day you’ll stop drinking the Kool Aid, Flavor Aid for those of you in Jonestown.
Kamala had to bring in a white man for support of her pretaped CNN “interview” tonight. Good thing there won’t be any tough questions or ones she didn’t know about in advance.
She says nothing, she does nothing.
She is there for no reason other than Biden had to pick a beige woman.
DEI = Didn’t Earn It
MSNBC fact check?
I’m surprised, I thought you only knew the Bannon fact check.
a “beige woman” being head of your next government ist killing you? good.
Beige woman is what was prescribed. It shouldn’t matter but the Dems see it as a top qualification.
Lol cute how republicans think they fact check! That’s why you guys like trump? Knowing full well he supports pedophilia, meanwhile Kamala is the one who started the bureau of children’s justice… protect them from Jeffery Epsteins friends….like trump, Who knew little kids were being smuggled by Epstein. It’s okay…..this is false….trump would never stoop so low …..right? Like grabbing women by the p*ssy? You can tell a fish to climb a tree and you’d get the same result as you would telling a Republican to think!
Your wrong! A fish would have an easier time climbing the tree than the Republican would thinking!
They had a fact checking system monitoring last night’s 18 minute pre-recorded “interview”. It nearly exploded.
Don’t care if she’s beige or purple. Her Daddy was a Communist. Her family not only owned slaves but bought and sold them basically running the local slave market. She is a confirmed communist just like Bernie Sanders no matter how hard they try to memory hole those old California news stories in the LA times. People know exactly who and what she is. The media can shamelessly cover and campaign for her all they want. Just as they did for Biden and Killary. But, like it or not, and I don’t like it, Trump is going to be the next President. Lie and cry all you like. Fake polls be dammed, she cannot win over the American people with meaningless word salads, zero policies and her own history. She owns the Biden Administration try as she might to wipe if off her shoes like the dog sh@# that it is. Start practicing your REEEEEEE! Because that’s all we’re gonna hear for the next 4 years.
Lol, this clown thinks Post-Keynesian economics and communism are the same thing! I’m going to assume it was too complicated of a read so you just slapped the typical communist brand on it due to ignorance! Babble troll, babble! Let me guess, Justin Trudeau is Castro’s son?! Typical tin foil hat wearing muppet trying to tell everyone Kamala is bad because she has coloured skin! Try and hide your racism silly! Also she actually does have a policy, it’s protecting children from pedos! It’s aiding poor people who lack opportunity! What has always been the conservatives policy? Making money for their rich friends, then telling all their poor constituents it was the liberals who did it!
VGH has seriously declined since I was last here. Have to put valuable’s in your pillow case when you sleep. Out soon.
The only ones who care about skin color are the Left. These are the same people who hear the word monkey and immediately think Black People! Normal people think monkey, but not the Left. Everything is based on race. Identity politics rules their minds. It’s why it’s M pox’s instead of the real name Monkey Pox. Because the word monkey is racist in their tiny little brains. Go to the US. Visit cities run by the left and cities run by the right. You can’t argue with your own eyes. Or maybe you could. But it won’t matter. I don’t want either of these people to be President of the US so you can’t lump people into your box of deplorables as the Left does. This “Your either with us or against us mentality” is childish and frankly dangerous. Trump is going to win. Sorry. Like Hillary, people just don’t like Kamala. 28% approval rating. Lowest in history. But now, just weeks later she’s the great beige hope. Not. Gonna. Work. And they know it. Look at them panicking to put in regulations to limit his power before he gets in. They know.
Yup, ignore everything I pointed out you were wrong about! Keep doubling up on your stupidity, I’m sure someone’s paying attention!
He puts a lot of effort in telling everyone he’s not racist! Wonder why?
Anyone posting on X will be deported to Brazil and arrested
Hey Bob, how’s it going?
Uch any kiddos with your buddy trump today? Good thing Kamala exists to put you creeps away!
“Trump” and “diplomatic” don’t go well in one sentence. He alienated every ally the U.S. ever had and autocrats saw him as a usefull idiot. Therefore he was quite useless as a president.
Good thing you mindless freaks can’t vote in the US. Commie Kamala might win. Borders are wonderful things. And Trump will close theirs tight. Keep the trash out.
Trump in a nutshell. Keep the resources out. Keep the business out. Keep the allies out. Let the enemies in.
The wall is not to keep Mexicans out. It is to keep Americans in who will try to flee the Trump regime. Berlin wall vibes.
Trump’s personal North Korea…
I hate Trump because the media fed me content to hate him after he ran against Democrats, even though he was loved by the same people beforehand. I’m an independent thinker.
I see Bob is still on about people from Canada talking about America! But Bob lives in America illegally! According to Bob! He never address d that little fact to be honest!!!
So Bob… is being an illegal immigrant?
If you like trump then you support pedophilia considering he has zero problems with it! Kamala actually started the bureau of children’s justice to protect kids from people like trump! So go ahead….like trump and show us your true colours! Try and worm your way outta this stinky hole you dug yourselves trumpies! Stop touching little kids or supporting people who do you sick freaks!
Trump is gonna close the borders tight? Like last time? Like he built that wall he promised? I’m gonna assume you think Elon Musk is a genius even though he hasn’t done anything he said he was gonna do yet, You Americans sure are gluttons for punishment!
Pseudologia Fantastical. The usual.
Awwww sweety lost the fight so has to resort to calling us liars! Dawwww poor thing! Maybe Trump will make it illegal for us to be right all the time! You can put your hopes on that of you like pumpkin!
Bob, the loser.
HEY!! Get out of mom’s fridge, and get back in the basement.
Bob, the fat loser.
Pretty sure Bob is overweight. 👍 And not because of health issues.
Bob is not a fat slob, just a bit chubby.
Who the Fuc@ is Bob?
The village idiot.
Bob must have pegged you lefties to delight
Like an ant under my shoe. 😂😂😂
Bob keeps trying to pretend to be another person….not working Bob! You smell Bob! You leave a stench behind!
Bob! Your fan club, “The Pegee’s”, are asking for you again.
Copy paste troll!
The lowest form of troll!
So what? Anonymous keeps pretending to be… anonymous. Aaaaaaaa! Such a child. They should age restrict this site for you. What a little baby 🍼. The comments section is mine! Mine I say! My Mom said so. What a puss.
You okay Bob? You having a stroke there bud? You never seem to make sense but then tell everyone it’s because their not smart enough?! Did you leave your sign with “end of the world is nigh” at home Bob?
Bob is mad, we should let Bob cool off!
He can take it. He’s tough according to his own stories.
Why give him a rest? He doesn’t give anyone else a rest. No quarter. Arrrrr.
Bob! Your fan club, “The Pegee’s”, are asking for you again.
Copy paste! Try harder Bob!