What Would You Do If You Won The Lottery?

Honesty is the right approach when it comes to strong relationships. Even if the question is “What would you do if you won the lottery?” This couple is an excellent example how to answer this question.

If you won the lottery, would you still love me? Of course I would. I'd miss you, but I'd still love you.

19 thoughts on “What Would You Do If You Won The Lottery?”

  1. Ha ha… quite lame actually.

  2. Why would anybody want to drag in their dirty laundry with all that new money. Send
    them a dear John post card from your new luxury location.

  3. But what if you got the money but you are the dirty laundry also?

  4. Lotteries are rigged, just like everything else that matters.

  5. The leftard way of marriage: be a ***** the whole life (intended for both male and female) and get married when you are no longer able to be promiscuous. Win the lottery = extra years of promiscuity.

  6. Trudeau Derangement Syndrome

  7. Rightard way: Marry too young, hate each other the rest of your miserable days, traumatize your kids, praise God for your f…ed up life or get cancled. 👍

  8. But, but, but, what a stupid question!!

  9. No more Trudeau stuff, he is boring, and not worthy enough for this site.

  10. Is this a real life testimony?

  11. Haven’t been around for awhile….

    What a surprise. The hate filled troll has been here throwing hate at libs and Trudeau. Again and again.

    So sad.

  12. I can‘t see the connection between love choices and the amount of money one has. Guess I’m lucky.

  13. So, you ARE the laundry and you got no money. Sad.

  14. He has nothing else in life. Incel and no friends.

  15. Talk about hate filled trolls 😈

  16. The extremist way of marriage: live with parents and die a virgin.

  17. Or rich.

  18. You need attention?

  19. Please donate for my new project: Truth Island.

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