Be Careful What You Wish For

Don't rush to grow up. It may not turn out how you imagined it to be. Growing up is a scam!

14 thoughts on “Be Careful What You Wish For”

  1. Is eatliver clinically depressed or something? All it seems to talk about is politics and depressing memes and unimaginative cat stuff.

  2. This post wasn’t political unless you read that into it yourself.

  3. With the Biden, sorry Putin inflation it’s a wonder anyone can eat.

  4. Everyone is experiencing inflation, in no small part due to Russian aggression, you slack-jawed trumpanzee.

  5. Freedom or food. You have the choice, ‘Murica.

  6. GOP 2020 – “I want the government to be as small as possible. They should just get out of the way!”

    GOP 2020 – ” Why hasn’t Biden fixed global gas prices yet? All this inflation is his fault! ”
    (We’ve been running deficits since the Reagan tax cuts. We’ve been printing money and running near 0% interest rates since 2008. )

  7. Get a job, man! I mean, a real job like a plumber or an electrician. I am not sure about the first world countries, but in the third world countries noone with trade skills complains.
    Btw – where are the “second world countries”?

  8. US is a second world country. The just control the labeling. First world countries do not have such problems as part of “normal life”.

  9. Being right of centre in attitude has been great. Because I have an attitude
    to work hard, show loyalty to my employer, and not take advantage of the
    social structure.
    It is a nice feeling to pay one’s bills, buy quality groceries, and enjoy my
    vacation. Having a plus balance bank account, and drive a nice vehicle
    are some of the rewards by taking on responsibility.
    Far too many people are sitting around waiting for government, or family
    to look after them.
    The only dreams most of these people have is to win a lottery, have a mysterious
    rich relative will them a fortune, or marry someone with money.

  10. Being right of centre in attitude has been great. Because I have an attitude
    to work hard, show loyalty to my employer, and not take advantage of the
    social structure.
    It is a nice feeling to pay one’s bills, buy quality groceries, and enjoy my
    vacation. Having a plus balance bank account, and drive a nice vehicle
    are some of the rewards by taking on responsibility.
    Far too many people are sitting around waiting for government, or family
    to look after them.
    The only dreams most of these people have is to win a lottery, have a mysterious
    rich relative will them a fortune, or marry someone with money.

  11. Living the illusion.

  12. If you don’t admit being a loser you can only be a winner, right?

  13. They can’t even get their windows to open. Have you seen what the f…ing Germans do with their windows??? They have transformer windows from the year 3000!

  14. So the Left is killing it right. Their successful policies are working out great! So great that Hiding Biden has Covid, again. Haha. Lets mandate more experimental jabs that don’t work. Lets go Brandon!

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