Funny Private Conversations People Overheard In New York

People who live in the big cities are masters of eavesdropping. Accidentally overhearing conversations from complete strangers can be so funny, it’s hard not to share them with the world. And here comes the fittingly named Instagram account Overheard New York. Scroll down to see the best examples!

Funny conversation overheard in New York.

Funny conversation overheard in New York.

Funny conversation overheard in New York.

Funny conversation overheard in New York.

Funny conversation overheard in New York.

Funny conversation overheard in New York.

Funny conversation overheard in New York.

Funny conversation overheard in New York.

Funny conversation overheard in New York.

Funny conversation overheard in New York.

Funny conversation overheard in New York.

Funny conversation overheard in New York.

Funny conversation overheard in New York.

Funny conversation overheard in New York.

Funny conversation overheard in New York.

Funny conversation overheard in New York.

Funny conversation overheard in New York.

Funny conversation overheard in New York.

Funny conversation overheard in New York.

Funny conversation overheard in New York.

Funny conversation overheard in New York.

Funny conversation overheard in New York.

38 thoughts on “Funny Private Conversations People Overheard In New York”

  1. I would stay out of NYC just in case fire from the sky burned that place to Sodomite cinders just like that NYC **** on NYC PSA’s keeps warning everyone about.

  2. @Anon#1:
    I don’t think it’s The Wu but rather they are running out of untainted kids blood for the transfusions. He had to cancel this weeks appearances before they can start the public appearances again and get more kids blood.

  3. Boring republican’t.

  4. Just another republic*nt
    *) u

  5. Add “traitor” to the list. Imagine calling for the destruction of millions of fellow citizens and your greatest city.

  6. You still choking that chicken? Dig up some fresh corpses, your act is boring boring boring! Ghouliani should be open, until they chuck him in the slammer.

  7. When my grandson voted for Biden, I knew he was mentally retarded. Amazingly, now he agrees with me!

  8. Republicans are a bunch of wimps – not enough grit to survive in NYC. The R’s are just a bunch of incels and shrieking harpies – so they don’t have enough determination to live off the land either. They are just suburban dips that have only the best hope for a middle management position somewhere (most likely they are not employed though). I mean look up some pics of these c’nts – Donald Trump – Rudy Giuliani – Matt Gaetz – Tucker Carlson ROFL – these are your “manly” leaders. go dunk yourself –

  9. No wonder no one likes people from New York, they’re loud, mouthy, know
    it alls.

  10. Yea, Silent Hill is a documentary about Newark NJ.

  11. Yeah, like, I’ve seen some people from New york on the TV, so now I’m an expert.

    I’ve met 6 whole people from Texas, and they were A-holes, so obviously that proves that every single person in Texas is an A-hole too.

    There’s probably 15 million people in those states, but I can save time and hate them all before I’ve even met them. Makes perfect sense these days. #JudgeThyNeighbor

  12. No surprise. Mentally retarded usually agree with each other. That’s how Trump came into this world. Condensed stupidity. It’s pseudoscience. You can’t argue against it or you are a woke snowflake.

  13. There is nothing manly about that bunch. Just old boys who can’t accept their fate as losers. Unfit for modern society.

  14. Escape from New York is about to become a documentary.

  15. New York us way less dangerous than most us cities – including 100s of red state – red cities – lookup the crime rate in your area by per capita and see how safe you really think your cities and streets are!

  16. Republican cities are dead zones.

  17. death zones

  18. Religion and stupidity go hand in hand. Conservatives are proof.

  19. Immigrants have now killed 45 young women in Germany just this year. Maybe stop criticizing the US and get your own house in order.

  20. In 2020 and 2021 there were more than 45,000 gun deaths per year in the USA.
    The US has had at least 314 mass shootings so far in 2022
    There’s a saying – People who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.

  21. First, there aren’t even numbers for 2022 yet. Because the year isn’t over. That’s not how official statistics work. And more are killed by their German partner or men than foreigners, refugees or immigrants..
    If you want the real statistics go to the website of the BKA, the German federal police.
    In the US women were killed. The US are a leader in violence against women. Take these numbers for example and offset them with population numbers.
    Women killed in 2018 in France 120, Germany 122 vs USA 1,014.
    Women killed in 2019 in Turkey* 474, Germany 117 vs USA 2,991.
    Most victims in the US are natives or minorities. While other countries adress this problem US politics ignore and deny it.
    Femicide became sanctioned by the state in the US in 2022 when the radical-conservative supreme court allowed the cut of abortion rights for women and dehimanized them. Making women to humans of second grade and denying them neccessary medical support is basicly murder.
    All in all you can see in the statistics that the more conservative a society/country/city is the higher the rate of femizides is. Texas has the highest rate of killed women in the US. And with the new abortion laws it will further rise.

    Now go home, troll.

    *) were honor killings are still a thing)

  22. With numbers we can beat them, easily. They will just ignore the facts. Because they are trolls.

  23. Worth it to have the second amendment. Would sacrifice triple that for it. Go whine some place else.

  24. I’m certain the 45000 people murdered evey year would disagree with you. Would you feel the same if one of the 45000 was your son, daughter, mother, father, wife or girlfriend – assuming you have any of these?

  25. The second amendment was written at a time when guns were muzzle loaded weapons which took a significant time to reload. It was never intended to allow any psycho to have an automatic assault rifle capable of firing a vast number of rounds per minute into a crowd of innocent passers by.

  26. Yeah, who needs free speech, freedom or democracy when you can shoot the truthsayer, right? Conservative philosophy. Typical.

  27. Those loons always think it will never be someone they know or love. Because they have a powerfull gun that will protect everyone. Until it doesn’t or they kill their family themselves.

  28. But, but, but… freedom. ‘Murica! Whatever that means!!!

  29. Meh…

  30. Bla, bla, bla.. The #1 killer in the would is/was abortion. Don’t hear you whining about those millions of murders. And mostly People of Color. Your not going to get Americans to give you their guns. Your just not. To many examples of what happens when people give up there ability to protect themselves from tyrannical Governments. (Australia, Europe soon to be Canada etc..) That’s what the 2nd amendment is for. America has an armed citizenry and they always will. Deal with it.

  31. Australia, Europe and soon to be Canada???? tyrannical gov’ts? go smoke your trump-dumps some more. The 2nd Amendment actually states that the states have the obligation to arm the citizenry for the purposes of a state militia – it actually doesn’t guarantee the right to own a weapon privately. In fact during the Whiskey Rebellions George Washington himself confiscated weapons that were deemed offensive in nature (cannons mainly).

  32. Europe is not a country, by the way. And not all European countries are part of the EU. American geography teacher must be real deadbeats. Though I assume it’s more the students… Failing in school and later posting rightard stuff on Eatliver.
    No fascists mobs storming our parliaments like in the US on January 6.
    Number one killer in the US is actually gun violence. Americans are world leader in gunning down each other. Freedom, I guess. Kill thy neighbor. God’s will.

  33. The number 1 killer in America is heart disease. Number 2 is cancer and number 3 is respiratory illness. Gun violence is waaaayyy down on the list. Stop making up statistics

  34. it’s not a made up stat – you googled the top ten causes for death – which is across the globe – look up tope causes of death in America – and you will get: Unintentional injury and homicide were the leading causes of death among residents ages 15–24, each accounting for 34.2% and 32.9%, respectively, of all deaths. These were followed by suicide (9.9%) and cancer (5.8%).

    It is sad that Americans have become so isolated that we believe our society is still functioning at a high level and better than other countries. I have little hope for Americans anymore – I have been blessed enough to travel and see the world unfiltered and with my own eyes. I have lived for decades in America and watched it shift with a fervent religious right that uses words like “family, faith, freedom” to strip away your freedom redefine your faith and force a cast-mold on your family. Make no mistake; the GOP is a cult and they have spread like a virus to Canada – the worst is yet to come and it will be the Republican party that strips your freedoms (they have already begun) – idiots hold a gun and call themselves free. True freedom is to think – something the GOP have torn away time and time again – how many more books will they burn – how many more teachers will they castigate – how many more times are we going to be subjected to their “religion”? The GOP claim to be patriots and christians – they are neither and indeed a mockery of both.

  35. There you go again twisting numbers. 15 to 24 is a small subset of the people in America, and it is the subset least likely to die of illness. I could respond by saying that guns account for almost no American deaths and use the subset of infants 1 second to 2 minutes old as proof. I doubt there’s many of those… but that would be as wrong as what you are shoveling

  36. Currently there are around 12000 gun deaths per year in america… compared to 647000 from heart disease. You shouldn’t drop acid before looking up statistics

  37. I see that this site is just another soy boy suck off market. LET’S GO BRANDON! MAGA 2024!

  38. Most gun deaths listed are suicides but okay..

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