How Vegans Think Animals Die In The Wild

It’s true, this is exactly how vegans think animals die in the wild and generally see the world. This website has never been wrong about anything.

How vegans think animals die in the wild.

9 thoughts on “How Vegans Think Animals Die In The Wild”

  1. Older bucks come out at the middle of the day to feed which is unusual behavior as deer come out at twilight which adds the cover of partial darkness. Hunters believe this is because older deer become blind and deaf and develop deer dementia in their older years.

    Assisted living facilities are careful to vacuum the floors more than usual as the dementia afflicted tend to pick objects off the floor and put them in their mouth and choke to death.

    I implore the White House maid personal to keep the floors clean, 33% of Amerika that support the current leadership are depending on you.

  2. Breitbart and Q central miss you, give them a call to show them you are still there.

  3. Do they do a good job cleaning the floors in your home or do you have a lot of snacks?

  4. Trump must have left a lot of turds on the White House floors.

  5. Nahh, those turds are Joey’s. That’s why he got the dog, so he could blame them on him. Because, you know, Joey’s gotta have somebody to blame.

  6. You were unable to use the reply function. That makes it Trump’s turds. Sorry. Sad.

  7. Other than boB, the rest of you just yap to be heard. Smarten up you
    Basement dwelling dinks.

  8. Nice try, boB, you dink!

  9. Irony is lost on you isn’t it, boB?

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