Slight Misunderstanding

The doctor said I should touch myself whenever I feel like it. No! He said you could have a stroke at any time.

24 thoughts on “Slight Misunderstanding”

  1. Hahaha… argh

  2. Here’s a fun test. Listen to your Government and your main stream media, it’s easy, they speak in one voice. Then go to or or and search for the same stories you heard about. Yes there is garbage on the sites just like YouTube and CNN but these sites are uncensored and the information isn’t redacted. Then you can actually make up your own mind about the important matters of the day. Use The secure browser duck duck go if your worried. I know many of you can be jailed over Facebook posts. People complain that there is no place to go to get the truth anymore. It’s sad, but you have to dig a bit and listen to all sides. In the middle is the truth or at least as close as we can get to it. Merry Christmas!

  3. * you’re worried.

  4. Right. Pick the sources that fuel your conspiracy theories. It must be the truth.

  5. What do you have to lose. Try it. I think it might surprise you how redacted the media really is. And it’s not “conspiracy” if it’s true now is it.

  6. Some people complain there is nowhere to find the truth anymore….. Those are the people who don’t like the truth and search for something else.

    If something is true and verifiable, it will end up on wikipedia. Errors get removed and they have references to prove everything. “some dude on the internet” does not.

  7. Grammar Nazi! Everyone loves grammar Nazis. Because it’s SO important to be perfect 100% of the time and never make a minor error as humans do. But rest assured the grammar Nazi will be there to point it out. Everyone loves those personality types. Everyone. You know I’m kidding right? People loathe that personality type. Do better.

  8. But your conspiracies aren’t true, they are B.S that you accept because it feels more comforting than the truth.

  9. Here’s the thing though – if you aren’t smart enough to know when to use your vs you’re, then you lack credibility in everything else that you say…

  10. There it is… cancel culture on full display. Don’t just test the theory yourself and make up your own mind. Criticize it. Undermine it. Cancel it. Reeee! Shut it down because it doesn’t fit your narrative. But trust me, out there are normal rational people checking it for THEMSELVES. Making up their OWN minds. That was the purpose of giving them the sites. Your cancel Culture is failing. Your identity politics are failing. The internet oligarchs are failing. Try to be just a smidgen open minded and try it for yourself BEFORE you cancel it.

  11. So does that mean the Joe Biden is an idiot because he can barely complete a sentence? Nothing he says or does has any merit because he misses a word now and again? Wow. The world looks totally different viewing it through you perfectionist lens. Thanks.

  12. true that

  13. Drinking bleach is bad for your intestines. I’m sure you disagree. Please, test it. For yourself.
    Only morons think they can falsify science on their kitchen table.

  14. True. Let’s eat Grandma. Or let’s eat, Grandma? No doubt Grandpa was a Grammar Nazi back in the 1940’s. Or a Grandpa Nazi?

  15. As if your beloved leader Trump has ever formed a coherent sentence. So sad. Covfefe.

  16. Your Vs You’re Everybody has typed a mistake like this at sometime or another. It doesn’t actually mean that every other word in their statement should be ignored.
    There, their, they’re grammar Nazi. Everything’s going to be ok.

  17. ok fine. Make up your own mind. Go ahead and touch yourself if you want.

    Funny how some people get triggered over nothing. I’m not even sure what qualified as ‘cancel culture’ on this page. I just see comments about fake news.

  18. Enjoy your fish bowl

  19. So even if you voted for Biden, if anyone disagrees with you, then the go to slam is to call them a Trump supporter. Even if their not. Is this a preschool site?

  20. It’s either one or the other. US will be split soon. One half for Russia, the other for China.

  21. The US is going to be just fine. Worry about yourself. Gary Glitter haha.

  22. Haha, no Brit here. Laugh is on you, Hillbilly.

  23. Oh canada… when will you learn that being poor doesn’t make you more virtuous. And don’t even get us started on Justin Pierre Trudeau.🤣😂

  24. He didn’t call you a brit. Gary Glitter, much like you, is a pedophile. Why are all Communists pedophiles?
    Childish gambinos the lot of you.

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