A Good Doctor Is Always Ready To Help You Out

How to know if you have a good doctor? If your conversation goes something like this. He’s always to help you… out.

Doc, can you help me out? Sure, which way did you come in?

7 thoughts on “A Good Doctor Is Always Ready To Help You Out”

  1. You can tell this is Canada, no metal detector at the door… to make sure you don’t even have any change left when you’re leaving… 👨‍⚕️💸

  2. You again? I thought the Qnuts had evacuated this board? Stay salty, bro.

  3. He’s back from vacation to the Republik of Retardia.

  4. Is it true that Donald Trumps fibs to people?

  5. Haven’t you noticed?

  6. No, seems like a good guy.

  7. Look again. Sad.

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