The State of The Internet Right Now

You've been in coma since 2003. It's now 2022. I have an opinion. That's hate speech!

25 thoughts on “The State of The Internet Right Now”

  1. If he’s a conservative she’s probably right, actually.

  2. There is only agreement with The Narrative, then there is racism.

  3. What if my opinion is that I love everyone and everything, and every child deserves a puppy?

    This is one of those memes that just doesn’t make sense.

  4. I crave attention.

  5. This meme’s only sense is to upset conservatives. Boohoo.

  6. Michelle is out of town, lets hook up, Joe will forget about it by tomorrow.

  7. Sadly, the logic in most memes is just ridiculous.

    Straw men, Slippery slopes, false equivalence, etc, etc etc.

  8. You mean Michael?

  9. Conservative; “I’m the victim here!”.

  10. “I don’t care, do you?”

  11. Who are you? I don’t care.

  12. Taco Jill, do you fart after eating a taco. Be honest!

  13. Wow. Not even clever or the least bit humorous. Someone took the time to make this?

  14. His head is full of farts.

  15. It works. Means it’s good.

  16. How does it work?

    It’s not funny, and it doesn’t prove a point.

  17. I am willing to wager Taco Jill is wild in the sack.

  18. She got caught in Joes bed when she was 14 by his wife, who then committed suicide. It’s why Hunter Biden hates her.

  19. You did it. You will never get it. Conservative brains lack the neccessary evolutionary development.

  20. So it was the laptop, right?

  21. What laptop? Thats just a crazy conspiracy theory like vaccines not working and killing people or the Great Reset, or lying about Russia Gate being manufactured by Hillary Clinton because the is so scared of Trump. All nonsense. Now go get your 5th jab.

  22. What, no laptop now? What happened with you trumper lot? Is your fascist narrative collapsing once again? Sad!

  23. Trumpists are like their leader. Ugly on the outside, hollow on the inside.

  24. All I have to do is say Trump and I automatically win the argument. Doesn’t matter if it’s out of context, every context is Trump. Trump is all things. It’s we think about on the Left. 24/7. Trump, Trump, Trump.. he lives in our minds always and forever because we’re sick twisted Fuc#s.

  25. Only in your head, buddy. And in Trump’s maybe.

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