Be Careful What You Wish For

Only God can judge you? Ok. God thinks you're an idiot.

10 thoughts on “Be Careful What You Wish For”

  1. Wow, that means I speak for God.

  2. Shouldn’t that be considered anti black hate? $20000.00 fine in the Land of Justine. God what a joke country.

  3. Of course not. You’re an idiot and it’s nothing to do with the colour of your skin. Similarly, the reason everyone you come across despises you is simply because you’re you’re a poor excuse for a human, none of the excuses you delude yourself with.

  4. You don’t have free speech or many other rightsand freedoms so you wouldn’t understand their importance. We pity you, but sheep are gonna be sheep.

  5. Only Judy can judge me…

  6. lol? We don’t?

    Sheep? Like going along with what you hear, even if it’s ridiculous? Look in the mirror.

  7. Nope! It’s freedom of speech to say whatever you want. (He’s not an idiot because of the color of his skin.)

    As this site has proved many times, it’s ok to tell jokes, even bad ones.

  8. Haha, he practices rightard cancel culture for his orange supreme crime lord and tells others they are not free. Moron.

  9. “Policy Horizons Canada”. At least you see humanities end in real time.

  10. The Canadians just have to watch towards the southern horizon to witness the downfall of a democracy. Destroyed by Christian lunatics and an orange Hitler.

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