People Sharing Funny Ways To Escape a Bad Date

8 thoughts on “People Sharing Funny Ways To Escape a Bad Date”

  1. Tell him your lesbian girl friend is a title IX lawyer.

  2. Well, offering the video of you squishing mayonnaise between your toes can be a huge turn on for some people. Could turn out differently as you expected

  3. General Reposti!

  4. Or that you can’t tell the difference between you’re and your, it should work.

  5. Tell her she is too slim and you like liberal size women.

  6. she want cha-nae-nae,dio-yor

  7. The one about bringing the conversation back to your cats is funny. I went on a blind date with a guy who kept bringing the conversation around to Tom Cruise.
    Me: “So, tell me something about yourself.”
    Him: “I’ve seen ever movie that Tom Cruise has been in.”
    Me: “Oh. It’s good to have a hobby outside of work. I work in early childhood development right now, but I’m thinking about a career change. What do you do?”
    Him: “Did you know Tom Cruise wanted to be a priest before he became an actor?”
    Me: “I did not know that. Aside from watching Tom Cruise movies, what do you do for fun? I like hiking, rafting, and traveling when I can.”
    Him: “Tom Cruise travels all over the world.”
    Me: “That’s nice, but I don’t really care what celebrities do. I’m asking about YOU.”
    *short, awkward silence*
    Him: “I have a Top Gun poster in my room.”

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