Revolutionary Workout Routine: Get Fit While You Sh*t!

Who needs expensive gym membership? You can actually get fit in the comfort of your own home! According to The SHIIT Workout, Get Fit While You Sh*t book by Jim Squits each bowel movement can also double as a workout! Featured below are some of our favorite exercises from Jim’s revolutionary approach.

Toilet fitness lifehack.

Toilet fitness lifehack.

Toilet fitness lifehack.

Toilet fitness lifehack.

Toilet fitness lifehack.

Toilet fitness lifehack.

Toilet fitness lifehack.

Toilet fitness lifehack.

Toilet fitness lifehack.

Toilet fitness lifehack.

Toilet fitness lifehack.

Toilet fitness lifehack.

If these exercises seem appealing to you, the full list is available in The SHIIT Workout, Get Fit While You Sh*t book by Jim Squits.

7 thoughts on “Revolutionary Workout Routine: Get Fit While You Sh*t!”

  1. This is a great summary of this site.

  2. I am astonished by the number of people with poopy fetuses.

  3. An Elizabethan wench, having a difficult delivery, instructed her doula to “gaze at my other side, betimes my husband doth try me there.”

  4. Yuck

  5. Then don’t visit, turd.

  6. Is it prom already?

  7. Put your head into the toilet and flush. That figure is called “The Trump papers”.


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