Dad Jokes Meme: I See a Bright Future For This Couple

Here’s another joke she may benefit from: What’s the difference between a literalist and a kleptomaniac? This literallist takes things literally, and the kleptomaniac takes things, literally.

7 thoughts on “Dad Jokes Meme: I See a Bright Future For This Couple”

  1. I don’t get it

  2. Dad jokes should be left to the under 12 crowd.

  3. Never Have I Ever x

  4. He’s no match for her.

  5. 2024: Women beat men in every field, even Dad jokes. Gen Z Males are full of shit. Women not so much.

  6. “women beat men in every field” except literally every field! Dad’s are even better parents!

  7. Your idiot apostrophe shows you are not a dad. If you have kids… you should talk to your superior soon. … That would be your wife.

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