Meet Rain Frog: The Grumpiest Frog Ever

This frog with a perpetual frown isn’t actually grumpy, it’s not really silently judging your poor life choices – that’s just how rain frogs always looks. This grouchy-faced amphibian has the most intimidating mug around. The proof is in the grumping. Scroll down for more grump!

The world's grumpiest frog.

The world's grumpiest frog.

The world's grumpiest frog.

The world's grumpiest frog.

The world's grumpiest frog.

The world's grumpiest frog.

The world's grumpiest frog.

The world's grumpiest frog.

Grumpy rain frog.

The world's grumpiest frog.

The world's grumpiest frog.

The world's grumpiest frog.

The world's grumpiest frog.

The world's grumpiest frog.

The world's grumpiest frog.

The world's grumpiest frog.

The world's grumpiest frog.

The world's grumpiest frog.

The world's grumpiest frog.

The world's grumpiest frog.

The world's grumpiest frog.

15 thoughts on “Meet Rain Frog: The Grumpiest Frog Ever”

  1. I have never seen one of these

  2. Trump voters in their natural habtitat. Always angry, always hateful.

  3. … Long live Grumpy Frog!

  4. This lovely little animal occupying a very tiny habitat only (at least the desert rain frog) was recently presented by John Oliver, too. Have a look at wikileaksorwhatever dot com

  5. jerry nadler, rush limbaugh, it’s a freakin who’s who of impeachment.

  6. Trump’s star is sinking. In the end he’s just a bloated traitor.

  7. Trump is done. Now we can start prepping for impeachment against the next guy, or gal. Impeach 46!!!

  8. Well I for one think he looks cute

  9. Well at least none of them stole 2 mil from a charity meant for vets. What a total scumbag that creep is

  10. looks like elijah cummings. maybe maxine waters

  11. What does Trump know of vets? He never served, to dangerous for his precious self. He has no empathy. Of course he had no problem stealing from them. All he cares about is himself. A clinical narcissist.

  12. Are they poisonous? Some frogs and toads are very much 😱

  13. That’s Chet!!!!!

  14. They need to do something for their complexation and the dude holding the frog needs to clean his nails – eeww.

  15. No youre mistaken..Thats the look the dems had before leaving their own party and the lool the rest of them will have here real soon! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

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