Banking Meme: Have You Ever Played Banking?

This banking game sure sounds fun. Even better is the fact that you can’t choose not to play it. Yay!

First, you give me the ball, and then I charge you every time you want to play with the ball. I'll also charge you if you want to give the ball to someone else, and a small monthly fee for holding onto your ball.

8 thoughts on “Banking Meme: Have You Ever Played Banking?”

  1. The establishment of modern banking is one of greatest accomplishments of the human mind; on par with modern medicine, modern chemistry, modern physics, and modern mathematic

  2. s. By some miracle this intellectual ferment occured in a brief span and banished such pernicious superstitions as alchemy, sorcery, roman numerals, and neuroscience.

  3. Another oldie but a goodies.

  4. Goodie

  5. A bit outdated. Can now play, give and keep ball for free. And no snooping either.

  6. Modern banking is sinful according to the word of the Lord. It’s un-American.

  7. its like marriage, except your wife keeps all your money and controls how\when you can use your balls…👰

  8. In that case you have done something wrong. That’s on you, not your wife.

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