This saying is very true. Especially when talking about all those ranting lunatics who post political comments on this site.
52 thoughts on “Bacteria: The Only Culture Some People Have”
Many bacteria reject infecting reps. They also have minimal standards.
State Reps or U.S. Reps? And what about the Senators?
Culture: I brink Dengue Fever, Monkey Pox, Tuberculosis and Goat Shaggery to the UK. Who am I?
They are desperate trying to make Monkey Pox a thing again. Another virus Fauci dragged back from the bath houses like his great success in the 80’s.
Ya belittle men better than you…..that’ll show us all how big you are!
What did you do for anybody lately?
Lol anti vaxxers attack fauci because he’s smarter than them…..they think that nurse on youtube obviously knows more than fauci the leading pathologist in North America, that’s how the anti vaxx brain works….completely devoid of logic and replaced with fear and whining! Anti vaxxers are just little bitches who hate needles! They got teddy bears you guys can hold ya know!
I have superior culture compared to Kamballlllla. I’m
also better looking.
Trust me!
Goat shaggery hahaha. Perfection. Illegal muslim immigrants are funny AND dangerous. A great mix for the clown world we live in. The Left loves them even when THEY get stabbed.
Sure, I wouldn’t doubt Fauci is smarter than me. He’s just a evil dwarf on a power trip. Not many of those who had a massive negative affect of society were dumb like you.
What have I done? Well, I haven’t negatively effected the physical and mental health of millions and millions of people so I have that going for me.
When “the authority” says that you are not allowed to question what is forced upon you, you should worry and have even more questions. It’s not anti-vax, when it was proven they weren’t truthful with the people before the Vax was released.
Just say nothing ….you’ve done nothing!
No wait… bitch about being told what to do like a little girl! Just do it you pathetic insect!
The vaccine wasn’t forced upon you that’s just what wimps say when their job tells them to do something and they don’t wanna! “Weeeoooweeeeee it’s the vaccine and big pharmas fault maaaan wear your tinfoil hats maaaannn! We gotta fight the man with our enlightenment maaaannn!”
You were given answers to all your questions but you didn’t like them, so naturally you took to the internet like a child to tell us all some Bs about how you should ask questions………but you dont want answers, you want to be right! Not how science works snowflake, now go melt somewheres else!
Antivaxxers were forced upon us.
I drink bleach each day and flush my colon. Definitely no cultures for me, thanks.
Keep cultures out of America! Trump, Trump, Trump! USA, USA, USA! 20204!!!
18180 years of Trump. I will not survive that.
No, the vax wasn’t forced on you
– unless you needed to work
– unless you needed to travel
– unless you needed to visit sick relatives in the hospital
But if you were vaxed and boosted, you could go anywhere, actively infected, with the ecological disaster on your face in the name of “the science” since you weren’t protected from getting or transmitting the virus.
“I am the science” Fauci
– unless you needed to work
Aren’t you a selfmade man? Just a worker bee? I could swear such a stable genius like yourself made a fortune at the stock market already.
– unless you needed to travel
Americans don’t travel. Most American never leave their state during their lifetime. The Trump wall is to keep foreigners out and primarily to keep Americans in.
– unless you needed to visit sick relatives in the hospital
Too bad you had to be considerate of other people’s and your relative’s health and life. Such tyranny. You were counting on that inheritance.
first the circus says the virus isn’t real, then the vaccine doesn’t work but the virus is real? Then the virus was a hoax and the vaccine causes heart failure? Now the virus is real again but the vaccine doesn’t stop it…so why get the vaccine….it’s like everytime your wrong you just change your stance and make up new lies to fit the data! You sure you don’t study dark matter?
It’s because they don’t want to be against something. They want to be “against”. Just to be special.
So tell me. What benefit did we get from taking the vax?
If they were not truthful about it preventing you from contracting or transmitting Covid, why should people believe it prevented people from getting sicker?
Why did top level US officials demonize therapeutic care using existing treatments already being used safely for years?
It doesn’t matter what side you are on, always look to see who is profiting, especially in a crisis.
These comments would be more relevant if COVID were a bacteria.
Right…… pharmaceutical companies profiting during a pandemic…..something fishy….if your a complete muppet! Seriously this clown does not know how capitalism works! McDonalds profited during the crisis too…..their in on it aren’t they!? What about the electric companies? They made good bank too! Must be in on it! Seriously “look at the money” is what silly anti capitalist goons always say!
A company profiting from demand of their product? Always fishy.
People, don’t buy electrical appliances! It’s a scam of the electricity companies! They want to force you to put your plug into their socket! Better use torches and stones.
But yes, big pharma’s profits from the pandemic are obscene. That doesn’t mean you don’t have to trust vaccines. That means you have to distrust big pharma. And it was politicians who let them take advantage of the situation. Always keep in mind who was president when it started. Donald J.Trump.
Your narrow mindedness is remarkable. You are A.O.C. level intelligence. Probably think you can take a rocket to the sun as long as it’s nighttime.
Demonize the generic therapeutics that the pharmaceutical companies work make a dime on. Yep, that’s OK. No liability for the vax providers. Guarantied government payment for testing and vaccinations not covered by insurance. Nope, no opportunity to take advantage of the money availability.
What are you talking about? Seriously? Are you guys just slapping your key boards angrily?
NATO bad because it costs money. Until the U.S. is caught with their pants down and no NATO member there to help.
NATO, like many other things don’t survive without the US paying the bulk of the bill. Every major world event, the US has to pay. The US needs to force other nations to pay their fair share for NATO and the UN and stop giving the taxpayer’s money to people that call for the country’s destruction.
The biggest economy pay the biggest ammount. Seems fair. It’s not like the U.S. wouldn’t profit from these payments and agreements. Real politics and economics aren’t as simple as a populist brain.
America barely does anything in NATO…..another toothless entity that lets others do all the work while it takes the credit! It lost in Vietnam, lost in Afghanistan, it knows it would lose just like Russia is losing!
I think the Americans have better discipline and less corruption though. Quite sure their military is by far more efficient than the Russians’.
By efficient… you mean efficient at losing? Then I’d say it’s a tough call!
Russia lost more wars. And in the ones they won they had help from the Americans and others.
How many wars did Russia win and how many did America….if you can’t answer both of these questions then you don’t know who won more!
How many wars did Canada win? Hahaha.
All the ones they started!
Canada won the war against the invading U.S. of 1812. 😂
They also won world war 1 and 2 and joined before the Americans did in both wars! Canada was willing to fight tyranny long before the US! The US joined in retaliation of what happened to themselves, Canada joined in retaliation to what happened to others!
Well.. sounds like Canada used to be badass. So.. what happened? Now it’s just another parasite country sucking off the US with a tiny joke military. Left me guess.. the Left got into power and poof, everyone turned Trans. It happens.
Many in the U.S. sympathized with the Third Reich. Even send funds to the N4zi party to finance Hitler’s campaigns. They were Republicans. Like Republicans back up Pootin these days. Some things never change. Freedom and democracy don’t go together with Republicans today.
Lol looks like the American got butt hurt! Went hard on his Ad Hominem attacks on Canada, the reason? Because he knows we’re better!!!!
Our lgbqt community whines less than any Republican out their! The lgbqt community didn’t complain about wearing a mask, they didn’t complain about paying their dues, unlike the anti socialist idiots you identify with (cause cops and firefighters are bad according to these said idiots).
But please, tell us all how you republicans are “tough” and “badass” like the American military that won all of….how many wars of what it started? 3 out of 11 was it?!
Oh that does sound bad ass! I bet Putin is shaking in hi…..oh that’s right america is toothless and let an ally get invaded…their excuse? “Well they weren’t part of NATO” but……neither was Kuwait…..sooooo…..
America is a lying sack of sh1t with no balls!
Couldn’t invade a Taco Bell if they tried!
America is copying Ukraine right now and builds up drone forces. They don’t want end up like Russia for their next “adventure”. 🙃
Yes, yes.. So why doesn’t Canada send in it’s far superior military to straighten things out? I mean we all know how scary Canada’s military is.. oh wait. Never mind.
Don’t post for the sake of posting, Bob. It makes you look… even dumber.
He’s upset that his country has lied to him this whole time in telling him it was special….he’s learning Canada does far more for the world than america ever has! We protect people and build schools, America blows them up!
There was a old saying from world war 2 “when the Germans bombed, the allies took cover, when the British bombed the axis took cover, when America bombed, everyone took cover”
You could give him 10 bucks for free and he would be upset.
Hope we see this much engagement when Canada holds our elections soon. But you can bet that will be censored heavily. The usual for Canadastan.
Move! Oh wait you did, illegally, to America! Or so that’s what you say their ol Bob!
Many bacteria reject infecting reps. They also have minimal standards.
State Reps or U.S. Reps? And what about the Senators?
Culture: I brink Dengue Fever, Monkey Pox, Tuberculosis and Goat Shaggery to the UK. Who am I?
They are desperate trying to make Monkey Pox a thing again. Another virus Fauci dragged back from the bath houses like his great success in the 80’s.
Ya belittle men better than you…..that’ll show us all how big you are!
What did you do for anybody lately?
Lol anti vaxxers attack fauci because he’s smarter than them…..they think that nurse on youtube obviously knows more than fauci the leading pathologist in North America, that’s how the anti vaxx brain works….completely devoid of logic and replaced with fear and whining! Anti vaxxers are just little bitches who hate needles! They got teddy bears you guys can hold ya know!
I have superior culture compared to Kamballlllla. I’m
also better looking.
Trust me!
Goat shaggery hahaha. Perfection. Illegal muslim immigrants are funny AND dangerous. A great mix for the clown world we live in. The Left loves them even when THEY get stabbed.
Sure, I wouldn’t doubt Fauci is smarter than me. He’s just a evil dwarf on a power trip. Not many of those who had a massive negative affect of society were dumb like you.
What have I done? Well, I haven’t negatively effected the physical and mental health of millions and millions of people so I have that going for me.
When “the authority” says that you are not allowed to question what is forced upon you, you should worry and have even more questions. It’s not anti-vax, when it was proven they weren’t truthful with the people before the Vax was released.
Just say nothing ….you’ve done nothing!
No wait… bitch about being told what to do like a little girl! Just do it you pathetic insect!
The vaccine wasn’t forced upon you that’s just what wimps say when their job tells them to do something and they don’t wanna! “Weeeoooweeeeee it’s the vaccine and big pharmas fault maaaan wear your tinfoil hats maaaannn! We gotta fight the man with our enlightenment maaaannn!”
You were given answers to all your questions but you didn’t like them, so naturally you took to the internet like a child to tell us all some Bs about how you should ask questions………but you dont want answers, you want to be right! Not how science works snowflake, now go melt somewheres else!
Antivaxxers were forced upon us.
I drink bleach each day and flush my colon. Definitely no cultures for me, thanks.
Keep cultures out of America! Trump, Trump, Trump! USA, USA, USA! 20204!!!
18180 years of Trump. I will not survive that.
No, the vax wasn’t forced on you
– unless you needed to work
– unless you needed to travel
– unless you needed to visit sick relatives in the hospital
But if you were vaxed and boosted, you could go anywhere, actively infected, with the ecological disaster on your face in the name of “the science” since you weren’t protected from getting or transmitting the virus.
“I am the science” Fauci
– unless you needed to work
Aren’t you a selfmade man? Just a worker bee? I could swear such a stable genius like yourself made a fortune at the stock market already.
– unless you needed to travel
Americans don’t travel. Most American never leave their state during their lifetime. The Trump wall is to keep foreigners out and primarily to keep Americans in.
– unless you needed to visit sick relatives in the hospital
Too bad you had to be considerate of other people’s and your relative’s health and life. Such tyranny. You were counting on that inheritance.
first the circus says the virus isn’t real, then the vaccine doesn’t work but the virus is real? Then the virus was a hoax and the vaccine causes heart failure? Now the virus is real again but the vaccine doesn’t stop it…so why get the vaccine….it’s like everytime your wrong you just change your stance and make up new lies to fit the data! You sure you don’t study dark matter?
It’s because they don’t want to be against something. They want to be “against”. Just to be special.
So tell me. What benefit did we get from taking the vax?
If they were not truthful about it preventing you from contracting or transmitting Covid, why should people believe it prevented people from getting sicker?
Why did top level US officials demonize therapeutic care using existing treatments already being used safely for years?
It doesn’t matter what side you are on, always look to see who is profiting, especially in a crisis.
These comments would be more relevant if COVID were a bacteria.
Right…… pharmaceutical companies profiting during a pandemic…..something fishy….if your a complete muppet! Seriously this clown does not know how capitalism works! McDonalds profited during the crisis too…..their in on it aren’t they!? What about the electric companies? They made good bank too! Must be in on it! Seriously “look at the money” is what silly anti capitalist goons always say!
A company profiting from demand of their product? Always fishy.
People, don’t buy electrical appliances! It’s a scam of the electricity companies! They want to force you to put your plug into their socket! Better use torches and stones.
But yes, big pharma’s profits from the pandemic are obscene. That doesn’t mean you don’t have to trust vaccines. That means you have to distrust big pharma. And it was politicians who let them take advantage of the situation. Always keep in mind who was president when it started. Donald J.Trump.
Your narrow mindedness is remarkable. You are A.O.C. level intelligence. Probably think you can take a rocket to the sun as long as it’s nighttime.
Demonize the generic therapeutics that the pharmaceutical companies work make a dime on. Yep, that’s OK. No liability for the vax providers. Guarantied government payment for testing and vaccinations not covered by insurance. Nope, no opportunity to take advantage of the money availability.
What are you talking about? Seriously? Are you guys just slapping your key boards angrily?
NATO bad because it costs money. Until the U.S. is caught with their pants down and no NATO member there to help.
NATO, like many other things don’t survive without the US paying the bulk of the bill. Every major world event, the US has to pay. The US needs to force other nations to pay their fair share for NATO and the UN and stop giving the taxpayer’s money to people that call for the country’s destruction.
The biggest economy pay the biggest ammount. Seems fair. It’s not like the U.S. wouldn’t profit from these payments and agreements. Real politics and economics aren’t as simple as a populist brain.
America barely does anything in NATO…..another toothless entity that lets others do all the work while it takes the credit! It lost in Vietnam, lost in Afghanistan, it knows it would lose just like Russia is losing!
I think the Americans have better discipline and less corruption though. Quite sure their military is by far more efficient than the Russians’.
By efficient… you mean efficient at losing? Then I’d say it’s a tough call!
Russia lost more wars. And in the ones they won they had help from the Americans and others.
How many wars did Russia win and how many did America….if you can’t answer both of these questions then you don’t know who won more!
How many wars did Canada win? Hahaha.
All the ones they started!
Canada won the war against the invading U.S. of 1812. 😂
They also won world war 1 and 2 and joined before the Americans did in both wars! Canada was willing to fight tyranny long before the US! The US joined in retaliation of what happened to themselves, Canada joined in retaliation to what happened to others!
Well.. sounds like Canada used to be badass. So.. what happened? Now it’s just another parasite country sucking off the US with a tiny joke military. Left me guess.. the Left got into power and poof, everyone turned Trans. It happens.
Many in the U.S. sympathized with the Third Reich. Even send funds to the N4zi party to finance Hitler’s campaigns. They were Republicans. Like Republicans back up Pootin these days. Some things never change. Freedom and democracy don’t go together with Republicans today.
Lol looks like the American got butt hurt! Went hard on his Ad Hominem attacks on Canada, the reason? Because he knows we’re better!!!!
Our lgbqt community whines less than any Republican out their! The lgbqt community didn’t complain about wearing a mask, they didn’t complain about paying their dues, unlike the anti socialist idiots you identify with (cause cops and firefighters are bad according to these said idiots).
But please, tell us all how you republicans are “tough” and “badass” like the American military that won all of….how many wars of what it started? 3 out of 11 was it?!
Oh that does sound bad ass! I bet Putin is shaking in hi…..oh that’s right america is toothless and let an ally get invaded…their excuse? “Well they weren’t part of NATO” but……neither was Kuwait…..sooooo…..
America is a lying sack of sh1t with no balls!
Couldn’t invade a Taco Bell if they tried!
America is copying Ukraine right now and builds up drone forces. They don’t want end up like Russia for their next “adventure”. 🙃
Yes, yes.. So why doesn’t Canada send in it’s far superior military to straighten things out? I mean we all know how scary Canada’s military is.. oh wait. Never mind.
Don’t post for the sake of posting, Bob. It makes you look… even dumber.
He’s upset that his country has lied to him this whole time in telling him it was special….he’s learning Canada does far more for the world than america ever has! We protect people and build schools, America blows them up!
There was a old saying from world war 2 “when the Germans bombed, the allies took cover, when the British bombed the axis took cover, when America bombed, everyone took cover”
You could give him 10 bucks for free and he would be upset.
Hope we see this much engagement when Canada holds our elections soon. But you can bet that will be censored heavily. The usual for Canadastan.
Move! Oh wait you did, illegally, to America! Or so that’s what you say their ol Bob!
From Canadastan right into Trumpistan. 😂