Photos of Time Before The Invention of That Horribly Antisocial Device: The Smartphone
We’ve all heard the older generation complaining: “Look up from your phone every once in a while”, “Hey, talk to me don’t text”, “Why are you being so anti-social on your phone?” They claim that in the good old days everything was different…
16 thoughts on “Photos of Time Before The Invention of That Horribly Antisocial Device: The Smartphone”
The medium is the message.
The readable headlines, “king dead”, “president shot dead”, “dansen op de maan” (i.e. dancing on the moon), indicate that these people are not reading the drivel that predominates on smartphones.
Indeed. Social network are destroying the world. By stupidity.
Basturds are from Connecticut and New Jersey and are such stuck up anti-social turds that they won’t leave the paper in the train, but rather toss it in the bin after leaving
Not one of those papers has anything about the Kardashians, what Chrissy Tiegan tweeted or how the republicans are destroying anything. WHAT DEVILRY IS THIS???
It should be noted – no one reading the papers is walking without running into anything nor is anyone driving and reading. This is not the case now.
Love the ‘Like us on Facebook’ window at the bottom of the page.
wow, look at how the old lady looks a the dark person, you can see her thinking the n word
This is really no better or worse than today. Its just people preferring to occupy themselves reading rather than interacting with people around them. Its just that a smartphone is more convenient than newspapers in the modern world.
Oh for pete’s sake. These are nearly all photos of strangers, either on mass transit or on a public street. Only someone very young or very stupid would try to equate that with the situation we have today.
Staged pictures. Boone would shoot this pictures for fünf. They Werke made by media companies and look staged.
That was when real news was reported! If the media had any hint of yellow , no one would read it.
One of the newspapers said: “Dansen op de maan”, which is Dutch for “Dancing on the moon”. :)
Can you take a selfie with a newspaper?
There used to be a barrier to entry for disseminating information. That tended to correlate with a degree of objectivity and integrity
The medium is the message.
The readable headlines, “king dead”, “president shot dead”, “dansen op de maan” (i.e. dancing on the moon), indicate that these people are not reading the drivel that predominates on smartphones.
Indeed. Social network are destroying the world. By stupidity.
Basturds are from Connecticut and New Jersey and are such stuck up anti-social turds that they won’t leave the paper in the train, but rather toss it in the bin after leaving
Not one of those papers has anything about the Kardashians, what Chrissy Tiegan tweeted or how the republicans are destroying anything. WHAT DEVILRY IS THIS???
It should be noted – no one reading the papers is walking without running into anything nor is anyone driving and reading. This is not the case now.
Love the ‘Like us on Facebook’ window at the bottom of the page.
wow, look at how the old lady looks a the dark person, you can see her thinking the n word
This is really no better or worse than today. Its just people preferring to occupy themselves reading rather than interacting with people around them. Its just that a smartphone is more convenient than newspapers in the modern world.
Oh for pete’s sake. These are nearly all photos of strangers, either on mass transit or on a public street. Only someone very young or very stupid would try to equate that with the situation we have today.
Staged pictures. Boone would shoot this pictures for fünf. They Werke made by media companies and look staged.
That was when real news was reported! If the media had any hint of yellow , no one would read it.
One of the newspapers said: “Dansen op de maan”, which is Dutch for “Dancing on the moon”. :)
Can you take a selfie with a newspaper?
There used to be a barrier to entry for disseminating information. That tended to correlate with a degree of objectivity and integrity