Have You Ever Noticed?

Someone commented that Donald Trump stands like a centaur without its hind legs, and now I can't unsee it.

22 thoughts on “Have You Ever Noticed?”

  1. A way to hide the HUUUGE gut.

  2. In Germany we call this posture “Entenarsch”. – “Duck’s butt.”

  3. How befitting for Donald Duck.

  4. The truth is his backside is still sore from servicing Putin

  5. No, his butt is sore from shitting you out.

  6. Yup

  7. You both agree he has a torn sphincter let’s not argue about how he got it. It does explain that face and why he’s always in a foul mood.

  8. Hopefully next time Putin will use lube

  9. It’s the lifts in his shoes that pitches him forward.

  10. Small hands = small feet. Makes sense.

  11. You’d look like that too if you were forced to wear heavy-duty bullet proof vests to protect yourself form “tolerant” lib-tards. They are very “tolerant”, unless you you know how to use your own brain and think for yourself. I hope they solve all the world’s problems while they are still young enough to know everything!

  12. 0bama only bowed.

  13. The republicans will be queueing up to have a shot at him once they realize they haven been fooled for several years by this conman.

  14. Republicans can’t bow because of the stick in their b*tt.

  15. and everyone knows it’s nra-nazi rightards shooting at presidents.

  16. Trudeau does not seem to need one of these vests. Maybe not being a complete a-hole makes people not wanting to kill a person?

  17. nice

  18. His followers should see how he dies, like a dog, like a coward, whimpering, screaming and crying.

  19. That’s actually pretty interesting. I’m surprised he doesn’t fall over more than Gerald Ford. Maybe he has a spinal problem?

  20. I seriously doubt that Trump has a spine.

  21. Trudeau probably WISHED he’d only bowed

  22. Wearing lifts in his shoes will do that.

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