Ukraine’s Borders

Who cares if 85% of Americans don't know where Ukraine's borders are on a map? Neither does Vladimir Putin.

12 thoughts on “Ukraine’s Borders”

  1. Dagnabit he sure is an ugly ball of dung. Short assed runt.

  2. Hope to see this guy dead as soon as possible.

  3. Stop picking on short assed runts. I am a vertically challenged person
    with a great personality.

  4. Put his name on the list.

  5. I’m a big supporter of Putin’s One Russia policy. Also his Suspenders and Path project.

  6. How could he wear supenders? He’s always bare on his upper half.

  7. He looks like he’s got cancer.

  8. Let’s hope!

  9. Putin is happy that Biden has now pushed up the price of oil. He will make billions more selling to China while Americans suffer. Win Win.

  10. China is getting heavily discounted crude from Russia. Putin
    is the village idiot. China is laughing all the way to the bank.

  11. Didn’t know the American president dictates the price of oil for the global market… Do American rightards really believe that bull*?

  12. You probably didn’t know about the Petro Dollar either.

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