The Funniest Twitter Reactions To Facebook / WhatsApp / Instagram Going Down

Facebook, WhatsApp, and Instagram all went down at the same time, leaving Twitter users to do what they do best: make a bunch of silly memes. Scroll down to see the best Twitter user reactions!

Funny reaction to Facebook, WhatsApp, and Instagram going down.

Funny reaction to Facebook, WhatsApp, and Instagram going down.

Funny reaction to Facebook, WhatsApp, and Instagram going down.

Funny reaction to Facebook, WhatsApp, and Instagram going down.

Funny reaction to Facebook, WhatsApp, and Instagram going down.

Funny reaction to Facebook, WhatsApp, and Instagram going down.

Funny reaction to Facebook, WhatsApp, and Instagram going down.

Funny reaction to Facebook, WhatsApp, and Instagram going down.

Funny reaction to Facebook, WhatsApp, and Instagram going down.

Funny reaction to Facebook, WhatsApp, and Instagram going down.

Funny reaction to Facebook, WhatsApp, and Instagram going down.

Funny reaction to Facebook, WhatsApp, and Instagram going down.

Funny reaction to Facebook, WhatsApp, and Instagram going down.

Funny reaction to Facebook, WhatsApp, and Instagram going down.

Funny reaction to Facebook, WhatsApp, and Instagram going down.

Funny reaction to Facebook, WhatsApp, and Instagram going down.

Funny reaction to Facebook, WhatsApp, and Instagram going down.

Funny reaction to Facebook, WhatsApp, and Instagram going down.

Funny reaction to Facebook, WhatsApp, and Instagram going down.

Funny reaction to Facebook, WhatsApp, and Instagram going down.

Funny reaction to Facebook, WhatsApp, and Instagram going down.

Funny reaction to Facebook, WhatsApp, and Instagram going down.

Funny reaction to Facebook, WhatsApp, and Instagram going down.

Funny reaction to Facebook, WhatsApp, and Instagram going down.

32 thoughts on “The Funniest Twitter Reactions To Facebook / WhatsApp / Instagram Going Down”

  1. Maybe they should stay down.. just saying

  2. Lets go Brandon!

  3. I use none of those four. I hadn’t noticed.

  4. I wrote an sms….. still works quite well ;)

  5. SMS? You were lucky.
    I ad t’ write t’ letter with t’ pen on t’ piece of scrap paper and send it in t’ post.

  6. We used to dream.of sending letters in t’ post.
    We had to use a carrier pigeon.

  7. We were so poor we had to eat our carrier pigeon.

  8. Social media distancing…

  9. Breaking News: Human fetal tissue in vaccine. Project Pfizer whistleblower.

  10. Breaking news – Misinformed anti-vaxer moron posts message on Eat Liver.

  11. The various covid vaccines do not contain fetal cells and do not contain “aborted fetal DNA”.

    Fetal cell lines (not fetal tissue) are sometimes used in the development, confirmation or production process of making vaccines – including the COVID-19 vaccine.

    These fetal cell lines are not taken from recent abortions, but are derived from decades old fetal cells. These cells replicate over decades in laboratory settings, thousands of times removed from the original fetus cells, becoming known as fetal cell lines.

    When it comes to the Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines, fetal cell line HEK 293 was used during the research and development phase. All HEK 293 cells are descended from tissue taken from a 1973 abortion that took place in the Netherlands. Using fetal cell lines to test the effectiveness and safety of medications is common practice, because they provide a consistent and well-documented standard.

    For the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, fetal cell lines were used in the production and manufacturing stage. To make the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, scientists infect PER.C6 fetal cell lines to grow the adenovirus vector. All PER.C6 cells used to manufacture the Johnson & Johnson vaccine are descended from tissue taken from a 1985 abortion that took place in the Netherlands. This cell line is used because it is a well-studied industry standard for safe and reliable production of viral vector vaccines.

    None of the finished COVID-19 vaccines contain actual fetal tissues so it is not correct to describe them as a component of the vaccine.

    Those individual cells from the 1970s and 1980s have since multiplied into many new cells over the past four or five decades, creating the fetal cell lines I mentioned above. Current fetal cell lines are thousands of generations removed from the original fetal tissue. They do not contain any tissue from a fetus.

  12. The moral balance of indirectly benefitting from an abortion that occurred 50 years ago in order to take a vaccine that will prevent further death in the community is a no-brainer – especially considering that so many of the hundreds of thousands of American deaths have occurred in the most vulnerable and marginalized in our society. We need to focus on saving lives right now. We need to care for our neighbours.

    The Vatican and bishops agree. The Vatican has issued clear guidance that permits Roman Catholics in good faith to receive COVID-19 vaccines that use fetal cell lines in development or production.

  13. The american right is grasping at any straw not to take the vaccine, as taking it would imply admitting to having blindly trusted misinformation for the last couple of years.

  14. First, it’s not a Left or Right issue. Or are you saying 70% of Blacks lean Right? And what about all the people with PhDs, nurses, Doctors who say they will never take it. Are we to believe all these people are religious Right wingers? The effectiveness of the jabs are now at 22% after just a few months and you never mention the 99.6% survival rate. And hundred of billions of people already had it. Many with no or mild symptoms. Their antibodies are provably better then the risky, leaky vaccine. This isn’t a political or religious situation. It’s all about choice. You remember my body my choice right? It’s become a religion and taking the jab has become a sacrament for those that worship the media which is controlled by big pharma. Animals have Covid. Cats, dogs, deer etc.. it’s endemic now. You can’t jab your way out. Do what you think is best but only a fascist would force it on people.

  15. It shouldn’t be a political issue, but Trump and republicans made it that way. If only they cared about 600 thousand people instead of fetuses.

    The world as administered 6 billion dosses of the vaccine to 3.4 billion people. Trump and all 50 governors have taken it. 96% of physicians, 100% of the military. The vaccine is safe!

    Who’s not vaccinated? 99.2% of the people dying from Covid.

  16. From the same group who brought classic hits such as “Athletes must stand for the anthem” and “Just do whatever the police tell you” comes a new hit “Nobody can tell me what to do!”

    Remember when they told you that the Arizona recount results were going to show that Trump won? ( but later it turned out that he actually lost by even more than we originally thought?)

    Yeah, maybe you should be listening to somebody else now.

  17. Your just bringing in Politics to muddy the water’s. It won’t work. Vaccinated or not if you agree with starving Blacks who won’t take the jab or making pregnant women lose their jobs over their fear of untested genetic medical therapy, then your the fascists. Your the baddies.

  18. Nobody has to starve or loose their jobs over an untested medication, because all the vaccines have been tested and verified! None of them alter your genetics. (that’s ridiculous fake news. ) If you don’t trust the new types, just take the Johnson and Johnson one. It’s the same style as the vaccines that we’ve been taking for a hundred years. You’ve already taken one for measles or the flu.

  19. 70% of blacks disagree. I thought black lives mattered. Guess not.

  20. They certainly matter, hence they too should be educated to take the jab.

  21. You have some outdated numbers. Of the people currently getting the vaccine, blacks are getting it at a higher rate than everyone else.

    Us pro-vaxers want everyone to take it! It’s not like we’d suddenly give up on science just because one group isn’t taking it fast enough.

  22. Dear Anti-vaxers.

    If COVID is like WWII, you aren’t being persecuted like the jews, you are the Nazi collaborators. You spread propaganda, give aide and comfort to the enemy and try to undermine the allied war effort.
    We’re at war with a virus. 700,00 Americans have died and you sided with the virus.

    Why not listen to your doctor when it comes to making medical decisions? Over 96% have taken the vaccine and you should too. If we work together, we’ll be over this soon. If not, we’re going to have another variant evolve,

  23. My Dr advised against the vaccine until the all the research is in. 2023 as I understand it. See you then.. maybe 🤔. Now tell me my Dr isn’t right and I should go find one that says what YOU think. 😂

  24. Your Dr isn’t right, you should go find one that takes advise from the experts in the field. All the research on aspirin is not in yet — don’t take one.

  25. Is your doctor actually a vet who works with horses?? ;) Is he maybe just some dude on YouTube?

    96% of doctors are vaccinated. Some of the 4% that aren’t are allergic to some of the ingredients. If your doctor happens to be one of the 1% or so that are waiting, then yes, your doctor isn’t right.

    If Vegas says the odds of your team winning the championship is 1 in 99, would you bet on that team to win? Vegas odds aren’t built from experts, but you get the idea. The odds are very much not in your favor.

  26. you’re = you are.
    your is possessive. Like “Your crazy comments were not missed when you were out of town. “

  27. 99.8% of the things said on this site are pulled directly from someone’s anal cavity.

  28. I would believe vegas “experts” over any experts on the vaccine because their payoff is based on being right instead of making vaccine or alternative medicine sales. If I made umbrellas I’d always say it is about to rain

  29. That is why the FDA decides on the approval of umbrella’s, rather than the umbrella producer.

  30. Calm down keyboard warrior!

  31. Actually i’m not sure that Trump did, he endorsed the vaccine and bragged about getting it developed. The problem was that just like the gun-toting christians don’t listen to the ten commandments, they also chose to not listen to trump.

    They have very selective hearing.

  32. Let darwin do its thang.

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