Flock of Cows Meme: Look, a Flock of Cows!

Have you herd this great joke? It’s perfect, isn’t it? Brilliantly combines a pun and a high quality dad joke.

Look, a flock of cows! Herd of cows. Yeah, I have; there's a flock of them over there.

6 thoughts on “Flock of Cows Meme: Look, a Flock of Cows!”

  1. Okay, so if it’s a herd of cows then it must be a herd of feminists?

  2. Of course I’ve heard feminists, they almost never shutup… 😒

  3. Boohoo, poor weaklings. Guess what. Women are also happy not hearing and seeing anything of you. 🤣

  4. I once met a good looking feminist at a rally. Being impressed with
    her looks I asked her out for drinks, she agreed but said she has a
    secret. Turned out she was better endowed than me.

  5. “Guess what” should end with a question mark. Looks like were getting a herd of feminists rolling through eat liver!

  6. Can someone in that herd make me a sandwich?


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