We Did It!

We won the war against Coronavirus the same way we won the war against Vietnam. It got too expensive so we pretended that it was over.

9 thoughts on “We Did It!”

  1. I expect one every four years. They tend to end in the winter around November.

  2. That’s hopeful, thanks.

  3. Yup stay tuned for COVID 23!

  4. Ahahahaha

  5. The difference is Trump didn’t call those who died from Covid losers or suckers (yet!). What a disgraceful little man he is

  6. Once he feels save he will. He will blame them for their death. Not his incompetence.

  7. Textbook narcissist. There will be books written about that sucker.

  8. You mean by having people not involved in the war tell us what we were allowed to do during said war?

  9. What?

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