Renaissance Artists Were Really Terrible At Drawing Babies

The Renaissance artists repeatedly did something that we wonder about today – they painted babies like miniaturized old men. This was probably due to the fact that the they didn’t have a concept of childhood they same way we do now, so in some 15th and 16th century works, it looks like the painter never laid eyes on a baby.

Some renaissance era artists were terrible at drawing babies.

Some renaissance era artists were terrible at drawing babies.

Some renaissance era artists were terrible at drawing babies.

Some renaissance era artists were terrible at drawing babies.

Some renaissance era artists were terrible at drawing babies.

Some renaissance era artists were terrible at drawing babies.

Some renaissance era artists were terrible at drawing babies.

Some renaissance era artists were terrible at drawing babies.

Some renaissance era artists were terrible at drawing babies.

Some renaissance era artists were terrible at drawing babies.

Some renaissance era artists were terrible at drawing babies.

Some renaissance era artists were terrible at drawing babies.

Some renaissance era artists were terrible at drawing babies.

Some renaissance era artists were terrible at drawing babies.

Some renaissance era artists were terrible at drawing babies.

Some renaissance era artists were terrible at drawing babies.

Some renaissance era artists were terrible at drawing babies.

Some renaissance era artists were terrible at drawing babies.

Some renaissance era artists were terrible at drawing babies.

Some renaissance era artists were terrible at drawing babies.

Some renaissance era artists were terrible at drawing babies.

14 thoughts on “Renaissance Artists Were Really Terrible At Drawing Babies”

  1. These are why we have the expression ‘A face that only a mother could love!’

  2. They all look retarded with wall eyes.

  3. The artists were terrible at drawing people too. Or, maybe that’s the way people and babies really looked.

  4. But those artists are still a million times better than the average EatLiver visitor.

  5. In the Middle Ages, patrons asked the artists to include their likeness in the paintings.

  6. What’s with the “eh… forget about it…” expression and gesture by the kid getting circumcized? ouch!

  7. Speak for yourself Thorfinn!

  8. If I would look like this, I would not like to have my face be seen centuries later. As a matter of fact – that’s why I never allow photos of me to be taken.

  9. Maybe Renaissance babies were just very very ugly. Or even moderately good looking babies were burnt as devils in the market square

  10. ,,,and what’s the best person the Democrats can come up with after 3 years???…A senile, plagiarist, pedophile!

  11. Yup. Thats all they got. Haha

  12. It was on purpose. It symbolizes that Jesus came as a fully developed person into this world.

  13. All those babies look so much like Trump….but better.

  14. I wonder if any renaissance artists ever, when they were painting, stood back and looked at his painting and went: ”yes, that’s exactly what I wanted”.

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